1 Timeless



There are many things I want to ask someone, many times I would hesitate and many times later I would just shut up because I am bonafide coward.



Many times I would regret, many times I would later grow angry and at the end of all those times I would feel that helplessness which I will be feeling now.



I don't think I have ever been so clear headed all my life, not the day my parents died, nor the day, my relatives left me because my parents were bad kind of people, not the day I cried on my foster grandmother's arms when I needed that most




Nor those days when we would scrape the money for daily food, nor the time when she would share her food with a dog who sleeps around the broken house, nor the time when her body went cold.






I was never so clear headed all my life.

I am Leon and I am a coward

A coward who failed to gather courage to confess his feelings to a girl he liked, a coward who can't stop his student from jumping from the building, a coward who who never dared to walk out of his comfort zone.








Finally this coward grew courage to admit to himself that he is dying when many brave people would want to live in ignorance rather than to face reality.






For I walk alone on this lonely road

Unknown to world, its people, and myself

For things we live for, and for things we die for Willingly or unwillingly,

Either as a saint

Either as a demon

For I lived like an coward

So I will blame myself

For I am who I am

And never be so clearheaded

To be who we are
