
chapter one

Gift is a very genius child. Very creative and hard-working girl. She got so many job opportunity in different companies but guess what she preferred to work in her late parent's company.

She brought riches and wealth to the company with her clear and brilliant mindset.

Gift is excellent at what she does, but she didn't trust anybody. She works alone, eat alone has no friend, live alone and do so many things alone. She goes to function only from work, and she always leaves there after a brief arrival because she felt anxious and uncomfortable around people.

Likewise, she has so many enemies at work. They think she is very proud because she is not friendly. There are few that don't judge her, that love her because she is very intelligent.

Mr. Stephen is Gift father's friend. He always tried to talk to her, but she didn't give him any attention.

It is time for their company to get a new branch in UK. She travelled to UK for another branch.

After almost a year that the company is successful and is time for her to come back, She went to cinema to watch a movie. There was a little girl who sat next to her, her name is joy. The little girl is trying to play with her, but she got irritated and pushed the kids away, she always felt uncomfortable around people.

She hallucinated that the kid has a suicides bomb on.  She become more irritated and embarrassed and leave the cinema.

She cried out loud inside the car and feel irritated of wanting to hurt a little kid.

The next day, Gift met Joy and her father, MR Rich, on the plane. When she saw them, she tried to hide with the newspaper covered with her face because she still felt embarrassed of what happened at the cinema.

Mr. Richie saw her and moved past her without blinking an eye. The little girl look at her and gift still cover her eye with the newspaper.

(After several months)

There was a board meeting in the company, there was an issue that threatened Gift position in the company.

The company hold gift responsible for failure operations in UK branch and there was a massive loss to the company.

They wanted to choose someone that can associate with people and carry people along very well.

The board members gave her 31days to amend about the company or resign from the CEO post.

Gift has no one to go to or someone to talked to.

She discovered they need marketing strategy of how to market their product.

The company loss is coming from the small demand of their products. The competition in the market is tough.

They need good marketing team for their company in UK.

She has to board a plane back to UK. She tried to get all the marketers on board and find a way to make everything work, but unfortunately is not working.

Furthermore, she is tired of everything and spend all her day at the office.

After some hours she is about to leave the office, she collapsed at the office door.

They rushed her to the hospital.

She had been hospitalized for two days.

She woke up.

Furthermore, she didn't allow anyone to touch her. Likewise, she hallucinated that they want to kill her, and she is screaming, she fainted again.

After several hours of examined

The doctor asked if there is any close family or friends, they said nobody.

She woke up again. She started shouting they should not touch her.

The doctor tried to calm her down. Gift asked for her phone that she needed to be discharged now.

The doctor tried all their possible best to calm her down. She kept on shouting, they want to kill me and take my father company.

The doctor gave her another injection.

The hospital decided to transfer her to a psychiatric hospital.

She overheard them while she was sleeping, she talked to herself that she needed to calm down if not her worst fear will become reality.

The words have spread to them In her country in the company that she has been hospitalized, and she needed to be moved to psychiatric hospital.

The board members call for emergency meeting that they need another CEO, and they concluded that they will hold an election next coming week.

Some board members are against it that one month given to her as not exceeded, that they need to wait till the normal deadline given to her.

They voted for against or not against. But the vote result is equal.

It remains her father's friend Mr. Stephen to vote, but he voted not against her.

Some board members are not happy with Mr. Stephen.

They said all what they are doing is for him to become the next CEO, that a small child and a psychiatry patient cannot be ruling over them.

Mr. Stephen didn't say anything, he walked away.

Gift was still at the hospital pretending to be sleeping, waiting for the right moment to run away

The hospital, but unfortunately, one of the doctors named Rick noticed that she is not sleeping.

Rick tried to talk to her while pretending to be sleeping.

He said, why are you afraid. What your story, what makes you this way, I know humanity is dangerous, but we need to live our life to the fullest. We didn't get to chose, we just meet ourselves in the society we were born to,

He said there is 1 second between life and deaths if there will be any harm, she will have die already.

Furthermore, he advised her to try to read her bible and goes to church she will find peace.

And also to leaves everything to God He will take control he said.

She opened her eye and cry.

Rick said if she kept on shouting, she will be transferred to psychiatric hospital. And he said he knows she won't like that idea.

He promised her that nothing will be happened to her.

And asked her what can he do to make her calm down?

She said with rude voice, if you can let me escape from this place.

Rick said she needed to be treated that one of her kidney is not doing well, she needed treatment before further damage. And he said anything else he will accept.

Gift told him to sign an undertaken that if anything happened to her, they should take him responsible.

He said it will be very difficult, but he will do it to protect her, that she needed to undergo operation if not she will lose her life.

Gift requested for her phone and called her company lawyer to bring the agreement.

Rick colleagues at work questioned him that what is his problem.

They asked him why going too far because of a stranger he doesn't know.

He said he believed that nothing will happen to her, that she just needed someone to care for her that she is depressed. That he believed in God Almighty to take control.

Gift asked Doctor Rick that she want to have a walk and doctors Rick insisted on walking with her

She said no, that she have never walked with anyone.

Rick said he would like to be the first because he is putting his career and life on the line for her.

She said that is none of her business, that the lawyer will soon arrive for proper documentation to proceed for the operation.

She walked with her, on their way, they meet the little kid and her father Mr. Rich and joy.

The doctor greeted them and asked about the little child health and her father Rich reply that she is fine, he said they are just back from Nigeria and come to do checkup for her.

Joy saw her hospital friend when she was admitted and tell her dad she wanted to go and meet her, pointing toward her direction.

Gift didn't wait for doctor Rick, she has already gone while Mr. rich and doctor Rick is talking.

Gift is looking at them and wondering what kind of sickness did both of them has at a little age, and remember when she lost her parent.

Joy saw Gift crying and wonder why she is crying.

Joy went to meet her father who is talking with doctor Rick and told him that cinema girl was crying.

Doctor Rick saw her going to the elevator side, thought she wanted to run away, not knowing she is avoiding Mr. rich, she still felt embarrassed of what happened at cinema he run to her and Mr. rich followed him.

Doctor Rick called her and said

After I put my career and life on the line for your health you still don't trust me, I don't know what to do again.

Mr. rich said that, What do you mean Rick, don't tell me you want to sign any shit for this spoil brat, I can't believe you even think of this.

Gift feel dizzy and want to fell, then Mr. Rich grab her.

They carry her to the ward, and she dreamt about being dead, and her supposed enemies were laughing at her that she have to make their work easy, saying they eventually succeeded of using the trust issue to kill her.

Doctor Rick asked Mr. rich that did he know her and Rich explained what happened at cinema to him.

Doctor rick said it is not her fault that he taught there is more to her because she is acting strange, and it might be


She had woken up, but pretending to be sleeping. Doctor rick saw her and knows she is awake and talked to her again.

Mr. rich then said we don't have to trust people, but we should give people chances to prove themselves and through that time one should pack anything that can harm in the process. That is,

Give people chances to prove themselves without letting your guard down, he said.

Be smart enough to study people. Be friends with everybody and try to study them.

