
Setting In and The Beginning

[iT hURtS, pAIn, sUFfErInG]

The voices didn't stop. No matter how much I wished for it to go away, it never did. It was foolish of me to think that I wanted this. That at one point in my life, I wondered what it would be like to be a weapon that controls unlife.

It hurt...no matter how I looked at it. The pain won't go away, no matter how many times I cried and begged, because compared to the screams, I was nothing more than background noise.

It surprised me really, that I was able to stand up to act normally that day. Sleeping was something I hated. The screams always got louder when they knew I was there.

Having the ability to control death itself...was not as amazing as I thought it to be. Screams of the dead begging to be brought back to life, was....

I didn't want to think about it, surprisingly he already set me up. It was so tragically simple that I was actually amazed. Moving houses take a very complicated process...I think.

But when I woke up, it was to a normal house. Stocked up nicely, cleaned absolutely swell and my neighbors greeted me nicely. I could do nothing but smile and wave as their children or partners begged for me to give them a chance to talk to them.

It was painful.

I smiled and continued my day, and continuously smiled, so much that my face hurt. "Are you okay there Matt?" I smiled and nodded. He looked worried but dropped it and gave me a carefree smile.

His name is Jurai Andou, he had unruly black hair with confident teal eyes, he was also a chuunibyo. He was wearing the school uniform, which consisted of a red coat, white shirt, a blue tie, white pants and light brown shoes.

Which was also what I was wearing.

"Come on Matt! Why don't you just join our club?" He asked, trying to persuade me. I was surprised when he came up and greeted me with a smile. I honestly didn't expect to know anyone in this world.

Judging by Angra, which is what I named him, Evil god and all. To just mess with me and give me no social interaction.

"What do you even do in your free time anyway? Why don't you just come over and I can show you all the wonders of the twilight?" He posed, covering his face with his palm.

I laughed, I wasn't honestly expecting him to do a JoJo move on me. But the darker thoughts of my mind always came up.

[kILl, KiLl, KiLL, kIlL]

"Haha...I don't know. I thought the Literature Club was your harem huh?" I teased him, it was funny watching him get all flustered and try to deny it.

"W-what no! B-but it could be a possibility! They may have fallen for my devilish charms!" Ah. There goes his optimistic line of thought.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Andou, why would anyone of us would like you?" A red-haired girl came up and smacked him at the back of the head.

She was Tomoyo Kanzaki, though she denied having any feelings for him, she was clearly blushing up a storm.

"Ah! Why would you do that Tomoyo!" He sulked and idly rubbed his head. I laughed, maybe taking away her attention from him for now.

She blushed when she noticed how indecent her actions may have been and quickly bowed to apologize.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't notice you were there with this idiot." She bowed twice, I sent a pitying look towards Andou and he clearly stepped back as if shot.

"That's kinda sad my dude." I whispered to him and he gave me a slight punch on the shoulder, my instincts roared and I grabbed my hand to hold myself back.

Gnashing my teeth, it finally calmed down. "Shut up dude! Don't be like that!" He shouted at me and I responded back with a smile.

Tomoyo coughed and grabbed both of our attentions, she smiled slightly, "Uh..are you planning on joining the Literature Club?" She asked but I was hesitant.

Watching the anime barely gave me any information on the events that happen but I do know when it started. I pretended to look as if I was thinking about it but I took a look at the trees.

It was shown that the canon started when autumn was there and the leaves were already bright red, just like right now.

I didn't know what I should do, I could go and join now but everyone would obviously know if I didn't show any signs of an activated power....but I can't show them..

Not because of the cliche stuff but I feel like what I'm suppose to be doing is in the Literature Club. Tomoyo and Andou seemed eager to hear my answer.

So I smiled and nodded, Andou cheered and Tomoyo gave a slight sigh of relief.

"That's good, why don't you go and get signed up." I nodded and went our merry little way.

Nothing really interesting happened during the process, I just signed the papers and they both welcome me to the club, and now, we're on our way to the club.

We passed by a few other clubs on our way and while some seemed eager to recruit eventually stopped when Tomoyo directed her glare towards him, I sent pitying glances at Andou, though he seemed confused about it.

