
True Hybrid System : Blood of Human, Dragon, Phoenix and Angel

Orion, A mythical world which gave birth to various Species and Races. The world created many realms as the extension of its consciousness but due to this a mythical energy was created within its inhabitants called Mana. This Mana caused the inhabitants to evolve faster and without any restrictions. After countless years many different Species and Races were formed each with their own uniqueness. This Races founded countless ways to use mana. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lucas, a lost soul somehow breaking the laws of the universe came into this world but this transmigration caused a lot of chaotic energies to be created in his soul. In the last desperate moments he made a mysterious egg into his vessel. The chaotic energies didn't disappear and instead caused more damage to his soul. His soul was so damaged that his consciousness was split into two parts but for better or worse it was a good thing. The primary consciousness went into a deep slumber without any of his past memories while the secondary consciousness with his past memories but without any will reformed the chaotic energies from flaws to pros and attached itself with the primary consciousness. This led to the creation of a system. This was supposed to be a good thing but everything comes with price. The mysterious egg was that of a dragon but due to the consequences of the system formation, his blood reached its truest and purest origin leading into the creation of a species which is hated by every other species :- Hybrid. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Author here~ This novel is a system novel but unlike most of the systems which have features such as level up and others this system is a bit unique. I thought that I should inform this but I would like to avoid the use of the system as much as possible as I have seen many novels which revolve completely around the system. Except for that, this is my first contest. I was confused at first as to whether to choose the WSA contest or the writing prompt but decided to go along with the writing prompt as I found the inspiration to write this novel so please support this novel if you like it. Yes, according to the title, the protagonist has the blood of a human, dragon, phoenix and angel but even if he is overpowered he is not broken. If you have read the synopsis you might have noticed that nothing he got came without a consequence. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - Daily updates if not any problem. - Chapter length - 1000 to 2000. - Not my image if you want it to be removed or want credit please comment. Extra chapter :- 5 power stone - 1 chapter 10 power stone - 2 chapter 20 power stone - 3 chapters

DukeofDemon · Fantasy
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26 Chs


' ....So what is this system ?' Lucas asked because he felt like the screen was expecting that he knew everything about it.

[ Right, I forgot you don't have our past memories.]

[ In your old world you used to read awesome books called web novels. In these web novels our favourite genre was system as you didn't like the cultivation and other non system novels as they were too complex and boring.]

[ So the reference is from this novel but just with some changes I did. The basic explanation is that just like any other system there is going to be a great amount of personal information which can be calculated and given in the form of numbers.]

[ It's hard to explain. How about I show you practically instead ? Think of the word status and focus on it for a bit.]

Lucas, hearing the explanation on the screen, was more worried than happy as the biggest change in his soul was created with a reference from a fantasy book. Even though Claude didn't have the memories of any web novel he still knew the meaning of novels.

Giving up he sighed and closed his eyes and thought while concentrating.

' Status '

When Lucas opened his eyes he saw many different screen on the side of his secondary wills screen.


{ Identity }

Name : Lucas

Race : Hybrid

Age : 1 day old

Title :




{ Level }

Level : 0 ( Locked )

Exp : ( Locked )

Ep : ( Locked )



{ Vessel }

HP : 20 | 20

Mp : 10 | 10

STR : 4

AGT : 2

STM : 2



{ Power }

( Locked )



{ Genetics }

Bloodlines :-

Human :- 40 %

Dragon :- 20 % ( lvl - 0)( Locked )

Phoenix :- 20 % ( lvl - 0)( Locked )

Angel :- 20 % ( lvl - 0)( Locked )

Bloodline abilities :- ( Locked )


The { Identity } screen was in blue colour. The { Level } was in green colour. The { Vessel } was in orange colour. The { Power } was in red colour. The { Genetics } was in purple colour. They looked like holograms from a sci-fi movie.

Seeing so many screens Lucas's head started spinning after all, even though he had the mentality of an adult with intelligence he was still in the body of a child. Of course there was a limit on how much a baby's mind that also 1 day old can take.

The screen felt his dizziness and turned off all the other screens except the one through which it was talking. It gave Lucas a few seconds to recover. After a few seconds the dizziness was gone and Lucas' mind was clear. Lucas stared at the screen like he was telling him to continue.

[ Let's take it slowly and step wise because the only way my will would die is after explaining to you everything which is necessary.] He continued.

[ First of all, open a single screen. This time concentrate on the name of the first screen.]

Lucas was a bit reluctant due to the dizziness but finally gave up and thought :-

' Identity '

As if responding to his thoughts a blue screen appeared in front of him.


{ Identity }

Name : Lucas

Race : Hybrid

Age : 1 day old

Title :



[ This is just a basic screen created to give you basic information regarding everything you need to know about yourself. ]

' Why does it say my race is hybrid ? '

[ It is a bit shocking even for you but I promise you it won't do you any harm. I will explain everything to you at the end.]


Lucas gulped because everything this screen was telling him made him worried but now the screen seemed worried about this as well. Just how worse would it be but Lucas didn't pry into it much as if he got to live another day he got to think and find a solution. Probably.

' Then what are these titles ?'

[ Right this is one of the factors which was not created by me or the first will.]

' Then who the fuck created it ?' Lucas was annoyed by the fact that not a single thing this screen said made sense to him.

[ It is created by a system. See, don't think that your secondary consciousness is lost or destroyed. It is just that it has evolved and I am just a tool it created to give you basic information.]

[ Even though it does not have a will of its own it still has its own basic Instincts and the strongest instinct which is followed by everyone and anyone. From an organism with a single brain cell to the most intelligent and all knowing being, everyone follows this basic instinct and that is to survive.]

[ If the chaotic energies purpose was to devour everything and anything and your secondary consciousness purpose was to carry your memories and the primary consciousness purpose was to carry your will then this systems which is created from chaotic energies and your secondary consciousness purpose is to survive and the best possible way for it to survive is letting you survive. For that it wants you to have the best possible help and it is giving such.]

Lucas was silent for a few minutes as if pondering something regarding this explanation but he finally nodded with a satisfied look and allowed the screen to continue.

[ To understand what these titles are, why don't you focus on them? Maybe it can give a description of some sort.]

Lucas did just that and focused on the title tab.


Title :- These titles are a system specific function. It is a reward or an accomplishment given to you by the system for completing a certain task or achieving a great feat. Titles may or may not have any specific use depending on what title it is.

Reincarnater :- You are not just someone who has reincarnated but someone who has achieved the secret behind Reincarnation. Even if you die you won't truly die but simply be reincarnated again.

Benefits :-


Conditions :-

-You will have to find a perfect vessel like the current one or you need a set amount of energy to convert any vessel into yours.


Lucas was shocked hearing the benefits given by his title Reincarnater but before he can even enjoy the moment the screen popped his dream like a bubble.


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