Mr. rich then tell doctor Rick that he would like to take his leave. And they both leave.

Some minutes later, after serious thinking.

Gift called for Doctor Rick and told him that she is ready for the operation without signing of any personal documents.

Doctor Rick is happy and went for arrangements.

It about time for the operation

Doctor Rick asked Gift that can they pray together before the operation, and she said yes, and he prayed with her.

Then she was taken to the operation room.

The operation was successful and gift was transfer back to the ward.

But unfortunately, enemy were everywhere.

There was a nurse who received a strange call from a strange person that she should make sure that Gift cannot be discharged alive.

The nurse enters Gift room, but Gift was awake, and she didn't allow anyone to touch her except doctor Rick.

The nurse insisted that she cannot leave without giving her ingestion.

Gift hold her hand and warned her to get hell out of her room. But she is weak, she cannot hold the nurse for long. And she pressed the emergency button.

Doctor Rick is already on his way to Gift ward. He entered and saw gift trying to stand up from the bed.

Doctor Rick quickly hold gift because she is about to fell down and asked the nurse what happened.

The nurse said she wanted to give her an injection, but she refuses.

Gift said that the nurse should not touch her and get the hell out of her side.

Then Doctor Rick asked the nurse to go away, that he will be the one attending to her.

The nurse then take her leave and went to make a call and told the strange person to wait till the right time in order not to get caught.

Gift tell doctor Rick to please discharge her, that she has some work at the office to finished. She insisted and beg.

After serious arguments and thought,

Doctor Rick promise her to put her on house addition that she will be able to work and put her mind at rest too.

Then she agreed and she was discharged.

Doctor Rick follow Gift home to take good care of her and monitor her health condition, but Gift is always on the laptop working.

Doctor Rick is tired and told Gift that, he can't continue treating her again like this, that she is not giving her body rest and not letting the drug and ingestion to work, probably.

Gift then said that her life will be useless anyway if they take the company away from her.

She said she has only two weeks left for her to look for solutions for the company.

And I need to meet one Mr. Benson Rich.

He is a strategic marketer,

He has worked with our company in Nigeria before,

And I like his work.

His advertisement company is one of the best in UK until it was closed down.

And I don't know how to get his contact.

Rick promise Gift that if she rested at least for just a day, he will get Mr. rich for her.

She asked that, did he knows the Benz Rich she is talking about.

He said she should promise him that she will take a rest.

She said ok, I will try my possible best to relax.

Gift close one eye and open eye while sleeping, she can't sleep.

She kept on talking to herself.

She didn't trust the doctor, but at least she can use him,

But if I was killed by the doctor before using him so who use who, she talked to herself.

Doctor Rick try to check her pulse and temperature.

But discover her temperature Is high and want to give her ingestion.

Gift quickly wake up and refuses that she won't take any ingestion that she will be alright after a little rest.

Doctor tell her to relax that he is going to get Mr. Benz rich for her, and he takes his leave.

Gift quickly get up and locked herself up inside the room, and she kneeled to pray.

The following day, doctor Rick asked Rich to follow her to somewhere.

He didn't know where he was taking him to until they arrived at Gift place.

Rich then asked why did he bring him here?

He then apologized for not telling him anything before.

He said he didn't know how to explain and asked Gift to explain to him.

Gift asked are you Mr. Benz, Rich.

And he replied yes, and so what?

Gift asked again are you a marketer, and he replied, hope no problem.

Gift asked again about his advertisement company, and he was angry and about to leave.

Doctor Rick try to calm him down and pleaded with him and tell him she needed his help.

Gift then said, please I'm sorry for the other time, I can't explain to you in detail about my condition, am sorry.

I am deeply sorry.

Gift did not believe it is the man she is looking for and went to check the documents to confirm if he was really him.

She saw the pics but still, Gift try to check the nose, the eye, the lip before believing them and stylishly asked questions that will not annoy him.

Mr. Rich said he didn't understand why they brought her here, that what is the problem.

Gift said she wanted to offer her a job as the marketing manager of their companies. And asked him why did he close down his company, that the company is doing so great and is very popular among international companies?

Mr. rich said he didn't need any job, that if he needed any job, there are so many companies that is willing to gladly receive him.

And also he asked Gift who is she to be asking her about his company.

He said he is not interested in any job again, and he left.

Doctor Rick followed Mr. Rich to talked to him and persuaded him, but unfortunately, it went in vain.

There was someone who is monitoring Gift moment.

When Mr. Rich is talking to the Doctor, Rick noticed a strange movement in front of Gift house.

He saw one person standing unnecessarily and looking around. And he felt something is strange.

He told doctor Rick to let them pretend as if they have gone.

They walked away. And called 911

The stranger person entered Gift house and the house.Gift thought is Rich and Rick that was outside.

Gift is working on her laptop and facing the front direction and the person was coming from the back and is holding a gun and want to shoot Gift.

But unfortunately, Rich and Rick save Gift and the gun hit doctor Rick hand and was rushed to the hospital.

They were unable to catch the suspect.

Gift noticed that the suspected person escaped through the back, and it was sealed with key

She was then thinking who could have taking the key to open the back door and was thinking it is Doctor Rick or Rich.

Gift talk to herself that she didn't think they can do it and if is not them, who is it.

In the hospital

Doctor Rick is on the hospital bed begging Mr. rich to help gift

Doctor Ricked begged Mr. Rich to help Gift.

Mr. Rick asked him what is his problem with Gift, why insisting on helping that spoiled brat.

Doctor Rick fainted.

Mr. rich rush to press the emergency bell and called the doctors.

Gift entered the room and asked what happened.

Mr. Rich didn't answer.

Gift go out and stay in one place and begin to pray.

Mr. Rich look at her and said to himself, so she knew how to pray, and I might be wrong about her.

I don't know she cares about others.

Mr. Rich then join Gift to pray and they both sat down, and he asked Gift if she wanted to eat anything that she have not taking anything since.

She said no.

Mr. Rich stand up to buy something for Doctor Rick and get his daughter favorite ice cream too.

He entered and met Gift with doctor Rick. He saw her praying for him.

Gift saw the ice cream and was surprise that they are still producing the ice cream that it is her favorite when she was a little child.

Gift and Mr. Rich started gifting about his daughter and laughing together.

They both forget they are once an enemy.

Rick woke up and saw both laughing, and he thought it was a dream, and he close is eye back.

Mr. Rich then offer gift the ice cream, and Gift screamed and hallucinated again that there was a poison inside the ice cream.

Rick woke up and quickly hold her.

Gift comeback to her senses and quickly change the topic.

Gift told Rick to be careful next time and not to try to prove anything to her.

She said When you build your personality on the foundation that aims at pleasing everyone and torturing your mental states, then you're bound to end in misery.

And also I am using you, I didn't trust you and me won't trust you, and please don't hurt yourself because of anyone anymore.

Human being is not worth it. She said!

Rick said

You don't trust anyone, at least be extra kind to everyone you meet.

Because they are human beings who have lost something, fear something and love something.

That is what I am doing, and I will continue doing it.

Gift went out.

