
True Hybrid System : Blood of Human, Dragon, Phoenix and Angel

Orion, A mythical world which gave birth to various Species and Races. The world created many realms as the extension of its consciousness but due to this a mythical energy was created within its inhabitants called Mana. This Mana caused the inhabitants to evolve faster and without any restrictions. After countless years many different Species and Races were formed each with their own uniqueness. This Races founded countless ways to use mana. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lucas, a lost soul somehow breaking the laws of the universe came into this world but this transmigration caused a lot of chaotic energies to be created in his soul. In the last desperate moments he made a mysterious egg into his vessel. The chaotic energies didn't disappear and instead caused more damage to his soul. His soul was so damaged that his consciousness was split into two parts but for better or worse it was a good thing. The primary consciousness went into a deep slumber without any of his past memories while the secondary consciousness with his past memories but without any will reformed the chaotic energies from flaws to pros and attached itself with the primary consciousness. This led to the creation of a system. This was supposed to be a good thing but everything comes with price. The mysterious egg was that of a dragon but due to the consequences of the system formation, his blood reached its truest and purest origin leading into the creation of a species which is hated by every other species :- Hybrid. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Author here~ This novel is a system novel but unlike most of the systems which have features such as level up and others this system is a bit unique. I thought that I should inform this but I would like to avoid the use of the system as much as possible as I have seen many novels which revolve completely around the system. Except for that, this is my first contest. I was confused at first as to whether to choose the WSA contest or the writing prompt but decided to go along with the writing prompt as I found the inspiration to write this novel so please support this novel if you like it. Yes, according to the title, the protagonist has the blood of a human, dragon, phoenix and angel but even if he is overpowered he is not broken. If you have read the synopsis you might have noticed that nothing he got came without a consequence. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - Daily updates if not any problem. - Chapter length - 1000 to 2000. - Not my image if you want it to be removed or want credit please comment. Extra chapter :- 5 power stone - 1 chapter 10 power stone - 2 chapter 20 power stone - 3 chapters

DukeofDemon · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A system

' Continue, ' Lucas didn't say anything much and asked the screen to continue.

[ Now the thing that has happened is that everything and anything has a price. You died in your world and reincarnated in this world. Just to let you know that you didn't just cross a world or a galaxy, you crossed a whole whopping universe.] The screen continued.

[ This created something called chaotic energies. I don't know what this energy is, nor do I know how they are formed but what I do know is that this caused a major problem which is also the reason behind you losing your memories and my creation and existence.]

[ You see when you travelled to this world and when you founded this vessel. These chaotic energies were still present and these energies were harming your soul. But you were not there as that was your soul, I don't know much about it but it is your will and consciousness in the form of a matter.]

[ Your soul made the best possible decision and split your consciousness into two parts in the form of primary and secondary. Now currently you are the primary consciousness while I am the secondary consciousness. That's why I said I am you.]

[ But as I said, everything and anything comes with a price. The price of our consciousness splitting led to you the primary consciousness to lose our memories but keep our will while me the secondary consciousness to lose our will but to keep our past memories.]

When Lucas heard this he understood the situation more clearly even though he still had some doubts.

' If I lost all of my memories then why do I know how to speak an understandable language and how to understand such complex things?' Lucas asked.

[ The reason is simple, it's because of your will. One can forget certain things but he can't forget what is part of his intelligence and emotions. The feelings you feel and the understanding you have is a part of your will which even I can't copy. Every individual is unique and he/she also has a unique way of thinking and grasping. ]


' Then how the fuck can you say such complex things when you don't even have a will of your own !!' Lucas knew the meaning of the curse he used but he didn't know how he was able to make it a part of his sentence. Is this also a part of his will ?

Lucas understood what will is basically. It is his own personality, a way of thinking, understanding and feeling which is only unique to him and which cannot be calculated neither it can be understood by anyone except him.

[ This is a temporary will which is created for this specific conversation only. Now if you will allow me to continue.] The screen or the secondary consciousness continued.

[ Even though your soul split your consciousness the chaotic energies were still present. Your soul was able to protect your will by protecting the Primary consciousness but even with giving the chaotic energies to your secondary consciousness that is me, it just buyed some time until I that is your secondary consciousness completely gets destroyed by the chaotic energies. Your soul was not able to throw off the chaotic energies infecting it. That's why your soul gave up.]

When the screen completed its sentence Lucas stared at the screen with a blank expression. It was as if he had heard the worst joke of his life.

I mean his fucking soul split his consciousness without fucking knowing what to do further and this screen that is his secondary consciousness is saying that he gave up.

' ....like really ?'

[ Yes ]

' ... isn't it dumb ?'

[ It thinks just like us but yes it is dumb it seems ]

'....Wow and fuck,'

Lucas' cute baby face had an expression of a grumpy old man which would melt even a devil's heart.

This seemed like a situation out of a movie but at least in the movie the characters panic. Lucas didn't have any ounce of panic on his face. Maybe this is the result of him having his emotions but without any memories or this is just how Lucas is.

[ Well, before giving up he gave a final order to me that is your secondary consciousness. Save the primary consciousness along with the soul no matter what. And I did just that.]

Even though the screen was speaking in monotone somehow it felt like he was mocking Claude's soul and was irritated that it left all the work to him.

[ Now through your memories which was the only thing I had I was able to find a solution. The chaotic energies were an infection but still a part of our consciousness. It was created because a reaction occurred in your soul while crossing the universal boundaries I think.]

[ I firstly created a temporary will. That only had one purpose and that was to stop the chaotic energies and it found a way to stop the chaotic energies from spreading. After all, chaotic energies were a part of my consciousness after all. As long as I had a will they will bend to it and they would found just the perfect way to use this chaotic energies.]

[ At first you might think that being the part of consciousness you will be able to control it but it is not that simple. It is hard to create something from something whose only purpose is destruction. That's why the first will sacrificed your secondary consciousness or you can say the secondary consciousness overpowered the chaotic energies and forced the chaotic energies into its plan.]

[ Creating or changing even a slightest change in a person's soul is massive impact as it kind of makes your soul defective and even if lost all your consciousness and get rebirthed with a completely new consciousness that disturbance will still be present and that is the reason why instead of creating a major flaw the will created something which will help you no matter who you are. Just to remind you, it was created from your memories.]

The screen didn't further say anything as if it wanted Lucas to ask it first.

'.... What is it ?'

[ A system.]


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