
True God of the New World

A fan of Death note finds himself in the body of Light after acquiring the Death Note. "If light wasn't arrogant then he wouldn't have died in such a pathetic way." Deciding to create a new and better world, Light began to reform the world for the better.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 - I am the Light of the New world

I'm not sure how I'll progress this story but consider this as a One shot fic.

It's an experimental fic and I'm not a great writer but I will try.


Light Yagami. A name well known to the Anime community for his cunning mind and usage of Death note. Any fans would know what kind of person Light was. And waking up at an unfamiliar desk only to find the said Death note at the table.

Yeah, I find myself transmigrated in the world of Death note in the body of the protagonist. Frankly, I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing since it means I won't end up in Heaven or Hell now that I've touched the Death note.

However, it changes the moment I have a nagging feeling that if I succeeded in ruling the world as the New God like Light had intended then it won't be a problem. This certainly won't take a month or a year but at most half a decade if not then a decade or two.

Light in the story rushed things but I can't blame him for feeling a certain excitement for the first time in a while. He was simply blinded by the feeling of purpose for so long. As for me, I know a bit of the story even if it's not in detail but enough to form my plans and fix the mistake that Light had.

First of all, the year was around 2003 meaning wide internet access is not yet developed nor is it widely accessible to the masses compared to 2024. If this were the case then with the combined intellect of dedicated internet users could easily find me even with the tiniest of clues like how they found Shia Labeouf Flag by simply using the airplane and sound.

I need to be meticulous in how to handle everything. Sure I can simply live my life ignorant and act as if this never happened but I can't after touching the Death Note.

'Light is far too ignorant on the waist to use the Death Note because he simply kills and doesn't try to change certain events.'

If Light could manipulate events through the Death Note what is the limit of it? I wanted to test it myself.

'Huh?' I glanced down then found something particular. It was a pocket watch. Why does light have pocket watches?

'Wait this is…' I recognized the watch and my intuition tells me that this item is a gift of whoever sent me here. Perhaps a bored entity?

'Let me test this.' I took a pen and threw it then clicked the pocket watch. My eyes widened as I saw the Pen stopped at it's track mid air!

'This is…' I'm not too sure if this is what I think it is therefore I have to test it. A knock was heard at my door.

"Light! Dinner is ready." It was the voice of my younger sister. I went over and opened the door. My theory was confirmed the moment I saw my sister and tried to remain stoic.

[ Name: Sayu Yagami ]

[ Age: 14 ]

[ Lifespan: 70 years, 11 months, 220 days, 24 hrs, 49 minutes, 59 seconds ]

"Hold on, I'll be right there with you. There's something I need to do first." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell mom." Sayu went off while I headed back inside looking at the Death Note then to my Pocket Watch. I first went and stored the death note somewhere that no one would find it while I sat down for a brief moment to organize my thoughts.

'Not only did I gain a Death Note but also Lu Li's ability from Eternal Club manhwa.'

It's a series similar to Death note but instead of killing, it's about an MC who's ability allows him to see lifespan, slowed down time to 100x that grows as he accumulated lifespan that can store by stealing them from other people while also giving them to other people.

He became more successful in becoming a God than Light because he knows how important it is to have loyal subordinates that can shield him from those who want him.

'I'll simply do the same, I need to plan things carefully. I'm not in a rush.'

Now that I can change my lifespan then dying won't be an issue so long as no one directly kills me. I can be ageless but I'm not immortal just yet.

Does this make the death note useless when I have this pocket watch? No, it still has some uses to me. I can manipulate events using the notebooks to my advantage.

'Unlike Light, I need support and organizations that could protect me and use me as my pawn to take the fall for me if things go south.'

Forming a group like what the MC from Eternal Club series had done ensures that I have backing and people following me. I need loyal men under me, not just zealot followers.

'I need to set up goals. First is backing, second is loyal men, third is acquiring more lifespan.'

I also need to speed run technology and my future tech knowledge will surely come in handy. However, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. There's too many things to consider and for now I should clear my head.

The pocket watch soon disappeared and I went down to join my new family for dinner. Light was too distant and though I share the same bond as he did with his family doesn't mean I'll treat them badly nor do I intend to use him beyond gathering information.

'Killing L would be easy but I've only seen him as an anime and not as a real person. Sure I've seen the Japanese live adaptation but it might not work.'

I thought about taking a bite of the food and having a small chat with my new family trying to act like how Light should act.

"You seem livier than before. Did something happen?" My father said,

"No, it's nothing. I'm sure it's just your imagination." I answered back and he doesn't seem convinced. Can't blame him since he is a detective and his sharp intuition helps.

"Maybe. Anyway, I'm curious what you decide what your career is going to be?" He asked.

"I'm thinking of joining you since with my intellect then I might be able to make a huge change to our society." I answered. Yes. I can be like Dexter. Hiding in plain sight. I can even use other detectives I find to be my pawn.

"Hahaha Is that so? If that is the case then I can teach a thing or two before I retire." He laughed.

"I'm sure Light will end up solving all of them." My sister remarked while I smiled hearing this.

"Agree, didn't you help solve one of your cases before?" My new mother said.

