
Try to Make a Peaceful Place

ZhenVent1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 The Truth

After I introduced myself the three of them looked surprised.

"Is there something wrong?"

I asked, but the three of them looked like they were hesitant to say anything.

"I'm sorry if I'm rude to ask this"

The maid Jean is talking to me, in her voice there is little shaking when she asks.

"What is it?"

"Is miss Luna from a noble family?"

"Well, my parents are noble but they are already deceased because of an accident, so I don't know if I am still noble or not."

After I answered Jean, the three of them discussed something.

After a few moments Jean is talking to me again.

"Miss Luna about your parents, can I know what they call? "

About my parents?, it is really difficult to answer I know her is spends a lot of time with her parents but what I remember is that the maid and butler always call them Lord Nyphlia.

"I don't know what they are named because the workers there always call them Lord or Madam Nyphlia."

"Is, miss Luna really from the Duke Nyphlia family?"

"I don't know what you mean is there a problem with my family name?"

"No, it is just Nyphlia family that has saved this kingdom from invasion from other countries"

I don't have words for that It looks like her family really has a great reputation.

"But, I want to know why Miss Luna works here?"

Well it is because my uncle makes me work here but her question makes me wonder if this house I really considered as a maid.

"Before I answer that question, can I know what the Nyphlia family relationship is with this house family"

The three of them looked so confused but the chef Kel answered my question.

"They don't have any relationship, if I remember."

So that is how it is, the man who says he is my uncle actually does not have any relationship with my family.

Basically he probably wants me to come to his house so he can get my family wealth.From what Jean is asking why I work here that means my family is wealthy enough for one person, but she is surprised that I work here, there no one knows my real identity.

"Thank you for answering my question Kel"

"O-Oh, is nothing"

"And Jean about my question the Lord of this house says, he is my uncle and makes me work here, but Kel says there is no relationship with my family and this family, and I want is this really true or not"

I look at them seriously,and they look nervous.

And then Kel answered my question.

"That's true"

I close my eyes, and calm myself.

"Thank you"

I thanks them for telling me this story, I open the door and exit the kitchen.

I go straight to meet pretend uncle of mine.But I don't know where he is, so I just power so search him.And look like he is in the same room with some people in there that are probably the dining table, so I'm not in a rush I walk slowly there.


"Stop there! "

Before I arrived at the dining room, two people stopped me, one of them was the maid who arrived in my room and the other one was a man.

Who is that man is her boyfriend or something, this is really annoying.

"What is it, I'm really busy right now.Can you move aside? ."

"Not so fast, I hear from this maid you try to harm her!"

"Doesn't she want to harm me because of that she comes to my room."

"Do you think I believe that, from what I look at her hand is injury after meeting you."

"Well,that's just a little accident."

"Don't try to make excuses, now come with me!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me. I take a look at the maid on the side,and she smiles.

This is really annoying.They man who is pulling me stops pulling me harder as he can but I didn't move.

I grab his hand and throw him to the wall.


"Now can you move aside"

I try to leave after I throw him, but he stops me again.

"You, don't think you can leave easily after doing this to me!"

"Is you a really important person, I just see a trash human in front of me."

"You, insolent I am the proud knight, how dare you mock me."

So he is a knight, I think he is just a gardener.

"You're just a lowly slave, don't you dare to mock me!"

Slave?, huh now that's interesting.

"Say, you call me a slave I want to know what that means?"

"Huh, that's not necessarily because you died here!"

He, drew a knife from his back, and pointed it to me.

"Really, annoying"

He, ran to me and looked like he was trying to stab me. I don't move and look to his face there is just rage in there.

But the knife stops before it stabs me.

He tried to push the knife harder but there was no move.

"W-What happened, why I can't go any further. "

I kick him in the face and take the knife he drop.

He tries to stand, but I use my power to make him lay down.

"W-What is happening I can't move my body"

I stand beside him, and point the knife to his neck.


"I ask again, why did you call me a slave?"

"It's your doing are released at once, you are a dirty slave"

He is really annoying, I move the knife to his palm and I slash it.


"This is the last warning, why did you call me a slave, or this time is your life"

Once again I pointed the knife to his neck, he saw me with an afraid look and looked like the maid had already gone away.

"T-That because the Lord brought you here, and without any introduction and the Lord say that we can just ignore you, so all workers here think you are a slave"

"Is that true, well then why did the maid I just meet in the kitchen not think of me as a slave"

"T-They probably a new worker here, a few days ago the Lord is ordering that he needs new recruitment. "

"Is that true? or are you still hiding something?"

"That is only I knew please spare me"

I released him so he could move, and then I broke a knife in my hand.

"Leave now or else."

He ran through the hallway and I made my leave.


After a few moments I arrived at the door to the dining room.

I opened in and saw a man, woman, and child sitting and eating breakfast. And another two people standby.

I smile and finally I can have the answer why he brought me here.