

It was funny at first, seeing everyone freak out when they found out they suddenly gained magical powers, truly..it was funny.

Until I found out what I needed to do, Angra was truly bitter. At the point that maybe I can't even fathom, I read about it in a few books but didn't it say that god's rely on prayers for power?

So why was Angra so powerful when no one knew about him? I certainly did not or maybe he is something well known, I never got his name in the first place.

"Hey. Why are you spacing out like that?" Andou get me out of my thoughts, It was so fascinating sometimes on how he formed such an attachment to me so quickly. Maybe because his flames was evil in nature?

He had gained the ability to summon a black ball of flame on his hand, but it was lukewarm at best. It was already months when they started to mess around with 'God's gift'.

Everything was so...dull.

I had nothing to do in these months except endure the endless whispers, I can tell that Angra changed me.....I, the Doomblade has also been changed.

I wanted to....make them disappear watching them laugh around as they throw around what people consider miracles. Maybe I was just bitter. Bitter that I was stuck like this and not them.

"It's nothing Andou, I just like to watch your harem go around and snuggle against you like a wet kitten."

"W-What harem! Don't say such things Matt! Tomoyo! Matt is bullying me again!" Tomoyo had been browsing through the massive bookshelves they never seem to use before turning to me with a sigh.

"Can't you just stop messing around with Matt? You already refused to show us your powers." I nodded with fake pride.

"Of course! It's not bad to careful right?" Surprisingly Sayumi agreed with me, "I guess so, you never know if anyone overhears us or accidentally stumbles onto us practicing like this."

Oh right, I forgot to explain, every month they would host a special event that would measure if anyone's ability changed in anyway. Andou also provided them with chuunibyo names.

Tomoyo : Closed Watch.

Chifuyu : Creation

Hatoko : Over Element

Sayumi : Route to Origin

Tomoyo allowed her to stop time, manipulate it, same jazz but she can't go back in time. Chifuyu allowed her to make anything with matter, even space. Hatoko allowed her to control Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Lightning.

And finally Sayumi allowed her to restore something to it's original state, I was afraid of her the most. Not of her personality but the sheer things she can do with her power.

I wasn't afraid of what it can do to someone, I was afraid of what it could do to me. Will it change me into the DoomBlade? I knew I always had this switch but I never had to do it.

So lost in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice Sayumi coming closer, "Ahaha! You know Matt! You never let me use my abilities on you, are you secretly dirty and just don't want to be teased?" She pointed out.

And I felt my body react when her hands landed on my shoulder, everyone watched, watched as I quickly turned around in shock and fear as I slapped her hand away.

She pulled it back with shock as well, on her hand, a nasty bruise was already forming. "D-don't touch me." I barely managed to get out.

I was scared to being the Doomblade again, it was much worse than I thought. The sensation. The sensation as they crawled over your body, your flesh and mind, begging to be released, begging to be summoned by your grasp.

I almost lost myself, If it wasn't for the fact that I had no wielder...maybe they would already be dead. "I..I'm sorry." She whispered as the bruise disappeared. Probably used her ability.

Everyone stared at me with worry and shock but also some hidden anger, It was good, it meant they were still ignorant.

I packed up my things and quickly opened the door, glancing back one more time, I walked away.




"Are you okay Sayumi?" Hatoko asked, cradling her hand, Sayumi nodded but looked towards where Matthias left.

"D-do you think I did something wrong Hatoko?" Hatoko shook her head, "It's fine, you didn't know better, besides. You can always just apologize later." Hatoko finished with a bright smile.

Though Sayumi was still worried, she eventually relented. "Are you sure nothing like this has happen before Andou?" Sayumi asked as Andou shook his head.

"No. I always felt that he liked physical contact when we hang around." Sayumi was confused, she just didn't know what caused this behavior.

"Maybe it had something to do with that time when he first meet Chifuyu?" It was a sort of taboo topic for everyone at club, but everyone was kind of desperate for some sort of answer now.

They been Matthias for months now, though they hate him a little for hitting Sayumi, they were hands down more worried about him.

Matthias has been fine with Chifuyu for awhile now, he can even sometimes be seen playing with her. Though not fully believing it, Sayumi nodded.

"Yeah, he looked like he was about to have a seizure when he first meet her. But why?"

Everyone looked at Andou for answers, but all he can do was shake his head with a worried expression, "I don't know...I really don't."




[wHY dO yOu hEsITaTE?]

"Because it's useless, there is not point in taking such weak gifts.]

[lIeR, yoU wOUlD sPaRE tHeM?]

"So pushy today, why? Tired of waiting for so long?"

[YoU mAy bE tHe DOoMBlAdE bUT I aM MoRE SupeRiOR tHeN yOU!]

"Haha. Really? Then why don't you do it yourself?"

[fOoL, I oNlY nEeD sOmEtHInG WorTHy oF mY ENeRgY!]

"Which is me isn't it?" Matthias retorted emotionlessly and this time, the whispers went silent. Matthias was frustrated with the unknown entity residing within...himself.

His hands shifted, blurred, as it transformed into the blade part of Doomblade. Just in time to hear a gasp from behind him.

His eyes widened as the cackling laughter of the entity roared with full force, turning around it wasn't someone he expected to be.

It was Mirei Kudo, she was just a supporting character in the anime but she also had a supernatural ability, It was the ability to steal other people's abilities.

She's also the Student Council President, and ALSO has feelings for Andou, surprise surprise.

"So that text was true." I heard her mutter, it was shown in the anime that she found out about the Literature Club first thanks to the message but it seems to have changed. Fascinating.

"Student Council President, what are you doing at this times..?" I questioned hesitantly, changing my hand back to normal. She shivered when she noticed the skulls where my forearm used to be but looked fascinated as it changed back to my hand.

"So you really were another ability user, I just need to know the other 5." Oh, it seems this time she doesn't know the Literature Club but the message was targeted to me. Interesting.

She got a message that the Literature Club was full of ability users like herself, so she stalked them basically.

"Nevermind, it doesn't matter right now. What I'm going to do is steal your ability." I was anxious but excited.

"What are you waiting for! Aren't you going to take it!" I don't know how it'll work considering it's not an ability but more like...a skill?

She closed her eyes and concentrated and I feel something slipping out of me and before I knew it.


It was....quiet. There was no whispers, no urge, nothing. It was just...me.


I worriedly watched as Kudo vomited out all of her stomach's contents. "W-what is this?" She muttered, staring at me with horrified eyes.

"W-What kind of ability is this!? THE SCREAMS THEY WON'T STOP!" She clutched her head, yelling incoherent words.

[wHaT iS tHIs BOY!] I heard the slight sliver of his thoughts connect to me, but they were easily cut off.

I was fine with this, no more whispers, urges...but..is it okay to just leave her like that? A big part of me wanted to end this nightmare.

Eventually, I came to the decision. "Give it up Kudo, just give back the ability." She weakly stared at me before it was back.

The biggest I ever felt, the lashing words as they dug deeper and deeper. It was the most painful thing, more painful when I first meet Chifuyu. But I also feel their resentment, their resentment at me abandoning them.

She panted, out of breath as she stared at me with pity and horror, "H-how can you handle all of that? How can you still smile?!" She shouted at me.

Smiling down at her, I answered. "Because it's the only thing that's going to keep me going."


"Matthias! What are you doing to Mirei!"

And there they were.

The Literature Club.

Amma go to sleep now.


TrapOfRedcreators' thoughts
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