
Fairy Ring

In the woods far away from Durlivan there lay a stream, soft and glowing. Fairies dance and laughter flows in this place separate from the world.

The Fairy Ring.

It's a large area high in Durlivan's mountains. Here is where the fairies live, eat and socialize.

This is also where they fight to decide their ruler, which is decided when the old one dies or when a hundred years have elapsed.

Standing in this world away from the world, wind pushing him back but unable to keep him down there be a young man with a crimson sash and scars that tell more stories than words ever could.

Sabers made of the claws of a mythical beast that only the oldest fairies can remember, the only the eldest know to fear.

It's a plains area in the mountains hidden in deep forest and protected by fairy charms that ward normal people away and attack intruders.

Yet, the fairy charms do nothing to the young man. The fairies continue to laugh and frolic despite his presence.

They are at ease.

It's a strange sight to behold, fairies at ease so near to a human, especially a warrior as renowned and feared as the one before them.

A dark fairy sits upon his shoulder kicking her small legs back and forth, back and forth...

The young man ventures further into the fairy ring.

The deeper in he goes, the stronger the qi in the air becomes. The more at peace he feels.

'It's safe here...' He thinks idly as fairies say their greetings to him as he passes by, '...is this what I've worked for...?'

A warmth he never expected began growing in his heart.

He had warred.

He had killed.

He had suffered.

And he had cried.

Fear motivated him to do better. To be better.

And now in this place where the results of his actions are as clear as the laughs of the young fairies, his heart feels at ease.

Regardless of what the outside world may bring. What it may be. In this moment, in this place...

...nothing can shake him.

Soon, the qi turns into a light breeze, refreshing and cool.

The young forest within the fairy ring parts. His eyes soften.

There in the meadow hidden in the center of the fairy ring, surrounded by flowers and fairies who live on them is a girl.

A girl not much older than him. Her eyes are beautiful like oceanic crystals. Hair not unlike the first rays of light on a midsummer evening as the sun goes into twilight and it's unknown whether one will rise to see it again.

Her figure lithe but strong. Like a fearsome beast, yet, the young man doesn't see her body, doesn't see her aura nor feel the fierce storm in her heart.

His lips part and his eyes linger on the part of her that he fell in love with first, "You have beautiful eyes, princess."

His rough voice made mellow by the love that had entered him so long ago. The young fairy on his shoulder flew away quietly.

He reached the center of the meadow standing but a few feet from his beloved. He stretched out a hand upon which there lay a small ornate box.

"I told you not to call me princess anymore..." Her voice is like honey in sunlight, he smiles like evening dew upon hearing it.

His knee's which have only ever bent for the love of his people, now bend for the love of his life.

His eyes catch hers. His are bland and brown, but the light of the sun reflects the tragedy, mourning and love filled within.

She smiles and reaches out touching his cheek softly.

He gently leans into her soft hands and speaks in a tone he's never heard before, "Shion Dra... I've come to get you."

Her face beamed with a smile so radiant even the angels above would be blinded.

"Agashi Durlivan... whose to say I didn't send for you?" Her eyes softened and a light chuckle filled the air like the most beautiful melody.

The dark young fairy which once accompanied him here now sat on her shoulder waving excitedly.

He smiled and opened the ornate box to reveal two rings of blood jade, beautiful and holding meaning beyond words.

She gasped but he knew that it wasn't from surprise, but happiness.

"Shion Dra, will you-" He opened his mouth and reached for the ring to be hers.

"Yes!" She half-yelled and plunged towards him sending them both onto the meadowy flower bed.

Pollen shot up like dust on a battlefield.

"Achu..." A quiet sneeze rang out.

"Hahaha..." The young man chuckled hearing it.

The girl blushed.

She sat on his lap and the two caught one another's eye. They both started laughing.

For a moment, the world didn't revolve around the sun. It revolved around them. To them, they were each other's sun. Their happiness was their own, and they wished for nothing more than to share it with one another.

He suddenly took her hand into his gentle grasp, "Will you take this ring, and be mine?"

