
And thus, chaos ensues

"Now I know something's strange. Thus [Kagune-Rinkaku] is clearly from Tokyo Ghoul." I thought in shock. I decided to wait to try it out and go home to sleep.

I turned back to human form and left the woods. Surprisingly, my clothes were intact. "I wonder how that works." I walked towards my house while contemplating. "This either means fictional things can be found in the lottery, those things are real, or a bit of both". I decided not to overthink it, and entered my house. It was already 10 pm. As soon as my head hit the bed, I fell asleep.


*Yawn* "Guess mom didn't wake me up today". I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As I entered, I saw myself in the mirror."Hot damn, who the hell us this dude?" I said. My face was completely free of acne, and my body was thinner and more toned, I even had a six-pack! My body weight didn't change, but my fat turned to mostly muscle and condensed. I wasn't as big, and was more like a swimmer than the giant fat kid I looked like yesterday morning. I figured as my stats increase, I'll also look better. I then heard another voice in my head.

[New STAT category unlocked-Appearance-7]

Damn! Now I can become a true alpha male. I instantly remembered that I could change my stats with blood points. I had about five left, so I turned them all into appearance. My skin bubbled before becoming clearer, and slightly more tanned. My jawline was enhanced, and I looked absolutely fabulous. My brownish-Black hair turned midnight black.

I hopped in the shower because I hadn't had one the previous night. As I felt the warm water run across my skin, I felt something below my waist. Hot damn! I was already pretty big down there but now it was crazy with almost 9 inches while flaccid(I had to-Author-San). My life was about to get a whole lot better.

After washing up, I brushed my hair put on my clothes. I'd need to get some better looking ones soon. I walked down and saw my mother drunk again. I heard my parents say it was because of my dad's job.

I left the house and walked towards school. After about twenty minutes of walking, I reached the entrance. I entered and went towards my first period class.

After my first and second period class, third period arrived. I didn't really talk to anyone, but I could feel some staring at me. During around the middle of third period, an alarm went off.


FML. First a bear, now a shooter, how bad is my luck? I decided to attack this son of a bitch thinking he can waltz in and fire at my fucking school. I walked outside, disregarding the rest of the class and the teacher. I was currently in the north hall, about 50 feet from the west hall. I pulled the hoodie over my face and covered my arms with gloves. I had some on hand even though it was spring and school was almost over, it was still cold. After all my skin was covered, I activated [Dragon Skin]. My skin instantaneously was replaced by scales.

I could hear gunshots close by. I crept around quietly, checking every corner before I turned. I grabbed the pair of scissors I brought with my as a weapon. I pulled them apart, and popped off the screw binding them, giving me two makeshift daggers. I reached the corner that turned to where the gunshots were. I peeked around the corner, and saw the shooter's back towards me, aiming at the door of a classroom. I could hear people yelling for help in there. I rest up behind him, and like lightning, jabbed my daggers right his jugular vein. The blood on the daggers was absorbed into my skin.

[Armed human blood gained +25 BP]

Looks like I got extra points for him being armed with a rifle. I yelled at the door "He's dead now, you guys are safe" as I kicked the rifle down the hallway. I saw a cautious teacher look through the glass in the door, before opening it and shouting "Thank you" and hugged me(Ma dude). I should also note that the teacher was female, and very young and well-endowed. As well as how she planted my face directly into a bosom that was at least d-cup. I blushed furiously and tried to back away, but she hugged me even tighter, until she realized where my head was.

She jerked back and apologized furiously for it. I lightly smiled and reassured her"It's okay, it was just relief for your and your classroom's safety". I could see the class looking at us, most of them with immense relief.

A group of SWAT officers busy into the hallway, guns pointed at us, before they saw the scene. They looked at me, then at the guy on the floor, before the guy who looked like the leader walked up and said"You have done a great service, but we have to take you in for questioning." I smiled and nodded, knowing they were only following protocol. One of the younger officers walked to me and said"Sorry dude" as they directed me towards the exit, where they had police vans waiting for them. There was also a group of ambulances that carried away the shooter. I sat in the van as they took me to the police station.

"So, you're saying you crept up behind him and stabbed him in the neck with a pair of broken scissors?" The lead officer, Daniel Swift, asked. I nodded in confirmation. "Why" he asked. "Why? Well maybe because there was someone trying to kill people at my school" I said sarcastically. He nodded, and understood what I meant."Well with that, you're free to go, but school will be out for the rest of the week, so take it easy." I thanked him and left the station, where an officer was waiting to take me home.

As he drove me to my house, I once again contemplated. I could be some rot if super-hero. New York was only a few miles away, so that leaves no shortage of crime, but there could be repercussions I don't know about. I decided to play it safe for now and build up my strength before I try anything drastic.

The officer dropped me off at my house and I went to my bedroom, after waving goodbye. I sat down on my bed and spent 20 BP on lottery.

The lottery spun for a few seconds, then landed on an evolution. [Eyes of Medusa] is what it landed on. Isn't this kind of overpowered, being able to turn people to stone? I decided to sleep on it, and laid down before falling asleep.

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