
first steps to survival (1)

As I moved, I realized that beyond the noise of the wind there were no other noises, neither bird nor animal. This made me fear that I was in the territory of some very voracious and dangerous predator or something even worse. a naive part of my decision to think that maybe it is some peculiarity of this world and that there was not that or at least not in that area. my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the water course, as I approached the source without taking any precautions I saw that it was a not very wavy river and quite long, I got into it little by little and noticed that it did not drag me; so I decided to shoot myself in it and go clean my bloody clothes as much as possible. While I saw the traces of blood dissipating in the water I noticed my reflection for a second, taking me a great shock to see myself 10 years younger but then I went back to the parasitic plants and I deduced the possible cause or rather I assigned it to them whether or not they. I was glad of the discovery of this rejuvenating effect and other possible beneficial effects that this grass could have, I left the river and noticed that when I moved the stones with my steps, there were many bugs under them. some of them appreciated to those who were on earth only that their colors were different and more striking and others much rarer as a completely armored worm and a winged milpies as an example; However, I did not stop before these strangers or analyze them. I simply took the ones that seemed more harmless and after a little washing of earth in the river with the help of my fists, I washed them. I decided to try directly without chewing because the idea of ​​doing it disgusted me but I think it was worse because it was twisted in my throat, a certain part of me no matter what option I chose was with the idea of ​​vomiting at the idea of ​​having than eat them. However, there is no option, I do not hear animals all the way and I cannot afford to wait, maybe the one that crosses me luckily is hervivor but still I would not be safe if this was territorial since it would be just as dangerous and aggressive that a carnivore and without taking into account that it seems that every living being in this world has some ability or special adaptation. Without exception the insects he touched fought back with his ability, even the ones that didn't seem to have any were ridiculously stronger than those that did visibly have one.

I got away from the water when I noticed that this was like growing, at first I felt half reluctant to do it because it was not raining as it would be in danger of a flood, however things on that planet do not have to work as they did in the Earth so I decided to stay away and be cautious

Suddenly I saw in front of me that the water grew very fast in an instant. and at that moment fish of all sizes and colors jumped out of the water. These uhian each other resisting being devoured while some went down to the ground and shook the insects in it devouring them in one bite. None of these fish seemed to have noticed me and I hid when I saw them, fearing that I would become their target.

I was glad that they didn't even notice me even though I was looking at them from the corner of my eye and possibly my movements in conjunction with my silhouette could have been glimpsed. Surely it was due to the fierce competition that existed between them that they did not. I was scared to see that the fish reached the size of a car and that the flow of the river was only increasing, but I also noticed that this flow was controlled by the large fish, not letting the water get far away from the school allowing it to flow easily through the river without leaving it and remaining on the ground. If any of them came out, it was eaten, and the hunting competition that existed between them had a limit, only between certain sizes they could hunt each other. The phenomenon happened quickly and the fish continued with their life as if nothing had happened and the water went down to its previous point, luckily for me some fish remains could be seen there and there; When I saw this I was very happy to have some meat and to see that there was something that I could try to hunt in the future with some fish traps. although I have no idea how they are done I can learn from trial and error or at least I hope so. I also hoped that they do not realize the traps and look for me and attack me, the skills they showed were somewhat fearsome, the good thing is that none of the pieces of meat that were there fell near any special plant or at least that I could observe it; As I picked up I noticed how some plants moved around these pieces and dragged them deep into the ground with some dread. Luckily these did not seem to be many and abundant to worry about them, however I memorized their appearance so as not to sleep near them and thus not be eaten alive.

I did what I could to keep the remains in my pockets despite how unsanitary it seemed, in an emergency maybe these remains could save my life; luckily for me they did not emit a fish smell or at least not strongly like in a fishmonger this fish smell was quite mild and also the remains did not seem to contain spines. Although the remains were thick like bones, these were large and easy to spot and remove, I kept some that looked more like daggers or other weapons but without fili; of them it would be easier to make a weapon by sanding them in some way than to figure out how to make weapons with stones.

After improvising several backpacks with the little clothes I had and some bones, I managed to store a few pieces of food and bones to make weapons, I also took a few sticks and stones; but due to my bad luck I didn't see anything with which to make a rope. Maybe I can do it with the fiber of the sticks but I do not know how well it is that it is done, I hope it is not difficult. My abundant harvest made me happy. I only had to look for a place to take refuge, however I did not see anything to use as a shelter; the trees are all hideously wide and tall to attempt the idea of ​​climbing somehow. The worst thing is that they do not even have twigs that I can use to try to reach the largest, the closest branch is several meters high which I doubt I can reach even with the help of a ladder; although I found liana and put together something to help me climb the abnormal height that they have and sleep in one of those branches. I continued walking along the river course, although the logic would be to go downwards, I did not want to go in the same direction as the fish, just in case the remains of the mimes would possibly attract any animal that might be out there, although I doubt that I do not hear signs of life from any.

I did not see traces of any place that could contain a cave that I could use and if I did see it I doubted if I would be lucky enough to find a place like that uninhabited, I kept walking and the day kept passing and to my bad luck it was already sunset and nowhere to rest he had still found; and just when I was losing my hope I see in the distance a plain in the middle of all this forest in which only some long and strange grasses inhabited it and in its center a tree low enough to be able to climb. As I needed a rope to climb the tree and also to tie myself to the branch on which I was going to camp, these long grasses helped me, which were so high that they reached my shoulders, although I was afraid that a predator would hide in them. to go through them with great care; I did not want to stay to sleep on the ground in this strange environment and I was already beginning to want to darken the sky. I barely managed to climb the tree before it was completely dark, luckily the grass was thick and resistant and I did not have to stretch it in order to increase its resistance; something that I only know in theory as and doubted that I could put into practice. I took a few more grasses to develop activities on the tree until I could sleep and sleep, which I doubted I could do despite the physical fatigue of my body due to the tension and discomfort of my current condition; And after securing my makeshift bags and myself with grasses, I started with these activities. There were many things to do and little time, luckily I managed to discover how to sharpen the bones with a stone after a couple of failures; I really don't know how I hit the nail on the head with the moves I had to do. I really wanted to keep trying more things but fatigue was stronger than my desire to do something else and I fell asleep seeing a starry sky in which I could see a marine green moon and a purple moon surrounded by stars, a beautiful sight in addition to being seen clearly galaxies and nevulae; I could even see the spiral arm of one of these cover a good part of the sky while little by little I was heading towards the world of dreams.

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