She gently shook her head taking the ring into her hand, "I can be no ones but my own, though, for you, I will give you my most important part..."

She led his hand over her heart. The meaning clear.

He blushed a light shade of red, "Then... I will give you this, for it already beats only for you."

He took her hand on his heart. The two looked softly into each other's eyes.

She took his hand and the blood jade ring.

He took her hand and the other blood jade ring.

With soft smiles, they slowly put the rings on each other's hands. When completely she spoke happily, "It's time to make a choice, what will our house be called?"

He felt a strange qi snake up into his body touching his heart, but he didn't fight it. He knew it was her qi. Her soul touching his.

"Drashi." His voice rolled out like winter's first snowfall, innocent and untainted.

"Drashi..." She rolled the word in her mouth and a smile like flowers blooming appeared, "Then, from this day forth, my name is now Shion D. Drashi, and yours is..."

He took her hands into his. Their rings touching and qi mixing.

"Agashi D. Drashi," His leaned forward and touched his head to hers, "All these scars which I have taken in surviving till this point are nothing compared to the scars I am willing to bear in order to live past this, with you, a heart for a heart, love for love, one for another, I swear that it will never beat for another."

Her mind froze and her heartbeat like drums, he smiled and whispered in her ear, "Your heart's beating like crazy? Are you okay?"

Her face went red but she didn't push him away, "When did you become a poet?"

She pouted. He laughed.

The two stayed silent for a while enjoying the peace of the moment.

His hand slowly reached for her cheek. Calluses made themselves known as he touched her soft skin.

He pulled his hand back but she caught it and spoke softly, "These hands... you fought for us with these hands... these scars... you got them for us... this heart... you almost lost it, for us. I will never push you away, be your hands rough or your heart rotted. For now and forever after, I will love you, and only you, Agashi Drashi."

The sunset over the mountain peak, a long shadow cast over the meadow.

Before it could reach them, her shadow moved.

His eyes widened but soon, they softened and his shadow too made a move.

The two fell into the meadow once more, this time, they didn't come up for a long time.

The dark young fairy made sure no one would disturb them.

Later as the moon rose over the mountains. It shone it's light down on the lovers as they sat on the fields.

Agashi reached out to help her tie up her clothing and hair, whilst she tied his crimson sash back up.

"Fearsome," Agashi muttered jokingly.

"Speak for yourself." She countered blushingly.

As she looked away his hand found hers.

She didn't look back at him but her hand squeezed his.

He felt warm inside, as though the mountain wind couldn't touch him. As though nothing could damage this moment.

Suddenly, as they entered the small fairy forest at the edge of the meadow, Shion began whistling a catchy yet ancient tune.

She half-turned her head looking at him with an intense side-eye, "Don't you want to whistle this with me? Its name is lost, but it's meaning grounded in the happy couples who once sang it."

He smiled wanting to give her a kiss but she looked away and kept on whistling the catchy little tune in the mountain trail.

Halfway down the mountain, she felt like he would never join her, but suddenly, a familiar tune began to play from his lips.

Haphazard at first, trying to keep up with hers.

But together they compensated and got it just right.

It was not yet new years, yet a new couple had been born. Sworn to one another with absolutes.

Shion, who wore a common white dress.

Agashi, who wore a raggedy mercenary outfit.

Together, walking through Durlivan's fields many stopped to look and to listen.

Soldiers recognized Agashi and smiled. They did not bow. But instead gave them they're well wishes.

Common citizen's who were the ones most indebted to Shion for her leadership when Agashi would leave, neither bowed nor spoke, their eyes told of their unimaginable wishes for the new couple.

None knew that they had just said their vows. But none needed to be told.

Both old and young understood by the ring on their hands and the look in their eyes. It was undeniable.

What they were all witnessing was the arrival of Agashi and Shion, their newlywed lords.

Word spread ahead of them, in the city a grand festival had already begun.

Trigo, Warren, Alias, Nefamiti, Keneth, Clay, Senal, Satree, Baroli, Anept and Seramia stood waiting for them atop the walls.

