4 Time Skip And Happy Childhood

At that moment, the door to his room began to slowly open and an old man entered it, he walked over to my crib, looked at me, and then grabbed, lifted me in his arms and began his monologue.

-Oh, granddaughter, forgive grandfather, I was on a mission and came as soon as I could.

I thought that this is the true nature of the Zoldyk family, they are ready to defend what is dear to them, Killua is proof of that, he was ready to go at least to the end of the world for the Gons, oh, I think soon this relationship will turn into daily torture and training.

-Hoho, okay, I'm going to visit Killua, but don't be angry, grandfather will definitely come to visit you.

Having said this, he went out the door, and here I am again alone in the room with my thoughts on the idin.

So, during this time, 3 years flew by at a fast pace, a lot of things happened, namely, I met the whole family, saw my older brothers Illumi and Milluki, the first struck me with his big black eyes and rather large stature, the latter was not as fat as in the canon, but it was clear that he began to gain weight.

For a year I was fed poisoned milk, as I understand it? Yes, right after every meal I had a stomach ache, we see that it was a weak poison or something like a laxative, at night Kikyo told me and Killua stories about her mission, soon Alluka was born, seemingly an ordinary child, but not quite as we know.

When Killua and I were two years old, they began to train us, forced us to carry weights, and also mixed a stronger poison in food, I got along well with Killua, but I also had a good relationship with my older brother Illumi, that about Milluka I he hardly saw him, he began to lock himself in his room and play different games, buy figures of different characters, in short, I didn't talk to him much, soon he was born and Calluto khem khem was mistaken not born but born yes yes he was in shock but like here Calluto is not a boy but a girl, but oh well, are there any problems? I have? no, well, that's decided.

Well, finally, my third year since I was reborn, but I'm not complaining, but it seems that it is from the age of three that the Zoldykov family begins to practice torture on children, and also starts serious physical training.

And so I go down the stairs to the main hall to have breakfast.

-Good morning everybody.


Everyone in the room answered in turn.

At dinner, my mother (yes, after three years I began to call Kikyo my mother, well, I myself am not against a good woman, although she shows a little fanaticism towards her children and I was no exception) turned to me and Killua.

-Alostar, Killua, are you ready for a new training regimen?

She asked us.

- Yes, mom, I'm ready.

Killua wandered lazily.

"I'm ready also because I'll become a good killer if I don't train."

-You, my baby, I love you so much.

Across the table, she reached out to me and Killua and hugged me so that my bones began to creak.

- Calm down, Kikyo.

Silva said in a stern voice.

- I have no way to hug my own children.

Mom pouted, but sat down

After breakfast I was picked up by one of the butlers, namely Tsubone, but Kila (this is Killua Maloli)

I took Goto well, in principle, the rules.

We went to train at a specially equipped training ground and experienced different situations, they forced me to run, do push-ups, squat, hide, and so I spent until lunch after I was released, I went to dinner at the table, my mother asked how it went, I said that it's difficult, but I'm holding on ... After lunch, Tsubone met me again and told me to follow her, we went down to some basement, there was a kalidor with a bunch of doors, we entered one of them, and there I saw that something like an operating table with a bunch of wires, and they told me to heal, I realized what was going to happen, I was scared, I wondered if I could handle it? And so they connected these wires and paneslasi to me.

At first it tingled a little, but the pain increased from the skill of pain resistance, I lasted a little, but after a few minutes I began to scream.


This went on for several hours, I felt sorry for myself, and then I scolded myself, saying that I was a weakling and stuff like that, and I imagine that it helped.

This is how my childhood began, day after day it all started with the fact that I got out of bed, went to the toilet, then had breakfast, recharged, tortured and slept.

Sometimes I can play with Killua, Calluthai or Allucai. I saw that Keel's psyche was changing a little, I encouraged him, although I myself was not in the best condition, after that we were not only brothers, but also real friends, sometimes I encouraged him, saying that all this is good for us, he is me sometimes he reminded me of my words, then I thought how pathetic I was, the child encourages me, and then I let go of the nurses and pulled myself together, and now our brotherly ties were so strong that I was ready to believe that I was ready to protect him at any cost, at least with your life and this is not a joke, believe me, when someone understands you, feels the same that you experience it every day, you penetrate him, and I penetrate Killua.

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months passed, and so another year passed unnoticed. I already turned 4 years old this year, I went through a lot, experienced torment of pain, love for my brother (not what you think, heh) and one of the most important points is that I completely accepted Alice (this is a system, if someone forgot) as her teammate, she is also one of those who supported me during my torment of pain, for which I thank her.

I also became strong enough, learned 5 languages, began to get involved in programming, learned a few top killer tricks, learned to draw and play the guitar, but I began to live to the fullest, that before the torture I decided that if I feel pain, then I am alive after of how I began to perceive torture in this way, it can in no way be called torture, I also gave this advice to Keel, and he seems to feel good too, he began to get involved in skateboarding and also smile more, we often walked along the foot of the mountain, played hide and seek, caught up and again I felt like a child to enjoy life, that's what I want. I want to get everything from life, I want to try everything.

So, I go to us, where Kilam and I play, and having nothing to do with myself, I decided to look at my status a long time ago. I did not see him.


