
true villian

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What is true villian

Read ‘true villian’ Online for Free, written by the author Fallenangleiguess, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: what is a villain is it a broken hero or someone who lives in hell which is different...


what is a villain is it a broken hero or someone who lives in hell which is different...

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Lovidar5 · Sci-fi
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Mad Scientist

[TO BE A SCIENTIST IS TO BE A NAIVE, THEY ARE SO FOCUSED TO FIND THE TRUTH, EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE TRY to DENY IT THE CURIOSITY IS THERE, WHETHER WE SEE IT OR NOT THE TRUTH DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MORALS, RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES WELCOME TO THE WORLD MAD SCIENTIST ] [ ONE TRUTH I KNOW IS I AN NOT GOOD AT WRITING SYNOPSIS LOL AUTHOR NOTE ] Bai Jie a self-proclaimed evil scientist but not so evil who was researching on getting rid of the trauma he suffered when he was 15 which has changed his whole life. He didn't remember anything which led to this outcome but he became a genius of the century. As the people say no escapes the cycle of time. But something or someone changed his fate; it was no god or demon. It was an anomaly that has changed his life. See Bai Jie( an Old man) as he struggles in this new cruel world where at every corner danger lurks. Where he fought for his life not only from the outside but also from something inside. heavenly God" evil scientist I can't break through nxt realm plz guide" Evil Scientist " You have accumulated Fat in your meridians go exercise alone not with your wife " let's enjoy a journey of an evil scientist who may not be so evil ******* evil scientist " demon god what happens when you break through the god realm" Demon god"it's a heavenly sensation once reach it the more you want it it's like the whole world embrace you with the warmness gentle and destructive at the same time it feels that you are breaking the shackles of the world" Demon god explained with a pride Evil scientist "next time you just tell me you don't know I have no interest in your relationship with your wife. you should keep these confidential not spread it with proud face what a moron" Demon god's head just popped open he died on the spot due to cultivation deviation author here TinyheadXD#2306- Discord. if you have any suggestion please contact. PLEASE GIVE IT A READ!! and a review for people like me which wants to see things differently ( if u like it plz share It give a review)

tinyheadXD · Eastern
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