It's fortunate that I have Light intellect since I wasn't this smart in my other life. Light is blinded by ego and lost his morals that made him a victim of failure. But I have none. I'm not as childish as him nor do I find joy in killing needlessly.

What I intend to do is create a scenario and events that become worthwhile. Humans pawns who will become zealots and worship me to the point that even police and influential people won't have power over me.

We talked a bit more before I headed back to my room and immediately went to business. I checked the time and date, making notes and outlines on another notebook using my pocket watch to slow time and help me contemplate the things I need.

L will be an issue but he can also be an asset if I use him carefully. I have information that Light has about how to use the Death Note meaning I won't experiment as he did meaning L would have difficulty understanding what, when, how or what caused all of it.

'Specifying certain scenarios helps me point them in a certain direction. I can make an accident happen in the building and destroy their data giving me more time to adjust.'

I rested my face on my knuckle as time resumed and fiddled with my pen as I looked at the Death Note. I glanced at my TV that showed the news. This is the time where Light killed his first victim but let's make a scenario where he gets pushed in the window by a hostage killing him.

With that, it will make it seem like it's an accident. I also need people who are hell bent on vengeance and justice that are willing to become my pawn. I need victims who will see me as the "Light" putting their devotion to me.

'With history pertaining to Cult, I can use them and extend my influences even further.'

L is too smart even with my careful planning, I will slip and make flaws that he can see through. There are many manipulators that I can use and studying strategy and mind games will certainly help me win.

'Light didn't have the pocket watch but since I have it I can also try the route that Lu Li from Eternal Club did.'

Lu Li wanted to be a God but he succeeded because he understood the value of loyal subordinates to cover the areas he couldn't and intended to accelerate Humanities evolution.

I understand that greed and people at the top remain simply because they kill anyone who is a threat to their power which oftentimes progressive tech that makes certain items obsolete for example Oil.

There had been a person who was able to use water as fuel better than any other water fueled engine but he was killed because it will plummet the engine and oil industry.

'Light only target petty criminals not seeing the true criminals are those who abuse their authority and power because of how untouchable they are from the law.'

I wouldn't be any different but I at least intend for people to grow and accelerate technology. Though, I need to be careful.

'I have many routes I can take but the best course for now is to set the stage for my name to be known. Kira will become a symbol for petty criminals to halt but this certainly won't stop large organizations which is the bigger issue.'

But with all that said, if I take this realistically, removing criminal organizations will affect the masses and it would be obvious to assume it would be good but sometimes evil is necessary to keep chaos at bay.

'I truly need someone to be my second voice and share their thoughts to help me.'

Due to Light hubris, he forgot he was not perfect and simply used his intellect and never had anyone to share his thoughts that could help him. I need someone who spite the evil of this world while also being loyal to me.

Frankly, Japan's law and justice system is extremely flawed, having treated criminals like animals. I'm not blind to understanding the many flaws in Light's belief.

Justice is blind but not heartless.

Let's initiate my plans tomorrow since I also need to consider my schedule and patterns to make it as unpredictable as possible. I hid the Death Note and went to sleep since I needed to rest and refresh myself.


A week. It's been a week since I've arrived in this world and had done several things. First was to set up a shoot out in the school where I was from using a criminal that I knew would be the perfect tool to allow me to have free time since if this traumatic event happens then the school would force them to give students time to settle and forget the trauma.

Of course this has high risk, high reward but I made sure the tool I use had motivation for the shoot out while also being scum to society. Still, it wasn't easy due to the lack of internet like where I was from where data and information flow smoothly.

This era was still at an early stage. But with my father's information and investigation files it was easy for me to pick the perfect candidate. The said target I use also had their lifespan stolen because I had use for it.

'Now then, I've set up everything and studied what I needed to study.' I began to walk away after acquiring my target gaining more resources and use as a pawn. It was a dying old man who had a large enterprise and turned them into my backer. They won't do anything stupid because being my Ally is better than becoming my enemy.

I know their names and faces therefore I can kill them whenever I want and however I want. It's worth nothing that I wore a disguise to hide my identity to keep my alter ego a secret. Money is power. And power is law.

I've made an untraceable bank that will give me the money for. Studying programming was a hassle but worth it.

If I have money and law then I can influence people. I intended to acquire money then find some business that would go bankrupt, saving them turning the said business as my starting point, slowly making my way throughout the world.

I've been meticulous in my planning and had placed police at a wild goose chase. Putting their focus somewhere else.

I quickly head my way to the business that I've researched and desperate enough to make a contract with me. They'll be my puppet and someone who will be the person to the public.

I'll skip a bit and I was successful in taking control of the man who is willing to give everything as long as he can keep his business afloat. I suggest in certain businesses that he can invest, namely the company that will one day go big in the future.

If things go smoothly then I reap what I sow and would have a bountiful harvest.

"Everything is going according to my plan." I thought about getting back to my normal outfit and heading back home as I can't help but smile then I suddenly frown.

"But if things seem going too smoothly, there's certainly an oversight I would overlook." I got home and quickly went to my room after greeting my mother. I sat down and waited for things to go accordingly.

"My my, what do we have here?" I glance over to see the person who is neither my ally nor enemy. Ryuk.

"I've been expecting you. Shinigami."