
My true life story

Am Jonathan sean Abraham born in 1985,my father died when I was 3years old and my mother left me with my grandparents by the village , she left for the city to look for a better life in the city so that she can be able to help me go to school .1995 my grandfather s friend offered to take me to school ,but my mother's life to the city couldn't live her expections en my grandfather s friend bought school things example given ,school uniform ,shoes etc en that's how I started my education.In 1999 my education was over after the friend to my grandfather died life became hard I couldnt manage to wear any shoes ,I was walking bear footed then I stayed home for a year without going to school but in the year 2000 my uncle , the brother to my mother started working en he offered to take me to school again, so travelled were my uncle used to stay in monze district were I started schooling again in grade 5 .after one year in the 2001 my uncle got fired at work so we went back to Lusaka to his brother to stay with for a mean time then my other uncle were we went to stay he offered to take me to school again that time I was in grade six then life became hard for both my uncle s so they took me back to the village were I went to continue my grade 7 in the year 2002 ,I wrote my grade seven exams in the November 2002.In the year 2003 the results came out then I passed into grade 8 ,my uncle paid for my school fees then in the year 2004 I wrote my grade 9 exams then in the same year my uncle who used to sponsor my education died en then I passed my exams going to grade 10 but I stayed for 1term without going to school because I never had any sponsorship for my education .then after the schools was on holiday my grandfather struggle to find a sponsorship but he found the social welfare who started sponsoring my education again that was in 2005 .in the year 2006 I was in grade 11 I went to school again but the social welfare they were not paying my school fees so in the last term of grade eleven I was chased out of school because they were not paying my school education and that's how my education finished after then I went to the city to struggle to find any peace of work that can put food on the table for me ,en this is how am still struggling for survival