Mr. Rich asked Rick if he is alright, and he said he should please help Gift.

He was angry that he didn't like how the girl behave sometime, that she is too rude and crazy.

And doctor Rick said that

There is a possibility she is crazy, but she is a combination of intelligence and beauty.

Mr. Rich is angry and went to meet gift.

When he got outside, he met Gift crying, and he cannot even Express his anger again, and he said

I will help you.

But you have to sign an agreement.

Gift said.

Of course, yes, we follow business procedures.

Business is business.

Mr. Rich tell her that he needs to take his leave.

Gift said.

When are they starting the deal?

He said any time she likes.

They both concluded to start at a specific time.

Mr. rich and Gift started working together in the same office.

They work together every day with the marketing team.

They seek help from other marketer expertise that Rich have work with in the past.

Furthermore, they were successful in making an impact in the company.

And everything is getting better in the office.

After two weeks it is Gift birthday.

Mr. Rich was going through some documents at the office and saw birthday pictures of Gift with his parent and saw that today is her birthday.

Mr. Rich went out to preview their work. And discovered that it was successful, that the demand is getting higher.

Rich is thrilled and,

He saw Gift favorite ice cream, and he bought some alcohol and cake to celebrate.

Gift has already relieved great news about their product. And also their advertisement rated no1.

Mr. Rich and Gift are about to enter the office, they met each other and can't wait to share their good news with each other.

After sharing the news. And Rich saw Gift being happy for the first time he knew her.

He wanted to give her what he bought, but was afraid she won't collect it.

Gift asked Rich what are these gifts for.

Mr. Rich said they are all yours.

Today is your birthday and I don't know how to tell you happy birthday because you might not like it.

And all this gift is yours, but I don't know if you will take it, and the alcohol is for the rest of staff to celebrate.

Gift didn't know what to say, and she said, let drink and celebrate with the staff.

Mr. Rich called the staff to sing for gift.

They celebrate with cake and drink and went home.

Gift drink alcohol for the first time in her life.

She said she feels good, and she wished to go to cinema house.

But Mr. Rich insists that she was drunk, that he will take her home.

Mr. Rich take her home and Gift insisted on watching movies together with Rich.

After arguments, Gift kiss Rich passionately and hug him and said thank you.

She then fell on the bed and slept off.

Mr. Rich feel empty like they have taken it away.

He breathed heavily and said.

It must be alcohol and slap himself to wake up, and he covered Gift up.

He cannot leave Gift alone in the house because of the last incident and sat beside her and called her daughter caretaker to sleep with her today.

He called her daughter that he won't be able to come home and try to explain that he has to attend a midnight meeting.

Joy told her father that she was delighted to see her father working again and not to worry about her.

They both talked and gist and slept off without hanging up the phone.

Gift wake up in the middle of the night and see Mr. rich sleeping next to her.

She quickly stood up and try to think of what happened after she drank, but couldn't remember anything.

She said,

Oh my God, what has gotten to my head, oh my God.

I wish I didn't misbehave last night.

Oh, God! Help me, don't let me lose my guard, protect me, don't let my enemies laugh at me.

My God my savior you are my friend, you are my parent, you are the only one have been working with since childhood. Father God, let me find peace. She prayed.

Mr. Rich wake up and see Gift praying, and he joined her to say Amen.

Gift apologized to Mr. Rich and asked him if she misbehaved last night, and Mr. Rich said no.

Furthermore, that he couldn't leave her by herself because of the incident that happened the other day.

She told doctor Rich that he should take good care of his daughter.

And she thanks him for the birthday he threw at the office, and thank him for all the sacrifice and time he spent on all the project.

She said, she is going back to Nigeria soon and that he should forget about any friend he is trying to make with her.

She said I don't have interest in people. I hate people who show interest in me.

She said the only relationship between me, and you are business partners, nothing more.

Mr. Rich said, who have interest in you.

And he talked to himself, that after kissing me first, you have the gut to say I have interest in you.

What did she take me for? How dare you.

He was angry, he then takes his leaves.

Gift arrived in Nigeria.

The board members hold a meeting to impeach her.

The Election is hold and the vote result is out.

The vote result is 50 50.

Gift entered the meeting.

They were surprised to see her.

Gift then cast her vote and she won.

Gift said.

I don't know that I have people that care about the company so much that voted for me, wow.

I will make sure to make you proud, thank you very much.

And those of you voted against me too, I will prove myself to you.

And also I will root out all the bad people in this company without leaving any one of you.

The international brand is successful, and our company is more stable now and is in good hands.

I will like every one to support me and let do great job in making our company no1 in the whole world.

And one of the board members Mr. Andrew said,

I would like to say something,

I am one of the people that voted against you,

not that I have any grudges against you, or you are incapable,

just that you are single, and I have problems with that.

We don't want people to look at our company and said it was handled by an irresponsible woman,

This is the picture that was taking while you were kissing one of your business partners In UK.

He showed the picture to the rest.

And the rumors were that you seduce this man to help you with the company.

And also, they said, that how you are seducing all men to help you with this company since all this while.

Rumors are spreading on the internet.

He said they should all open their phone, that all the blog have already carried the rumors.

The way people are saying we are using female to bring in more investors in to the company is spoiling our company name, and I don't know what we can do about it.

People are thinking, are you the one managing this company by yourself all this while,

Or those men are helping you.

Gift was shaking inside her but don't want to show it, and she tried to look strong.

Gift continued her speech and said

Like I said, all the enemies of this company will be rooted out, excuse me.

Gift takes her leave without denying or accepting the rumors.

The board members started murmuring.

The news had reached the office in the UK.

Mr. Rich is in the office going through some documents and see Gift birthday pictures he saw before.

He said Gift parent look familiar and gift was beautiful when she was a child, but now very stubborn.

He suddenly remembered the kiss and snap out of it.

Furthermore, he said what wrong with me

And remembered what doctor Rick said to him in the hospital that gift is combinations of beauty and intelligent and wonder why he said that.

He is planning to visit doctor Rick at the hospital.

On his way out, he saw the staff gossiping and murmuring,

He wondered what they are talking about.

He drove to the hospital to meet doctor Rick.

Furthermore, he saw him in his office and try to ask about his body and he was surprised to see him working already with his body condition.

Doctor Rick saw Rich and give him a blow.

Rich fell down but didn't understand what going on.

Rick said,

You cannot kill this one as you kill your wife,

You cannot destroy her life as you destroyed your dead wife life.

Stupid fool, you are shameless.

What do you want you to keep destroying every one life?

What the hell do you want.

Rick show him the kissing pictures.

Rick was furious without hearing Rich side of the story.

The hospital staff try to walk Rich away.

Rich didn't know what to do.

In Nigeria

Gift was thinking of when did they kiss and the flashed just comeback to her head and she said I cause this mess?

And I have to fix it.

Her secretary knocked.

And she entered Gift office and asked her that can she cancel the program with the press today because of the rumors going on.

Gift tell her not to cancel the press conference.

And the secretary said the press are waiting.

Gift stand up and walked in to the press conference pretending to be strong.

