
Bad news

After I got my first points of sin, Akio and I started to cause some problems at school. We made a lot of bullies confess the things they did, sometimes even in front of the director. Most of them gave a point, while some had not sinned enough to make a point.

I went to the school's board a few times, but most of the time I always had someone to testify for me, which meant that the director had no way to punish me heavily.

I ended up saving several students from being beaten or something, it made people start looking at me in a more positive way. Now, people who used to exclude me from some games and groups started calling me to play and go out, I accepted some invitations to reduce my mother's worry.

Some of those invitations were even letters that girls wrote asking me out on a date or something, but I always refused, my older mind is not sick enough to allow me to go out with a 12-year-old girl.

My mom ... Well, I can say that she was happy with my new friendships, but she was also angry because she got a lot of calls from the director these past few months.

"Where am I going to get those last ten points from?" At that moment, I was going to my home and that was the question that occupied my mind. Even after I "took care" of almost all the high school bullies that I managed to defeat, after all, I was not that strong with Akio's help, I still hadn't finished the mission.

When I arrived in front of the door of my house, I saw that my mother was waiting for me in the living room, she was totally shaken, with an expression of extreme sadness as she cried.

"Mom !? Are you okay?" when I saw this, I screamed and ran to hug her. My mom is really important to me. Initially, I thought I wouldn't treat her like a real mom since I had another mom in my first life. But she showed so much affection and care, that I ended up loving her deeply.

"Son, you are here." she accepted my hug and a weak voice came out of her mouth, she seemed to be quite tired.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask her because I was very concerned about her current state, I had never seen her so sad.

"Your father... He is no longer with us, he went to heaven." she started to explain, but stopped suddenly and thought for a while before saying that his father had died. Of course, she tried to make this fact lighter since Gael today was still a child.

"Dad?" I whispered and remembered my father's face causing tears to fall from my eyes. My father worked a lot, in these last years I spent little time with him, but whenever he had free time, he showed his affection as a father. Now he understood why his mother was like this, she loved him very much.

But a question still hung in my mind.

"Gael, don't be sad. He's in a better place ... For sure." she saw that I was very sad and tried to comfort me. Of course, that didn't work, since I knew where my father's soul had gone and that emptiness was certainly no better than this world.

"How?" I asked her.

"What?" she was surprised for a moment since she didn't think I would ask that kind of question.

"How did he die?" I repeated the question, but this time I looked into her eyes.

"Gael, as I told you a few times, your father worked at a large company, he always took the subway there, since it was quite far from our home. Then, one day he went to work and took the subway as he always did . " she paused and started wiping the tears from her eyes, it took her a few seconds to calm down and continue.

"But on that day, a group of villains caused problems in the city and attacked several places, one of the places they attacked was the train he was on. He ended up dying after one of the villains broke the train, causing a piece of metal to hit him in the chest. "

"Villains, huh?" I now realized my biggest mistake, since I came to this world I lived a normal life, as similar as my past life and I ended up forgetting the dangers. Part of the sadness I had at the death of my father started to become angry with these villains and eventually became determined to get stronger.

"If I continue like this, I will die without even knowing what happened. Besides, I will certainly hunt down those responsible for this!" I clenched my fist so hard, my nails dug into the flesh of my hand.

I was hugging my mother for a long time until she stabilized a little and went to make me a snack.

That day totally changed the way I saw this world, and it allowed me to learn to act the right way.

"I don't want to depend on the goodwill of another ball of light or be at the mercy of these villains. I have to get stronger and become the hero that my father always wanted me to be!" After that day, I told my mother that I would like to start training in martial arts, she was surprised initially as I didn't seem to be a child who liked exercise, but then she realized that her husband's death affected him more than she imagined.

I decided to start training in martial arts only after my father's funeral. I never liked going to funerals, as I found the dark atmosphere unpleasant, but this time I couldn't help it, I wanted to see my father's face for one last time.

After the funeral, I started to train in martial arts, eat a more balanced diet, and also started to do physical exercises. I was still quite young and didn't use to exercise often, so I was quite weak initially I just did a few push-ups and sit-ups before I got tired.

This became my routine, I needed to become stronger to get more points of sin.

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