
The Young CEO


Only the sound of her high heels can be heard through the hallway as she walked towards the big wooden door of the Chairman's office. Shit. She was so late and she will never heard the end of it from her father. It's because of that weird dream. Again. She found herself crying on her bed. If it's not for her maid who woke her up she didn't know what will happen. To think her father told her that they have an important meeting today. She is so doomed.

Before she knock on the door. She checked her self on the mirrored walls. She wore a conservative black and boring business suit. She also wore her four inches heels just to look taller than her five feet height. She looked…fine, but the suit didn't achieve the effect she had hoped for: she didn't look older. She looked at her face and sighed. She looks very young for her age and sometimes she hates it. At twenty three, a lot of people mistook her for a teenager. It's really not advantageous for her to look like eighteen when she had to attend an important business meeting. Also, when the said meeting is her first major one. She just graduated last year and she doesn't want to ruin this big opportunity.

She straightened herself and took a deep breath before she knock on the door. She opened the door and walked in. "Father, I am sorry. I'm late." She stopped in her tracks when she realized that her father is not alone. She furrowed her brows and look at the guy sitting across her father.

"So you finally grace us with your presence," Father looked at her disapprovingly.

She smiled sheepishly at her father and turned her gaze to the other man. What is the Jian Conglomerate's CEO doing here?!!! Jian Qingshan, the young multi-billionaire CEO. He owns dozens of company all over the world. At twenty-seven he became the head of Jian Conglomerate four years ago when his father died from heart attack. Their business became more successful in his hands. He was even included in Forbes' Country C's Richest 2018. Her thought was interrupted with her father's voice.

"I guess we don't need an introduction here. As you already know Jian Qingshan since he's an alumnus of your University."

She faced the man who is now looking at her intently. He looked relaxed and almost bored. She tried not to fidget as he studied her coolly. He rose up from his seat and extended his hand for a handshake.

" It's nice to see you again Ms. Ying Rushi. Last time we met at Prestigious University's dinner party."

He was a tall dark-haired man with an impressive built. He looked like a model rather than a renowned CEO. No. A model is not a right word to describe him as he exudes a strong dangerous aura. He smiled at her but it seemed like it never reached his coal dark eyes. She tried to hold his piercing gaze and firmly shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you again Mr. Jian," Rushi smiled at him awkwardly and took back her hand.

Her father motioned them to their seats. He turned to her and said, "That settles it. I would like to discuss the new project with Qingshan, which you're going to work directly with him."


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