She sat down and greet everybody and talked about the program they want to launch to help brilliant student in the society and to celebrate them by making them the celebrities through the program called The genius.

All the genius from different school will come to one place to showcase themselves.

Furthermore, we have WAEC student, jamb student etc

And all this Examination council we have in Nigeria will come together to announce their highest scored student, and they also can benefit for this program.

They will be able to showcase themselves and represent brands.

These will enable them to become face of various brand.

It will also make the other upcoming generation to focus on their studies and know that they can also be celebrated through studies.

Instead of the press to focus on the beautiful idea given by Gift to help the upcoming brilliant student.

They all shift the attention to her kissing pictures.

And asked her about who is the person in the pictures.

And Also they heard that the person is a widower.

That did Gift know about the deceased wife.

She was shocked to heard that.

She realized that someone is manipulating the situation and said to herself that definitely someone is spreading this rumor on purpose.

Gift stood up and said all of us are the problem of this country.

She said my relationship with anyone cannot help the country to be great.

Instead of us to focus on how our country will be a great nation. Your focus is on my personal life.

But to not destroyed the beautiful moment and program will want to launch to help student I will tell you that am officially dating, and I will not discuss my personal life here.

Please — let concentrate on what can make our country great.

She is silent all the press, and they started to asked questions concerning the program.

She finished up the press conference and headed to her office,

She locked her office door to relax on the chair.

One minute later, she stood up to pray.

She prayed for God to show her the way.

In the UK

Rich cannot go to the office and started drinking all days.

Gift called him and he rejected the call.

Rick was drunk and wasted himself on the floor.

The Caretaker and his daughter saw him on the floor wasted.

They lift him and take him to the room.

Joy wonders what wrong with her father.

He loves drinking, but have never seen him wasted like this before. Joy said.

Her caretaker tells her she is living, and she should lock the door very well.

Joy locked the and go and checked on her dad.

Gift called again and joy picked it

She said she is trying to get hold of her father, but she can't reach him

Joy said

Please who are you

Gift Said is her colleagues at work

Joy said do you know what wrong with father, he had been drinking all day.

Gift confirmation is to check may be Rich was behind the rumors, but she said she didn't think it is him.

She told joy not to be worry that her father will be alright And to tell her father to give her a call when she woke up.

Joy said alright

Joy stared at the window to feel the breeze, and she discovered that there is someone who looked like ninjas staring at their house.

She quickly close the window after some minutes she checked back again but couldn't see anyone.

She run inside to check on her dad, and he is still sleeping. Furthermore, she slept beside her dad and slept off.

Rich wake up and see her child sleeping beside him.

He stood up and went to the corridor to received fresh air, then he saw two ninja trying to enter their apartment.

He quickly woke her daughter up and take the back door to escape.

The ninjas broke in to his apartment, but they are gone

Doctor Rick called Gift and begin to shout at her on the phone.

Why did you kiss, why did you allow him to kiss you, what the hell?

Is that why you want his help?

Gift said what wrong with kissing someone,

is there any particular reason I can't kiss him?

He is an adult as well as I am.

Or are you a gay because I don't understand.

Are you both dating?

Gift say doctor Rick is funny,

Rich and her daughter goes to Doctor Rick hospital because is not too far from their house

They rushed inside doctor Rick office while Rick and Gift are talking on the phone.

Gift heard the sound and asked what happened.

Doctor Ricked hold joy and said what happened.

Mr. Rich explained everything and said they have already called 911 on their way here.

Gift cut the phone, she didn't know what to do.

The police called that they have arrested the culprit.

Rich and Rick rushed to the police station to confirm what really happened.

They arrived at the police station and see the loan sharks.

The loan shark greeted Rich that longest time.

Rich said please, I don't understand why you broke in to my house, did I have any business with you?

After so many years, that I paid you off our debt, what are you looking for again.

Rick asked which debt.

Rich said it a long story.

Rick said I want to understand everything,

It seems I don't understand anything about you, I don't

Rich turn to the loan shark and asked again.

What are you doing in my house, that you bring ninjas in to my house.

The loan shark said I didn't come to your house to hurt you 

I just want to return the money your wife sent to me before she died and the documents she asked me to deliver to you.

But unfortunately, you moved from where you are living before.

And I thought nobody is at home and just want to put it inside peacefully without anyone noticing.

And you want me to believe all this shit you made up.

He gave him the documents.

And said I think those that kill your wife is inside the documents too.

Rich checked documents and see Gift picture and his wife, but Gift is very young in the picture.

The loan sharks said the person inside the picture is responsible for his wife death.


Rich said, so you want me to believe that my wife sent this money and the picture to me,

Why now,

Why did you bring this after all this year's?

I thought you want to rot in jail if you don't tell me who put you up for this.

Doctor Rick said

Please I am lost, can anyone explain what going on here for me?

The loan shark gave him the letter written by his wife to show the handwriting.

Rich saw the handwriting, but he still not confused.

He asked Rick to let them go.

They both leave the police station.

Rick asked him to tell him all about the deal between him and the loans hark man.

He asked him to leave it for another.

Rick insisted on knowing about the loan.

That he remembers that he is the cause of the death of his sister death

He is the one that send her to Nigeria to their useless father who abandoned his family.

You should have stopped her that time, she will be alive now.

I begged you not to let go of her.

But you didn't stop her.

Rich said he was sorry and accepted that it was his fault.

Rick insisted on knowing about the loan, but Rick didn't tell him.

It is on weekends

Gift went to boxing class to train.

She is thinking of what won't have to cause the attack on Rich.

She thought she was the reason he was attacked.

Furthermore, she is hitting the opponent hard, she had lost it and started hallucinating again that she is fighting with a terrorist.

The instructor quickly hold her to stop her hurting the opponent, and she snap out of it and collapsed.

She was taken to one corner, and she woke up.

They help her to stand up.

After some minutes, she called Rick and asked him what happened.

Rick explains everything to Gift.

Gift then try to call Rich, but he is not picking.

Rich is on the laptop searching about the documents sent to him.

But everything is pointing to Gift company.

Rich then called Gift that he would like to come to the company in Nigeria.

Gift said why all of a sudden.

Rich said when he arrived, she will know about it.

Gift said no problem, but just make sure the company marketing department ok before leaving the team.

Rich said, no problem.

Rich went to the hospital to see doctor Rick.

He told him he is leaving for Nigeria very soon, that his wife death is not natural.

He said there is more to it

Doctor Rick said,

Yes, I know since my sister dies have been doing some research about her death.

That why I insist that you should help Gift.

Rich is surprised.

So, you know that her death is coming from that company, and you insist I should help her.

Yes, I know what I am doing.

Just go, I will meet you there.

And that company will be destroyed soon by me.

That company is the only reason my father leave us and only reason my sister dies.

And also Gift mental health is because of that company.

Rich shows the pictures of Gift and his wife to Rick.

Rick didn't look surprised, as if he knows something

I don't understand this pictures, but I will make sure to find out what really happened between this two.

Rick asked Rich to contact his dad and go yo the company through him.

Rich said he had already called Gift.

Rick said

I have my reason for saying it,

please, I will explain to you later.