Once close Seramia tapped her staff on the ramparts. A grand qi of calm washed over the city. Her powers had increased by leaps in bounds as Veru's following grew in the same way.

Her voice amplified through the city, yet was not damaging to the ears, but instead soft and caring, the voice of a priestess, "On this day, Deific Calander Year 1011 Month of Beginning and rebirth, I, Seramia first priestess of Veru declare that these two, Agashi Durlivan and Shion Dra, are now officially wed under sacred pact! May they live forever!"

A wave of calming qi shot out like a milky white ring around her.

'A blessing,' He thought with a gentle smile as he then turned his gaze to Shion, 'a blessing.'

He went to take her into his arms, but she was already prepared and in an instant, he'd had his lips stolen in front of the entire city.

He blushed and smiled, "Care for another?"

She shook her head and leaned forward, her breath tickling his ear, "Not until we get home."

He blushed further remembering the passion in the fairy ring.

Suddenly he turned around. His eyes wide staring at the sky.

Where the fairy ring is up in the mountains a formation appeared and powerful shots of qi went flying into the sky like fireworks.

"...a secret, is it?" He looked at the fireworks which were turned into hearts when they exploded or interconnected rings.

The people cheered.

Shion raised his hand in hers and spoke, her tone royal yet soft touching the hearts of all who heard it, "From this day forth, I am no longer just Shion Dra! I am Shion D. Drashi! Wife of Agashi D. Drashi! Our house, our family name will be Drashi, and with this name we will forge a new path! Past Durlivan's old struggles! Past Dra's fall! We will forge a path together! For all!"

The crowd froze, but then all at once...

"Ouuu!!!! Long live house Drashi! Long live the lords of Durlivan!" Cheers shot into the sky and the mood elevated.

Though, not everyone was as ecstatic as the original residents. Refugees found no pleasure in the event.

And a certain pair of sinister eyes did not miss their mark from within the crowd.

The new couple walk forward slowly. The crowd parts for them.

Agashi's qi is pulsing strong. Shion's qi is pulsing with gentle strength.

They soon arrive at the top of the city where the estate lies.

Alias moved ahead of the two and opened the doors.

Seramia and the others had followed them for afar as they returned to the estate.

"Aga, my friend, how could you not invite me to your wedding ceremony?" Nova stood on the other side of the doors with his arms crossed.

Agashi looked over panicked for a second but then saw the look in his eyes and smiled, "You knew... Was I the only one who didn't know...?"

Nova didn't answer his question but instead simply smiled, "I'm sure you're tired. But, there is a whole host of lords here to see the newlywed 'Demons of Durlivan' as they are calling you two. One dominates the battlefield yet is capable of desk work. The other dominates the battlefield and desk work."

His gaze changed from Agashi to Shion.

He felt embarrassed and made a mental note to not skip out on work anymore.

Shion smiled seeing him blush and winked at Nova who smiled and gave her a look back.

Nefamiti stood to the side with a big smile on his face and clapped him on the back, "They're playing you lord, scheming to get you to do you're work!"

Alias laughed quietly and so too did the others as they muttered amongst one another laughing together as Agashi hung his head.

Shion had a small smile on her hand and took both his hands into hers, standing right in front of him and looking into his droopy eyes, "Now... that is not the fearsome man I married, pick up your head, we are going to meet some important people."

"...Important people?" He turned his gaze on the estate and noticed the shadows in the windows of the ballroom at the west wing.

"Diplomats from Lancard and Tensent as well as the crown's inquisitors." Keneth said coldly, "They've been acting up since they arrived. The crown's inquisitors are especially anxious now that you've made them wait two days."

He nodded coldly, 'It's time then.'

He steps forward but feels a grasp on his hand. He looks down and realizes that Shion is holding his hand walking together next to him, forward.

A smile blooms on his face, "We are in this together then..."

Once more he steps forth.

In this span of this single step, his resolve was set.

Took some big brain mechanics for a loveless guy like me to build this chapter, hope you all enjoy it!

Wordlit_Sonatacreators' thoughts
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