
Chapter 1

Hahaha Isaac your kidding.You actually let that happen.Tch don't mess with me Trafal!!! I am not in the mood!!Oh really?I moved closer to Trafal in a punching motion.Trafal backed up. Scary. Hey if someone was about to punch you wouldn't you back up?Yes. Then I'm good. I just smiled. Me and Trafal where friends have been best friend's since forever. No brothers is a more accurate term after all I consider him one in all but blood. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!Help me please save me. Well we're out let's gooh come on!!!Oh my God please no why!! Now your all probably wondering I am reacting this way well we just saw the lady who was yelling and now we see a Monster or at least you think it's a Monster. Now back to the story. What did we do what did we do to deserve this it's not fair. We tried to attack it and I almost lost feeling in hand and trafal almost broke his hand so we ran and then got hit by truck kun but did not die just yet oh no no no that was just the beginning of our torture. A bystander called the police and ambulance and we were put in the ambulance. We were in not in horrible condition. Trafal you okay. What do you think I just got hit by a truck.But I'm alive so it's all good I guess.Thank God I can still move though. Good cuz you're going to need Mobility. Don't look now its here. The monster.How why noooooo!!!! I said hey you guys there is monster!!!and said they laughed and said I guess you hurt your head when you got hit huh.Oh well I warned them is their fault they didn't listen is what I want to say but my conscience just won't allow it. I'm just too nice.I grabbed 2 and trafal grabbed robbed the other 2 and we jumped and fell hard.The monster still thinking we were inside the ambulance chased it and when the ambulance crashed exploded and the monster went with it.Heck yeah boi we did it trafal were survived!!!! Woohoo yeah!!!We did it Isaac yeah!!!Then we looked at the people and we noticed that they passed out. Then the ground cracked and we fell and fell and fell ahhhhhhhh we tell for what seemed like hours then it finally happened we hit the bottom and died...I think.Then some classified things happened that we can't talk about.So out of all of all of it we gain a reincarnation chance in something called the seven true worlds we got systems we gained unlimited potential and something called main character force.I know it sounds over powered a Lord knows what but it's a double eged sword end up with the worst situations but in exchange I get the abilities of a main character so it's balenced...kind of.

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