Contact my dad

They hold another board meeting.

The board member introduces another new member

Rich is the new member introduce to the company.

Gift saw rich but not surprise

She said to herself,

human being, they are very unstable and unpredictable.

Gift accepted Rich as a new board members.

The board members congratulated RICH for success of international brand.

And all of them is trying to make Rich carry all the glory for the international brand.

Gift said

Please excuse me, I have another important thing to do.

Rich tried to talk to Gift, but Gift didn't give him any attention.

Rich is inside his new office.

He tried to find all about the documents sent by his wife. But couldn't find a clue.

It's been 1 month already and Gift didn't give Rich any attention.

They work separately.

Rich didn't know how to get Gift attention.

Rich tried all the possible means, but it's all in vain.

One day, Gift finished at the office and about to leave.

Rich entered her car that she should drive him to anywhere, he didn't mind.

But Gift is about to get out of the car and Rich show her the picture of his wife.

Please, can you tell me how you knew my wife, he pleaded?

Gift is surprise and said.

She is your wife.

And said she dies because of me.

Rich said,

I don't understand what do you mean.

Gift tell Rich what really happened.

She said suddenly she was introduced as a board member.

She is the daughter of my dad friend, MR Stephen.

Furthermore, she was a UK base.

Likewise, she is a good person, but I don't trust her.

Furthermore, she tried to warn me to be careful all the time.

But I don't give her attention.

She is my rival in the company.

One day, I have a meeting with the foreigner investors.

She warned me not to go that she will go,

but I didn't listen to her.

I went to the meeting

But unfortunately, I didn't see any foreigner, all I saw was a group of gunmen.

They asked me to sign a document of transfer of ownership of the company.

And I was pointed a gun on my head.

I don't know who informed the police, they arrived at the scene to safe me.

Then Your wife entered where I was tied up.

And I was shocked to see her.

She untied me and said she will explain everything to me

That is the last statement I heard from her before she took a bullet for me.

She is a friend that I missed having.

Since then, have been having hallucination about terrorist.

This picture was taking by her in one dinner party we attended together.

Rich blame himself that he shouldn't have let her come to Nigeria.

Gift said every time new members, it is a sign that is going to be bloody.

I just want to say, am sorry about your wife.

I know I am going to pay for not trusting her and cost her life to prove her trust to me.

Likewise, I was in pain.

Not only that, but I couldn't even have friends or anybody to call my own, and I cause the death of a good friend.

I am sorry.

Gift drive Rich home.

This is the first time Gift drive someone to her house in Nigeria.

They both drank and cried all night and slept on the floor.

Rich wake up in the middle of the night.

He saw Gift on the floor and carry her to the room.

Rich put Gift on the bed and Gift wake up.

They both stared at each other for almost 10 minutes before snapping out of it.

Gift asked Rich what is he doing inside her room.

Rich said am hungry, I am looking for what to eat.

Gift tell him to go to the fridge.

Gift stand up and followed him to the fridge.

They feel intense around each other, and suddenly things get awkward.

They started kissing.

He carried Gift on the table and try to unbutton her.

Gift quickly snap out of it.

Rich apologized for losing her mind.

He felt embarrassed and went to the corridor to sit down.

His heart didn't stop beating. He said oh my heart want to explode. Oh! This is not my plan, he talked to himself.

Gift heart too started beating fast and try to hold her breath. Why am I breathing so fast?

What is wrong with me, why am I feeling this way, I am losing it already.

Gift compose herself and go to the corridor. She sat beside Rich and talk about his wife.

She said,

Your wife Is your no1 fan, she mentioned your name always and rain praises on you that you are her boss and mentor.

She said you're a good strategy marketer, but she didn't mention that you are her husband, and I don't even know she has a kid.

If I have known, I will have search for you since all this time.

But I promise myself I will try to find her mentor that she always sing his praises.

You trained her to be a good marketer.

She is the best strategy manager that ever grace our company and very brilliant.

I miss her so much.

She cried.

Rich hug her and said it's alright.

I would like to take my leave.

Alright, let me drop you at home.

Rich said she should not worry, I will take cab it almost 6 o'clock already.

He called a cab and he took his leave.

Rich take his leave, he had already planted chips inside Gift house.

He wanted to confirm if Gift is telling the truth.

And Gift saw him when he is planting it in her house but pretended as if she didn't know.

In the offices

Rich and Gift see each other, but snub each other at work because they feel uncomfortable about what happened at Gift house.

Gift can't concentrate on work, she said,

Oh my God, what is happening, is this infatuation or temptation.

She went to the offices and saw her secretary receiving a call, talking to her boyfriend romantically.

Gift stand at her back listening to her and suddenly the secretary notices her at her back.

Gift said is that work related or what.

She said, I am sorry, ma.

Gift said do you love him or how do you know you love him.

The secretary said excuse me ma, I don't understand.

Don't worry, bring those documents for me.

Ok, ma.

Doctor Rick called Rich that have he planted the camera to Gift room.

He said yes.

Doctor Rick then said let begin our plan.

Gift began to launch her program, the genius. Searching for brilliant and creative student around the country to showcase their knowledge to the world.

Doctor Rick arrived at Nigeria to meet his dad.

Mr. Stephen (gift father's friend) is the father of doctor Rick and Mr. Rich wife.

Rich is his son-in-law.

Gift saw Doctor Rick in MR Stephen office and didn't understand what brought Rick to Nigeria and especially inside her enemy office.

She wondered, and she went in to her office back.

Thinking of what brought doctor Rick to Nigeria all of a sudden.

During the shareholder meeting Doctor Rick is intro as a chairman of their hospital company.

Gift wonder what is happening.  She accepted without any argument.

And she left the meeting without saying words.

Gift try to figure out what all this is all about.

She said.

I need to visit a UK branched by next week.

She is trying to move away from all the happening in the company.

Doctor Rick didn't give Gift any chance to talk to him.

He always snubs her.

She wondered what wrong with him.

Gift concentrate on launching her program without anybody help.

Rich went to meet Gift and told him that Rick is his wife brother, that she should try to forgive him.

Gift cried and said is the debt she will pay.

Some board members have meeting with Rick and told him that he should do anything to stop Gift in launching that program successfully.

So that they can have excuses to remove her as the CEO.

Rick said not to worry, he knows what to do.

Rick wanted to destroy the company that kill her sister.

He broke inside her office to check the documents.

He didn't find it.

Not only that, but he then went to Gift house with two gunmen to search for the company documents.

Thanks to the camera that they planted at Gift house, he saw all the documents he is looking for and take it.

Gift entered her house and saw they have broken in to her house.

She called the police.

Rich tried to spy on the cameras planted to Gift house and saw that her house.

He quickly called her to know if she is okay.

But Gift didn't pick her called.

He went to Gift house. But didn't see her.

Gift went to church to pray. She said she is tired, that God should give her strength.

She cried.

Rich is trying to reach Gift but couldn't.

Rich went to meet doctor Rick that why did he break in to Gift house?

He said to him if he tried to question him, he shoots his fucking head.

I told you to come and do something in Nigeria, you started kissing around forgetting your dead wife.

