
True Love Never Has An Ending

Have you ever woke up in the morning and feels like all of your lives flashed through your mind and in a blink of an eye it’s gone? Leaving you empty. And you got a feeling that a part of you is missing? Ying Rushi, the Chairman’s daughter of one of the biggest company in Country C is having a recurring dream of star-crossed lovers who ended in tragedy. She always wakes up crying in her bed. She didn’t want to think about it because she is busy proving herself to her father. One day, she met her father’s new business partner, Jian Qingshan, a young CEO who is cold, arrogant, and a hard-core perfectionist. There’s a dark dangerous rumour surrounding Qingshan and working together with the man is the last Rushi wants to do. Despite that, Rushi’s father still believes in Qingshan. But Rushi is not the type to just say yes and watch especially if their company is in danger. She's willing to bend the rules—or outright smash them—if it means she can uncover the secrets Qingshan surely had. The die has been cast. Will this encounter ends with love or hurt? *Hi! I’m a new writer here. If you have time, please give me some feedback to help me improve my writing. Thank you! -aldeheidis

aldeheidis · Urban
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13 Chs

On The Gogh

"Are you having your lunch here, Sir Jian?" Rushi's workmate asked.

"I want to try this place since Secretary Han told me that the food is good here."

"Oh, Mr. Jian you won't be disappointed! Try their paella it's heavenly," her female workmate motioned to their food enthusiastically and gave Jian Qingshan a charming smile.

Rushi slightly shook her head, she can sensed someone's watching her but decided to ignore it and put back her attention at the food in front of her.

"Why don't you join us Mr. Jian?" Lijie offered.

Rushi choked on her food for the second time, she drank a glass of water and glared at Lijie's direction. Rushi also kicked her friend under the table for a good measure. Lijie gave his friend a confused look.

"Are you okay Rushi?" Qingshan asked looking amused.

"I'm good." Rushi mumbled, hiding her embarrassment.

"So... do you want to join us Mr. Jian?" the female workmate looked at Qingshan expectantly.

"Thank you for the offer but Secretary Han already reserved us a table. I saw you guys when we walked in and I just want to congratulate your team for doing an amazing job."

"Oh. Thank you Mr. Jian. Our team really is the best." Lijie beamed. Their teammates voiced their approval.

"That's good. Keep up doing your best. I'll see you again next time."

"Thank you for your kind words Mr. Jian." Rushi lifted her head, meeting the stare of the man for the first time since he came.

"Well, I'll leave you guys now. The meal is on me."

Rushi's teammates gushed to thank Qingshan. She wants to say that he didn't need to do that but her workmates were already giving their thank yous profusely.

After some time, she heard Qingshan called her name. "Rushi, can I have a moment please?"

Rushi's teammates watched her closely. She can see the curiosity in their eyes. She can't really understand Jian Qingshan. He didn't look like the type to be friendly, he's always business-like towards others. She decided to take the opportunity to talk to the man, to know his intention. Rushi stood up and wait for Qingshan to move. Qingshan looked taken a back for a second then regained his composure immediately. He walked away from their table and Rushi followed him. They stopped at the corner booth where Secretary Han was seated. Secretary Han smiled at Rushi and tried to look busy reading the menu. Rushi brought her attention to the man standing tall and proud in front of her, looking so regal.

"I'm sorry," Qingshan said before she could utter a word. "I know you're mad because of what I did back in the office. I didn't mean to be pushy."

"I am-"

"-Let me make it up to you. Come with me after your lunch, I-"

"Ack, ack, ack." Qingshan's words were cut by someone's coughing. Both of them turned to the sound and saw Secretary Han tapping his chest dramatically.

"What I mean is, if you want to come with me for some desserts after your lunch? I know a good cafè. It's called Cafe On The Gogh," Qingshan continued.

Rushi narrowed her eyes and observed Qingshan intently. She's actually surprised that the man knows how to apologize even though his face remained stoic as before. She took a glance at Secretary Han, who looked like memorizing the menu. She realized that Secretary Han was the one behind the unexpected apology, Qingshan is too proud to admit his own fault. Rushi weighed her options. She didn't want to have something to do with Qingshan but! Emphasized with BUT! She needs to know this man's agenda. She didn't trust him and she's convinced that there's more to this than meets the eyes. Rushi decided to go with the flow for now. As the phrase goes: Keep your enemies closer. Also, if she's being honest, her interest was piqued by the cafè he mentioned. She saw that place in the internet and planned to give it a try when she had the time. It's a cafè and art gallery in one. Based on the reviews, they put artworks made by various artists, from amateurs to professional artists. They also offered unique desserts and amazing hand drip coffee. Rushi can't helped feeling excited, for an art enthusiast like her, that place is paradise. She can enjoy looking at visual arts over delicious desserts.

"Rushi?" Qingshan asked.

Rushi glanced up on Qingshan, who is now staring at her oddly. Her face flushed slightly, she had been lost in her own thoughts and forgot to answer the man. Qingshan quirked an eyebrow but remained silent.

"I'll go with you," Rushi answered.

"Good. Let me know when you're ready, we're just here."

"Okay. Also, you don't have to pay for our meal but thank you," She offered a soft smile.

"You guys did an amazing job so it's all worth it."

Rushi widened her smile, she's really happy to hear the compliment. "I'll meet you later then."

Rushi walked back to their table, all the movements seized once she reached it and all the eyes were focused on her.

"Spill!!!" Her female workmate squeaked followed by the others' voices.

Rushi glared and shushed them, then took her seat.

"We are just curious because this is the second time today Mr. Jian sought you," Lijie said, eyeing her suspiciously.

Rushi sighed and frowned. "He had come to see if we can talk over some desserts later. Seems like I won't be coming back to the office with you guys."

Her female teammates clapped joyfully and shrieked. "Omg! We can smell an office love affair. We are so envious!!!"

Rushi felt the shade on her face darkened. She gave them a pinched look to shut them down. She didn't want her workmates to misunderstood. It's good to kill the fire before it burns. If they tell this to the other workers at their company it might reach her father's ears. She didn't want her father to think that she's not focusing on her job. More importantly, she didn't need a dating rumor with Jian Qingshan! Hmp. Also, doesn't Jian Qingshan have a girlfriend? Wait. That is not the point. Rushi shook her head, pushing random thoughts aside.

Lijie eyed her for a second. "And you agree?"

Rushi faced her friend. "Yes. I think he just want to discuss something about our project." She turned to her teammates. "That's why stop trying to make a romance story between me and Jian Qingshan. It's all business."

Lijie seemed unconvinced but didn't say another word. The others tried to change the topic and continued eating. Rushi can't helped but stole a glance to Qingshan's direction, he and Secretary Han are now having a serious conversation over their foods. When she looked away she caught Lijie observing her. "What?"

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No. I'm good. I can handle this. It's not like I'm going to somewhere dangerous or something."

Lijie frowned. "You'll never know. I don't trust that guy."

Rushi raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know that you have trust issues."

"I am not that perfect you know." Lijie smirked.

Rushi chuckled, glad that the mood lightened. Her friend is always protective of her, and she's thankful of it but sometimes he treats her like a child. "Good to know that you're still mortal, Highness."

They both laughed and finished eating.