I knew who was whipped in this relationship.

"Well we're here!" Andou eagerly exclaimed and hurried to get inside but as soon as I tried to go in as well, he pushed me and Tomoyo out.

"Huh? Bro what you doing?" Andou instantly did a dogeza and begged.

"Please Matthias! Stay out just for awhile, the both of you." Pretending to be confused, I nodded as Tomoyo sighed in annoyance, she looked at me with a bright smile.

"First time?" She asked and I quietly looked away, "Not exactly."

After a few minutes of 'Oofs' 'Ouchies' We were finally allowed to go in. Andou was on in his knees, holding his hands shaking.

"Ooooh! My hand! Stay away, I might endanger you!" He cried out with a dramatic face and I watched as Tomoyo ignored him and took her seat.

Patting him on the back, I did the same. On my chair of course.

"I can't believe you guys would play me like this." Andou cried, and I did my best to make sure he tastes my pity.

[yoU shOuLD gIVe hIm PiTy, oNlY dEAtH]

"Shut up..." I couldn't help but let out and thankfully both of them didn't hear it. I tuned out the rest of their conversations because they were just mostly arguing about his sickness.

Aka his Chuunibyo syndrome.

A few minutes of annoying argument that only served to make the whispers harder, a new face joined in. She is Hatoko Kushikawa, she seemed like an air-head but wasn't..? It was complicated. She had pale pink hair tied into two braids, and had light pink-linen eyes.

She was also wearing the school uniform but she wears a light yellow sweater that is a little too big for her resulting in covering her hands.

Though, just like Tomoyo she had feelings for Andou. Totally ship it. Wasn't lying when this dude had his own harem.

Andou did his act and I watched a Hatoko called an Ambulance, Andou quickly threw the phone at my direction before scolding Hatoko.

"Yes? I'm so sorry for this misunderstanding, our friend is such a worry rat sometimes." The other line laughed.

"No, no it's fine. I get it. Though please do take care not to call this number so carelessly." I nodded,

"Yes, yes. Sorry for my friend once again."

I hanged up and watched as another person walked in, this time it was a loli. Another harem member.

She is Chifuyu Himeki, She had gold hair that goes down to her waist tied into two twin-tails with two small, red hairbands. She had olive eyes and was wearing an elementary uniform.

She was surprised to see me in the club, probably wasn't expecting any members soon. But...ARGHGH!


It hurts. It was painful than anything else I ever felt. Like a nail hammered into your skull as it's slowly cracked open.

Everyone seemed to notice my pain as Andou quickly dropped the act he was performing and quickly supported me up. I was sweating and panting.

I didn't know what made her so different...it just hurt.

"My my, you guys have certainly brought an interesting member to the club." A mature voice spoke and I struggled to take a look.

Sayumi Takanahi. That was her name if I think properly. She had long, way purple hair with orange eyes. She was by far the tallest out of all the girls and ahem, more packed in other places.

Andou looked concerned as his grip on my tightened, "I'm not sure what's wrong with him, maybe I should take him to the clinic." I shook my head in denial, it surely wouldn't be helpful if I accidentally make them lose their chances to get their abilities.

"No..I'm fine, it was just a headache." Andou's face shifted into one of anger but held himself back, obviously Tomoyo was not so nice.

"Just a headache?! You looked like you were about to have a seizure!" She tried to drag me by the arm out of the door, but before she could, the place where Andou would have stood if I didn't intervene started to glow.

It was theory, but I thought that the light just appeared perfectly at Andou's hand, otherwise his ability wouldn't be just to manipulate Amaterasu-rip off.

"W-what's happening!?" Sayumi shouted worriedly and moved her body to block Chifuyu. but all I did was close my eyes. This was all happening to fast for my liking.

Can't believe Angra would send me at the start of the canon, too bad I didn't really do much Setting in, considering I was already settled in though I wonder....what is my purpose here in this club.

[pLoNDer GoD'S gIFts!]

Harem or No Harem?

Romance or No Romance?

Feel free to suggest any worlds he should visit.

TrapOfRedcreators' thoughts
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