Stupid ingrate.

Rich said your sister did not sell our company for you to be committing crime and destroying your career like this.

She insisted on coming to Nigeria because of you and your mum.

Your dad insisted if she didn't come, he won't send any money to you and your mum.

There is no money again.

We have so many debts because of your sicknesses.

This is not part of the plan.

The moment I see you and Gift together, I decided to add this plan.

I won't join you to destroyed your life like this.

I am not destroying my life, I am taking what are mine.

This company is mine.

Gift is mine.

I'm going back to UK so that I can inform your mum about your action.

You dare, I will kill you.

Gift is going home from church they kidnapped her and take her to the company.

They planted bomb inside the company.

They give her a document to sign the transfer of ownership, or they blow up the company

She signed the documents.

Doctor Rick take over as CEO.

He cancelled the program Gift was launching.

Gift heard about it and quickly went to Rick to asked about it.

Rick said he is not interested in that program.

Gift went to the camp of the genius they are about to launch and saw how happy those little children were.

She said, how will I break it to them that the program called off?

She cried.

Not only that, but she went to meet Rick again and pleaded with him to let the program continue.

Rick said ok let have a deal.

What deal.

Marry me and I will continue the program.

Mr. Stephen (Ricks dad) enter Rick office and overheard their conversations.

He entered and laugh wickedly.

He faced Gift and said,

Almighty Gift is restless and begging.

So, you can beg.

Rick said,

Please stop, MR Stephen.

He continued, you think your dad is a saint that never get his hand dirty.

Gift point finger at him and said how dare you talking about my father you this coward, how dare you.

Rick shouted at Gift, shut the hell up and get out of my offices.

Gift slammed the door and left.

Mr. Stephen shout at Rick and said


marriage is not the reason I brought you to the company

If you misbehaved, you will be gone like your sister

And get ready to meet the shadow behind the company.

Mr. Stephen, what do you want exactly,

You want your son to become the CEO, your dream has been fulfilled, so leave that girl alone.

Laughing, haha, haha, yes I will if you follow my instructions. Simple as that.

Get ready to meet the real CEO.

Gift wake up late,

Oh my God, time has gone,

But I am not going to anywhere let me sleep back.

Gift stand up and begin to pray for inner peace.

He asked God to give her peace and strength.

He asked God to protect all her loved one.

That she didn't want anybody to die because of the company.

She prayed and prayed.

Mr. Rich have gone back to UK to explain what happening to his mother-in-law and check on his daughter.

He couldn't meet his mother-in-law and his daughter at home.

He wondered where they could have gone to.

He called Rick,

What the hell game are you playing with me.

Where this grandma and my daughter,

I couldn't get through to them?

Rick said, are you kidding me, I'm not that wicked to be playing with the life of my family.

I didn't see my daughter (he shouted).

Someone entered grandma house, Rich was a bit afraid and hide at the corner.

He saw the person coming inside, she was the nurse in Rick hospital and Rich said,

Oh! Nurse is you I didn't find grandma, do you know where they might be?

The nurse said yes, someone wanted to talk to you on the phone.

Rich received the call.

The caller said, if you want your daughter and your mom to be okay, you better do as I said.

He shouted who the hell are you,

If you dare hurt my daughter and my mother I will kill you.

Ok, can you?

The person hanged the phone and sent a video of his daughter and mother-in-law.

He shouted, stop hurting them.

You need to do something for me.

What the hell do you want.

If you let anything happened to my family, you are doomed.

Mr. Stephen took Rick to see the shadow.

Rick entered a dark room with his father.

The shadow welcome Rick to the round table and said welcome, my son.

Your sister is a good daughter to me.

She is smart and brilliant, but not patient.

That why her life is too short.

But if you are a good son, I will protect you.

Rick didn't answer, his father tab him to reply to the shadow.

He controlled his emotions and reply yes sir.

Rick went back to the office and imagined who is the shadow.

Who is behind the mask?

It must be someone we knew.

Why must he hide in the dark?

Gift is coming from church, she decided to take a walk around.

She is looking for a small apartment to rent,

She wanted to move away from all the trouble.

She saw some children playing and building torchlight.

She moved to them and asked them a question about what they are building.

They explained to her, and she decided to sponsor them.

Gift decided to be sponsoring children who have creative Ideas.

She moved to the small community and meet little children who have creative idea.

They are building toys torchlight, and they are working on drones.

They take all the product they build to the market to sell.

They are all happy because they never thought they could make any amount in building something.

Rick is searching all over the place for Gift but couldn't find her anywhere.

The shadow called Rich to bring all the UK documents to Nigeria.

Rich brought all the UK company documents to Nigeria.

Mr. Stephen called his son Rick that shadow is calling them.

They went to hold a meeting with the shadow.

Shadow requested for political sponsorship.

Rick told him that they have the genius project at hand they want to do, and it will require a lot of money.

The shadow asked them that they should stop the genius program, it's not necessary.

He said that the company need political backup.

Rick insisted that any person that want to go for politics should use his money, not our company money.

Our company want to sponsor thousands of children from unemployment.

Government supposed to do all this.

And you are requesting the money for the same people who don't know their job.

Anybody that want to contest should prove himself to the society first.

Let see their charity work to the society before the Election.

What are their contributions to their community before the election.

I hate politics and I can't sponsor them.

The shadow point stick to MR Stephen, your child want to die. He said.

He wanted to die like his sister, talked to him unless, hmmmmmm.

Mr. Stephen pleaded with the shadow and whisper to Rick to hear.

Mr. Stephen talk to Rick to calm down and make the use of the situation to his advantage.

Rick said how.

Mr. Stephen said we will talk about its later, just accept the shadow offer for now, please my son, I'm saying this as your father we will figure a way out.

Rick listened to his father and accepted the shadow proposal.

Rick asked his father who is the shadow.

His father said he had never seen his face.

And Rick asked how did they meet.

Mr. Stephen said they met after the death of Gift parent, and I was threatened with Gift and your life, that is why I join him.

But before, I suspected one of our investors, but he had died immediately after Gift parent died, he is the one who killed Gift parent, but I have the evidence to show the police but discovered later that he have died.

Gift hated me for not dropping the evidence to police.

I just think is wasting of time taking a dead person to court.

I would like to investigate that your dead investors.

I need all the information about him, please. Rick said.

Mr. Stephen reply he will help his son in any way possible, he said enough is enough that they want to see the real face behind the mask.

Rick couldn't get through to Rich and Gift. He tried every means possible to look for them, but all went in vain.

Gift continued her search for engineers and genius children.

She created a class for them in different communities to meet and work on each of their product very well and able to sell in their various local market.

All the children parent gather to compensate Gift.

But she did not know how to interact and mingle with people. She rejected all the gift sent to her.

Their parents were so angry and said it an insult for her not to accept the gift.

Gift insisted that she is just doing this for charity, not to gain or look for anything.

She rejected all the gift, and advised the parent to support their children with the little they have.

Gift look at all the children and cried, she said they deserve something better, they deserve to be celebrated, they deserve to be known by the world.