Name: Alastor Zoldyk (Yegor Roru, Langvor)

From level-3 to the next (100/400) (with each level the amount of experience will increase by 100)

Age: 4 years

Achievement activated: Immigrant, God of Space / Space, ???????

Soul Level-1 (Normal Soul)

HP-80 MP-0


Strength-5 (reminders about the physical characteristics of an ordinary person are at 1 and now compare, also keep in mind that our hero has no restrictions on the growth of characteristics)


Stamina-8 (so thrill of torture)

Vitality-8 (so high due to torture)

Energy - 0 (locked) types of energy that you own - none





Skills: Active Cosmic / Cosmic God 1, Erase / Restore 10, Devourer 10, You Are My Stand 1, Pain Resistance 60, Poison Resistance 40, Electricity Resistance 50, Dark Step 20, Claws 25, Snake Awakening 10, Score 10, Programming 10 playing guitar 15.

Skills: passive-ideal memory (no levels), eternal youth (no levels), photosynthesis 10, echo rhythm (no levels), stealth 30, detection 30, langvist (no levels).

Additional Information:

Lifting weight-300kg


Travel speed - no more than 150 km / h (also depends on the situation)

The reaction rate is a little slow to be pulled by a bullet.

Vision is 200m, further - clouding.

Heart rate -90 / min (usually) can be reduced to 40 / min.

The processing speed of information is three times higher than the speed of an ordinary person.

Holding your breath-5 min.


Hmm, not bad, also during this time I raised the level of eater and erasure / restoration due to the fact that I erased and gobbled up the leaves, I also got photosynthesis, well, quite useful in my opinion, endurance is restored faster and I even get some vitamins for the body, as you understand , I also learned a few skills to attack or disorient the enemy, I also pumped stealth now I am not so easy to spot.

Well, now I have already approached the place of our meeting,

I go up there and see him, he sat down under a tree and sits, noticing me, he immediately greeted me.

-Hi brother, I want to ask you something, what do you think?

He asked me.

- Of course, if it is in my power.

-Great, then let's arrange what you say

-Hmm, come on.

-Heh, I'll show you how strong I am.

- Yes, of course, like last time.

- It was an accident.

Having said this, he threw away the skeite that was under his arm and disappeared from under the tree.

I didn't look at him anywhere, heh, it's not so easy to hide from me, after a couple of seconds I bared him and rushed in his direction.

He immediately jumped out from behind the tree and asked me.

-How did you find me so quickly, brother.

"You just can't hide well.

I replied.

Then I quickly went up to him, clenched my fist and hit him on the cheek, of course, not with all my might.

He dodged and hit in the torso in response, I also pushed the bodies to the side, and we continued to exchange blows.

"And you've grown since our last fight, Killua.

I told him.

-Thank you, this time I will win you.

He answered me.

And we continued our sparring, he used the echo of the rhythm, thinking to confuse me, but it didn't work for him and he got hit in the torso, flew into the trees, all the air came out of him and blood flowed out of him. his nose.

-How are you?

- Nothing wrong.

It was clear from his face that he was in pain and that he was suffering, but he got up and attacked me again, another exchange of blows and another blow to the torso fell upon him, this continued several more times, as if I were playing with a child I got too wound up and hit him in the head, he threw it and hit the tree, losing consciousness, when I realized what I had done, quickly ran up to him, checked the pulis, threw Keel's carcass over his shoulder, ran to the mansion, when I received the carcass, I passed Kila Goto's carcass, and he took it to his room, a few minutes later, the maid told me that my father was calling me, I immediately ran to his office, knocked and after the permission came in, my mother was there and they asked their fathers what happened, so I explained to them that we decided to spar, my mother started scolding me, saying that we could get hurt, and that they would no longer do this just under someone's supervision, I said that I understood everything and went to my room , sat down on the bed, covered his face with his hands and ...

-Why I agreed, I am guilty that I could not restrain myself.

I knocked everything out of bed, attacked and unconsciously began to emit a lust for blood, but I did not notice it because my mind was filled with anger directed at me.

| A new skill Bloodlust is unlocked: you can unleash your bloodlust on the enemy by intimidating him, how effective bloodlust will be will depend on how many living creatures you killed / you killed: 66 / infinitely | (if it's a cockroach, there are midges, cameras, etc.)

After a while I calmed down and left the room and went to take a shower, after that I was told that Keel woke up and I immediately ran to his room, when I entered his room, there was no one, only he I ran to him and spoke.

- Forgive me, Keel, I didn't want to forgive my brother, forgive me.

He is very dear to me, I did not want to lose him over the years, he became not only a brother to me, but also a friend, an interlocutor, I did not want him to hate me.

But he looked at me with surprised eyes and said.

-For what you are sorry, I offered you sparring, everything is fine, really.

The big brother's complex is understandable.

-True? I'm so glad ... I'm so glad you're okay.

And I hugged him, he was a little puzzled by this, but then hugged me back, then we talked a little, and I went to my room to sleep, because tomorrow is again a long day ahead.

Ha, I finished writing well, I wanted to write a little character, maybe it didn't work out very well, but I tried very hard, because this is my first fanfic. I'm waiting for criticism and advice, but I ask everyone without profanity for now!

Next chapter