
Chapter 1

*Deep-In-Space* calamity approaching, calculating time … 1 year and 3 months until universal energy bursts and begins mass evolution. 10 years until the conquerors arrive. Searching for the proper host to protect the universe… scanning … scanning …


1 year later

A sports car is speeding well above the speed limit on the road with a young man inside; with multiple cars tailing it.

*AAH - CHOOO* "what the fuck" am I sick. Anyways I got to lose these fuckers, because my freedom will be sealed if I'm caught.

Got to get some distance and lose the car. Think-think, wait there is construction tunnel under the bridge. I could lose them if I can get through.

The car takes a sharp turn and heads down under the bridge skimming through a couple cars. "Good thing I decided to run at night" no way in hell I would've been able to escape if this was in the middle of the day.

The people tailing him finally realize what the young man's plan is and get scared. "Please don't go in the tunnel" - "Please don't go in the … he is in "The man in the car yells.


Fools thought they could stop me… *boom* the car rammed into a pillar inside of the tunnel.

Afterword's early in the morning.

Currently there is weird seen happening at the hospital. 10 men in black suits are all kneeling in front of the hospital.

A luxury car comes in quickly and parks in front of the hospital. It is a rare, beautiful, and extremely expensive car. A car people would love to see but for the men kneeling. It was an omen of death; they start trembling on the ground.

A handsome middle age man steps out of the car and says only two words "One Job" the trembling intensifies for the men on the ground.

The middle age man quickly walks past the men, but without sending one final glare. That is so cold it could stop the ice caps from melting. Inside the hospital you can see staff everywhere.

The CEO of the hospital is there and is giving a full 90-degree bow towards the man. He looks up a says "Mr. Damian, how are y-y-you doing today", which was ignored. Mr. Damian only says "room" and the CEO shuts up. "O-Of course sir follow me.

They enter an exclusive elevator and head to the highest level up the hospital. The approach a room with gold engraving that says V.I.P. It doesn't seem like a hospital room. It looks like the penthouse suite of a 5-star hotel.

Mr. Damien enters and the first time this day, he reveals a smile. It was the look of father that was relieved. He sees a young man laying on a bed. The man was tall with extremely good looks, it was as if he got sculpted by god and continuously refined for years.

"My son" he is whispers. His face also reverts to its cold look after seeing the young man is relatively fine.

The CEO quickly speaks and says "Young master, Adel will be fine; he only has a concussion and some small bruises. He should wake up in a couple hours".

Mr. Damien gives out a small sigh and wonders what went wrong. He showered the Adel with so much love and gifts, but he ended up so rebellious. He only wanted Adel to be engaged with his close friends' daughter.

It was the only thing he asked Adel to do in his entire life. Maybe he was lacking in discipline, but how could he punish his own son. Especially after he resembles her so much. He was man with a lot of blood stained on his hands and has committed a lot of sins.

But he tried to change himself, especially after he met Adel's mother. She was the purest and kindest person in the world. How could punish his son whose features match her so well.

He leaves the room, so he doesn't end up disturbing Adel's, rest. What he failed to notice was the subtle twitching of Adel's eyebrows.

In Adel's conscious there is a glowing sword talking to Adel. A random bystander would probably assume they are arguing, which is true.

*Adel's Mind* "Yes I got into the tunnel, wait what is the light" then he lost consciousness. When he finally woke up, he was in a dark space. He also sees a blindingly bright sword that is calling his name… "Wait how are you talking" Adel says confused.

Quite the bad child you are, "what are you talking about" Adel questions, I searched through your memories and wow your inside is completely different from the outside. Quite the ugly personality you have internally, but you have angelic external appearance. Adel "…"

But no matter, I Adio the True Hero System will guide on the path of a true hero whether you like it or not. "Hero? … Wait what do you mean by whether I like it or not???"

Simple, I have chosen you as my host. "WTF are you talking about, I am just a normal guy". Normal you say... on the contrary you aren't normal at all.

I have searched through countless planets with intelligent lifeforms, but they don't match up to you when it comes to the potential to become a true hero.

Adel is even more confused and says, "Why do they not match up to me"? Adio responds, you might not be the most naturally talented lifeform I have seen, but you are close to the top. Anyways you have a top tier external appearance also you come from a powerful family on your planet. "Can't you find anyone else like this" Adel grudgingly says. Adios responds, possibly but it was extremely hard to find someone like you and I don't want to continue looking and waste time.

Adel's yells "LEAVE ME ALONE". I can't now unless you die, also I would go back into slumber. Adel "…"

Adel finally speaks again after silence, "so I am stuck with you unless I die". Adio delightfully responds with a yes. Adel sighs, "so explain your hero mumbo jumbo". I am Adio the true hero system and was born to protect the universe.

I will create a true hero who will protect the universe. You are my host and I will make you strong and proper. Adel says, "I can understand strong, but what does proper mean"?

You are the host of the most righteous system in the universe, so you obviously must be selfless, caring, strong, and protector of the innocent.

"Well I don't do helping other people unless I have something to gain" Adel remarks.

Adio laughs, "I guess you will be in for a world of pain and torment". Adel has a bad premonition and says, "what do you mean by that".

I will reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. When you do good and righteous things, you will gain strength and benefits. If you commit bad deeds, you will be punished.

Adel gulps and says, "how broad is the term bad deed"? Adio explains "for example if you curse or say something impropriate you will get a shock.

Adel slowing says "what kind of shock".

Adio responds with "it will be the same a taser". "Wait-wait I get tased for simply swearing" Adel's yells.

"Of course, you will be a true hero, so you need to be icon for the people" Adio says. Anyways you have gotten the gist of it, so let us begin "True Hero"

Adel cries out "NOOOO"! *T_T*