She received a call from one company and promise to support her.

She rushed back to the city to meet with the company, but it was a trap set to call her out from her hiding.

She dressed like a ninja for anybody not to recognized her.

Gift rushed back to the city to meet with the company that called her. She had already written different proposals to different companies to sponsor her program.

She decided to branch in her house to dress up before going to the company, and she was kidnapped again.

Gift is moved to the shadow building.

Shadow called Rick and his father and asked them to come.

He told them about killing the obstacle that can affect the company and their plan later.

He said he is going to kill Gift, that he has already kidnapped Gift.

Rick told the shadow, if you dare touch her, I will kill you.

The shadow laugh, hmm mm, can you kill the shadow?

Rick entered the shadow room and discovered they are only listening to a CALL on the phone, SURROUNDED BY gunmen.

Rick wanted to take that phone, but they pointed a gun at him, and then he was back off.

Shadow warned him again not to mess up with him unless he will be gone like his sister.

Mr. Stephen pleaded with the shadow and said am sorry for not training my child well, he is a spoil brat, I promise to put him on the right track.

Mr. Stephen tell Rick to put himself together and take him out.

Rick said, Mr. Stephen as much as I hate your help because you are not that different with that disgusting terrorist.

Father, please help me, I love Gift I don't want any bad thing to happened to her.

Mr. Stephen said he needed to give shadow all what he wanted, that is the only way.

Shadow called Mr. Stephen and asked him to give the phone to Rick.

Shadow asked him to bring 1 billion Naira to the campaign offices or else Gift will be gone.

Rick also said that, on one condition,

I like to see your face and stop hiding like a coward.

If you know you are not a coward stop hiding and using Gift to get to me, come out man to man let talk he said.

Shadow agreed to meet him in the campaign offices with Gift.

Mr. Stephen gave Rick all the information about their dead investors.

And Rick discovered that his surname is Benz and said I thought is not what I am thinking it can never be, it can never ever.

He can never be Rich family, all his family are in UK. what the fuck. He gave the wall a blow.

He tried to look at the camera planted inside Gift house and look on how they kidnapped her and check who are the people that kidnapped her.

Oh my God, what all this. I found no clue. All our plan failed, I couldn't get hold of Rich, where is he.

Have been investigating the death of my sister since all this year, but I was unaware that there is one shadow behind this company mess.

I know for sure is the one that killed my sister, fuck shit!!!!!!.

He kidnapped all my family all my plan have failed fuck shit!!!!

Rick went to buy a gun and went to the campaign with the money.

There is a crowd at the campaign office, and Rick received a call and asked him to enter one tiny room at the back of the campaign house.

He entered the room, and he didn't know where to go to.

His phone rang again, and the shadow instructed him,

He followed the instructions given to him until he reached the destination.

He saw Gift and rushed to hug her.

Gift said what do you all want for me after have given you the company.

Is it not enough?

My parent had died because of this company, my best friend have died because of vanity upon vanity.

Kill me If that will make you stop taking lives of people as if she is worthless.

They pointed a gun at her head.

Rick shouted shadow, you are a coward, come out. I dare you to come out.

Shadow revealed his face and the face is Rich

Rick and Gift were shocked.

Hello my friends, longtime no see. Surprise surprises, laughing like crazy.

Gift and Rick couldn't say anything. They just sit down on the floor, looking like a moron.

Rich said, let me tell you a small story you don't know.

I am the only son of Mr. Benz, I intentionally approached your sister after both of your parent kill my parent.

My father invested all his hard earn money to your company but was killed, and you wanted me to fold my hand and watch.

I wanted to kill you at the hospital (pointed at Gift) but These stupid Rick is always there to destroyed my plan. And also I sent that gunmen at your house to kill you too.

When your sister died, I lost hope that my plan has failed, and then I intoxicated Gift so that she can be in touch with her emotion and think is love.

Laughing again hahahahahahahahaha

I am a sexy boy, you must fall for me and I must marry you.

Gift and Rick are just looking at him,

They don't know what to say.

Rich shouted, why are you not talking, talk talk talk.

You know what, I give up the company, not because of your threat or gun. I give up the company because I met with God and discovered this is worthless. What do you want Gift said?

Rich laugh again hahahahahahahahaha.

I want both of you with the company.

Work for me and give me money for political sponsorship.

Gift said okay we will give you.

Rick said you will collect nothing for me.

The gunmen hit him on his head. And he brought his gun out and shoot one of the gunmen, and he was also shot in the stomach and collapse.

Rich asked the gunmen to throw both of them outside and wait for their instruction.

Gift is shouting for help help help who is here to help us.

And begin to pray to God.

God, I give up everything because I don't want to anybody again Father help God Almighty Help, he cried and prayed.

The shadow came out of one room and said he was surprised to see Rich acting.

I don't know, you can act very well without blinking an eye (laughing)


You deserve an Oscar award.

Rich wanted to hit the shadow, but the gunmen stop him.

But you promise not to hurt anyone.

If Rick die, our contract is over.

Pointed gun at Rich head, you better behave well so that you won't regret.

You daughter and your mother-in-law is in our custody.

Rich said, just make sure that you keep your promise.

Have let Gift go but your FAM noway until you finished my job.

Nothing will happen as long as you abide to the rule and regulations that all. Hahahahahahahahaha.

Take him away the story just begun

Gift continued crying and praying. Suddenly, Rick woke up.

Gift help Rick to stand up, and they walk to one corner.

She rushed to get water for him and borrowed one person phone to call the company for help.

Rick stood up and show his bulletproof.

Thank God Gift said, sorry it's my fault all this is happening, I should have given up on the company as long she started crying.

No no stop that it's my fault too I shouldn't have investigated my sister death, I won't have even bothered coming to Nigeria taskless of your company.

I am sorry for all the pain and suffer have caused you.

I will do anything you said for this moment.

After all what have done to you still help me.

You teach me that everyone we met has love or lost something, that is not compulsory to trust but to be good to everyone.

That what I am doing too.

Anything you said, I am going to support you.

Don't support me, let help each other out and Rich.

What do you mean by Rich? He betrayed me and my entire family, and you are saying he needed help.

Gift said I trust Rich there is something behind that his convection, am not confused he can do all that. He can never do that, I trust him.

The love had blinded you. But not for me. He is very cunning from the start!

The way he started kissing you and all that, I know he has some motive.

And he even kidnapped his only child, and my mother imagined the heartless.

That is that where it coming from.

What do you mean?

Don't worry, I am going to finish this once and for all.

Rick from this moment I am taking my company back.

That will be difficult.

Rick, but we promise to help each other. The only thing you can do for me is now going in to hiding. Please

But I can't let you do this on your own,

I can't.

You have to trust me, I can't risked anyone life again, if you died down there I won't be able to forgive myself, please Rick.

I am a man you a girl I should be the one doing this, but if you insist you can do as you like.

Rich comes let plan this.

On Monday morning during the shareholders meeting, Gift enter and introduced herself as the new CEO and show them all the documents of transfer of ownership.

Mr. Stephen was shocked and couldn't concentrate on the meeting.

