
Waking up

[Wake up, don't give up]

A Mysterious voice echoed in his mind.

Yan Chen Opened his eyelids with great difficulty, but found that his head felt unbearably painful. It was like his head was being spilt open while every inch of his body felt unnaturally burning hot. However, a cool sensation swept across his entire body while he wasn't paying attention, bringing him a relief. At the same time, He felt an immense wave of sleepiness descent upon him and unknowingly, Fell into a deep sleep.

He had no idea how long he remained in this state, but after a while, Yan Chen gradually woke up. He felt a ball of warmth flowing through and around his body.

The moment he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a square faced, old-aged man.

The old man, upon seeing Yan Chen awaken, immediately shouted at him.

"Don't think of anything, just focus on flow of Spiritual Qi in your body".

As Yan Chen heard this, He then began to direct the flow of Spiritual Qi into different parts of his body.

After a while, Yan Chen's pale face finally started to gain some colour, opening his eyes he looked at the old man.

"Many thanks to elder for saving me. If not, I would have been dead by now". Yan Chen stood up and respectfully bowed while he spoke.

He had no idea who this person standing in-front of him was, but he had rescued him. And, it was natural that he would feel extremely grateful towards his benefactor

"No need thank me boy".The Old Man Replied

At this point he looked around, trying to get a better idea of his surroundings, And found himself in a old wooden hut not too far from a river, All his wounds have been healed. The slightly cool sensation swept in his body made him more refreshed.

As for the side effects from the Skill that he had used a while back, The thing that he was most worried about was his internal injuries. he began to feel uncomfortable about It.

Seeing the Composure of the youth, the old man presented a smile as he replied.

"No need to worry about your internal injuries, it has all been cured except for your right hand which need some time to recover".

When he heard all his internal injuries were, He sighed in relief.

"Ah, you do not seem to be alone" Yan Chen Unexpectedly said.

"I have a Granddaughter, Who went to bring some stuff, Eat up first, then we will talk about other things later"The Old man said with a smile.

The old man waved his hand, A package wrapped in a flowery cloth and landed infront of him, it was revealed that it was full of all kinds of Snacks and some spiritual fruits.

Indeed, Yan Chen was hungry for a long time. In a flash he devoured all the snacks, Upon he slowed down his eating speed.

"There's no need to rush young one". The old man said as he laughed.

Hearing This Yan Chen became embarassed.

"Able to Use a High tier Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique With Cultivation of Qi Formation realm For Your Sister Sake, Young Man You will have great future" The Old man said.

Suddenly Some footsteps were heard Yan Chen turned and A Little girl about eight or nine-years old, She was clean and smart running towards them with a small package in her small hands.

"Grandpa here are the things you asked" The Little girl said before giving it to the old man.

"Are you feeling better?" asked the girl.

Yan Chen nodded and said: " Apart from the fact that my hand which is paralyzed, I fell normal.

"Oh." Said the young girl and tried to cheer him up, " Don't worry, as long as My grandpa is here, you will be alright."

Yan Chen remained silent and nodded at her.

"You can rest, I'll ask grandpa to give you more medicine." said the young girl while running away, he blankly stared at her figure.

One day later,in the small wooden hut Yan Chen was sitting on a bed drinking a portion of medicine, His face was not pale anymore and his body was fully recovered.

Yan Chen shook his head looking at the medicine, the medicine potion was too bitter, he had not seen such a bitter medicine in life.

"No, you must drink it all."Instead the little girl firmly to him.

Looking at face Yan Chen got scared and drank the medicine in one go.

He took a deep breath and stood up said to the little girl" I going out to get some fresh air and look around".

Yan Chen knew the young girl's name already. Her name was Yu Xue. She was extremely pure and innocent girl with no evil thought's in her heart, more importantly she was at Peak of Spirit origin realm.

She looked at him hesitantly and nodded at him and said: "I'll help you see around".

She Grabbed Yan Chen's hand started to lead him out of the wooden hut.

Yan Chen Let himself dragged by the Young girl and discovered a wonderful scenery infront of him.

"How Beautiful". There was a mountain chain outside the hut, A large river can be seen making it's way through every mountain and the mountains looked as if they were covered by Emerald Green Gems, It was a Wonderful Landscape.

In such Environment, Yan Chen wanted look around and explore the nature.

Yu Xue was calmly standing beside Yan Chen and admiring the scenery infront of her.

Yan Chen turned his head and said to her"I'll go by the river and have a bath and will be right back."

The Young girl nodded and said: " Don't go to far and come back soon, I'll Prepare some food for you".

As Yan Chen made his way through to the river and started to bath.

"Swoosh Swoosh"

Suddenly a sound come from the river, A Whirlpool started to rotate in the river.

"Dammit I have to escape as fast as I can".He said to himself and swimming back to the river surface.

But the Whirlpool started to in a insane amount of speed, No matter Yan Chen did he was unable to escape

" Am I going to die".He thought to himself before getting sucked by the whirlpool.

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