14 A Certain Holy Sword

Looking at the fumbling pure bundle of cuteness being intoxicated from yours truly's head-pats certainly gave off a weird feeling. If I continue with this, I have a conjecture that she would never let go of my hand.

"Awe, couldn't you let me enjoy it awhile longer, Alias? Hmph." Oh, she puffed her cheeks out, certainly very cute. But alas, I rather like my hand being attached to my body. Almost felt like you were mulling over some treasure that an old grandpa had accumulated over the years.

"Come on, let's keep on and shop for our essentials, don't you need more underwear?"

"Hmph, hmph! That's exactly why they called you a pervert! No delicacy at all. Can't you understand how a woman feels?"

"How about you hold off 10 years from now until you start saying that, okay?"

Ah, looks like her mood went sour, that's pretty rare. Wonder what I said?

"Right, due to the fiasco earlier, let's continue our shopping spree, shall we?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Oh and let's get you a new shirt, you keep taking my T-shirts despite them being too big for you."

"They're just so comfortable though. The shirts are so big they act double as a dress!"

"Sure, a dress for the little kids."

"Fine, let's go buy a dress that'll knock that smug look off your face!"

Wow, that certainly fired her up. Let's take this to note.

Looking around myself, I couldn't help but recall at how lively things were along with the hustle and bustle of the city, it was just like how the capital city of Valencia was. Right now, I could imagine the chaos and death that the Water Domain is in. Along with that illusion, it was very powerful.

I wonder, the city in the Illusion was called Vericia yet I was hurt in Valencia. I could safely assume that they were the same city as Vericia doesn't exist on the map. The settings, the atmosphere and environment felt so real. It was as if I was simply resuming an old life.


A year ago.

"Die you bastards! Give me back my family!" Another hopeless scream. I glanced to my left and saw a broken man. No, more specifically a determined one with nothing to lose. I kicked a bloody corpse and took out Rudiria from a monster's heart.

"If only, only had I been stronger." Another cliche line it seems. Out on the front-lines and battlefield, those types of words always spell trouble. Crazed recruits and new blood always seeking for vengeance and justice.

'Hey like you're one to talk, master.' Immediately sheathing Rudiria and giving it a whack for good measure, I gave a good long look at the man.

"Man up, even if you were a little stronger you would have never harmed those Chrysalis type void monsters, they're immune to conventional weapons."

"Y-You're one to talk! Gifted and loved by the Goddess, you damn dog!"

'Uh oh, take it easy master.'

I kicked him down, "These powers don't come for free, a free meal never ever come without harm or price!"

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do?!" The man shouted and screamed in agony.

"You go live your life and empty those thoughts of revenge, I've already killed them off for you so shut up and leave. Every second you spend here is another second that I lose in killing those damned monsters! I don't want to protect your ass while slaying them." I paused, "The best way to pay those bastards back is for you to live, live and spit on the very bastards that tried to take your life."

I stood tall, "Leave them to us. If you can't imagine yourself simply running away, help the others get away. If you can't even do that, then that would make your departed mother furious at her son refusing to help others for his own greed and self-satisfaction! So stop with the vengeance delusion nonsense and get the hell out of here!"

The man trembled as if renewed and gave me a determined look, "Thank you sir, I will never forget this." He helped up an injured civilian and took a quick glance back as he departed along with the civilians from the chapel.

'Wow, what a hero, so cool! Why don't you marry me already master?!'

A sudden enthusiastic male voice boomed into my head. Ugh. It shocked me at how sudden it shouted.

"Stop with the pranks Rudiria, and stop switching to a male voice everytime you say that!"

A soft female voice then reverberated.

'Awe, but when I talked in such a soft manner earlier you hit me! Furthermore, you had such an intense gaze at that other guy that I couldn't help but think of you swinging towards the other gender!'

Rudiria, a very sharp sword along with its relatively sharp tongue, introducing the world's most talkative holy sword and an absolute waste of money.

"Come now, no time for games, we have to buy enough time for the now and homeless refugees to evacuate. You'll be working your keep." My heart started to bleed at the cost of this talkative bastard.

'Roger, roger! Pleeeaasse hold me tight and never let go~'

"As if my life depended on it, of course."

Chrysalis class and Minotaur class Void monsters started encircling the chapel. Suddenly a gigantic Egor-class monster also appeared. The ground reverberated and buildings all around started to succumb to the earthquake.

"Where did this tall bastard come from?"

'Ohhh~ master, give me a good whack at that one. I bet I'll slide nicely through its throat!'

"Never say that in such a cute manner again. Too out of place."

'Oh you're so uptight master.'

"Shut it. Come you oversized dairy cows!"

I held Rudiria tightly- 'I love this feeling!' which was a mistake.