The board members asked about the former CEO, and gift said he had died.

Mr. Stephen fainted, and he was rushed to the hospital.

Gift stand rigid without blinking an eye and concentrate on the board members.

Every one of you, I have a video of you blackmailing me with the bomb to sign the transfer of ownership document.

I have dropped the video to one of the police officers and waiting for my order for your arrest. If you didn't cooperate with me, you will be doomed.

All the shareholders are murmuring that not every one of them supported the act that happened.

Gift said I know not every one of you supported it but all of you are their and nobody stops the act or reported to the police.

My first question for you is who is the shadow, She shouted, and play all of their video of corruption and other dirty act they are involved in, I give you 15 seconds if not all this video will be played on the internet by my people.

She called and say if I didn't call you within 15sec drop the video.

All of them are shouting.

We don't know the shadow, will have not seen him, he is just kidnapping our family and blackmailing us. We have never seen him.

He is one of the major shareholder of this company, How did he own share in our company if any of you never saw him.

Mr. Stephen enter, I knew him he is our first investors' son his name is Rich, and he has worked for the company that how he acquired a lot of share.

You are not capable that why you are played.

Don't blame any of the board members, blame yourself for falling in love with the shadow.

Gift don't know what to say and speaking to herself, talk, they can't win like this talk.

Gift has been careful not to revealed their plan by saying what not right.

Gift asked Mr Stephen how do you know the shadow.

Mr. Stephen said how as how why do you ask.

I asked because how did you know he is the shadow.

I just knew because have been following his suspicions' movement.

And have been looking in to Benz family because he is the one that killed your parent.

His father is our first investors.

He is the one who gave us money to start this business and wanted to be the chairman of the company because he thought he is the owner of the company.

The shadow explained for Rich yes I am the owner of the company, I am the owner of the company.

I use my hard-earned money to finance their projects.

They grow the company and wanted to return my money instead of them to let me be the chairman of the company.

They said I borrowed them my money, imagined the hypocrisy imagined.

I don't know how to fight and I take my thug to her father's house to sign that simple documents, but he fought with my men and was shot mistakenly, what's my fault.

I gave you my money to start a business, and you remove me from that the same company because you have gotten enough money from my money.

Mr. Stephen continue his explanation too.

We returned his money and he insisted that he is the owner of the company because of the money he gave us.

I went to your father's house and I saw thug inside, and I called the police station and I stayed at the window side, but the police is too late, and your parent were killed, and I recorded how you parent were murdered.

I was caught by the THUG when I was recording the incident, I was tied down and they heard you knocking the gate that how they got distracted.

And I escaped by jumping the fence because I can't sit down and let them hurt you.

And I saw you going inside the house and I shouted your name they heard it and started shooting at both of us and take you to my house and I go to the police officer when they later arrived but couldn't submit the evidence that I have shown to you because I heard that the shadow have died.

What do you want me to do

But you started hating on me and since then, have been threatened by his son Benz, Rich.

Keep that your mouth shut.

Nothing that come out from your mouth that I will believe.

You ingrate, my father asked you to come and join the company without contributing anything to the company but what do you do, you stand there and watched them murdered my parent and claim you called the police.

You still didn't submitted the recording in your hand because of one nonsense excuse.

Please save me the damn bull shit.

Proof it that Rich is the shadow and I will give the shadow or you the company that my deal for all of you, good day.

Shadow had heard what going on in the company.

He called MR Stephen and threaten him again with the life of his wife and the granddaughter.

You wanted to see your family gone.

What are you doing that you allow that psychiatric patients to run the company again, and you open your eyes without doing anything about it.

Mr. Stephen said, but how did she escape I thought you have kidnapped her, what happened.

I want to make use of her that why I let her go, but she is playing a smart game with me.

Find a way to hold a meeting with her.

I can't, you know how stubborn she is, she will never listen to me.

You must find a way and try to find where Rick is.

She said Rick is dead.

And you believed her.

I don't know how you will do it, just do as I said. Find a way, I want to meet her.

Rick is looking for where they kept his mother and his niece.

But he didn't find any clue.

He travelled back to London to kidnap the nurse and torture her to find out where they kept his family.

He started torturing the nurse, but the nurse didn't talk, and he shot her leg and pointed gun on her head and counted 3 if she didn't talk he will shoot her.

The nurse pleaded that they kidnapped her family too if she didn't completed her tasked they will kill her only child.

He said, how can she prove that she is telling the truth?

She said I will take you to where I always met with them, may be you can find any clue there that is the only place I knew.

Rick followed her to the place, and it was a trap, and they ambushed Rick and the nurse.

The gunmen killed the nurse and take Rick.

Rick was taken to where her mother and her niece is and they cargo them to Cameroon.

Gift tried to called Rick to be sure about their plan, but couldn't get through to Rick.

When she is about to go out, she meet Mr. Stephen at the door and was told Rick has been kidnapped.

He said, why did you tell me that Rick had died.

You killed my daughter you still want to kill my only son, if anything happened to him, you will be doomed.

Gift didn't believe anything he is saying, she keeps on trying his number.

You didn't believe me. He was kidnapped in UK, I received call from his place of work in London that a nurse was killed, and he was kidnapped.

Gift hallucination comeback immediately that fires have broken out in the house and many gunmen surrounded her, and she kept on screaming and fainted.

Rick woke up after he was taken by the gunmen he met himself on the container on the ship.

He saw his mother and his niece, who was tied down.

He tried to remove his ropes, but could not be able to.

He shouted mum, joy, wake up, mom, joy wake up.

Both of them are tired, they can move, and they lied down on the floor.

The gunmen enter and use a gun to beat Rick and asked him to keep quiet, he is disturbing.

He tried to fight them to escape, but he was beating mercilessly.

He was also tired and can't move again.

They arrived at the Cameroon and all of them were taken to one empty room and was tied up with a chain like an animal.

Mr. Stephen called the shadow to set where they will meet.

The shadow asked MR Stephen to bring her to Cameron.

He was shocked and said how will it possible that people will notice him?

The shadow said, don't worry, have arranged every means of transportation.

Mr. Stephen arrived at Cameron and saw Rich. Rich asked them to bring gift to one room and lie her down on the bed.

Gift temperature is very high and Rich asked them to bring Rick from the warehouse to treated her.

Rick was shocked to see Gift and realized all their plan had failed.

He gave Rich a blow on his face and said this must be fun right, you are really enjoying this, how will you be so inhuman and heartless to your family?

Because of my health, why can't you just let me die then, why.

Ricked said treat her, or she will die, and he walked away.

The shadow called Rich and tell him about what to do next.

Gunmen hit Rick in his stomach not to try that again, if not, he will be gone.

Rick asked them to remove the chain from his hand, that he can't treat her without touching her.

The shadow called Rich and tell him about what to do next.

Rich said he wanted to see her mother-in-law and his daughter before doing anything.

You wanted me to blow of you up, the shadow said.

Rick said I don't mind, you can kill all of us, I don't fucking mind, just let me see my family first before anything.

The gunmen want to attack him, but shadow asked them to show him his family.

Rich see his family tied down like a criminal