
First Day of School 

Li Tian in a high schooler uniform made the little boy look extremely adorable. Most 16 year old teenager were already a head taller than Li Tian. Li Tian had not even broken his voice yet. Coupled with his long hair style, it made the twelve year old look like a pretty doll in over-sized clothes. 

"Ah! Who is that cutie walking over there? I did not know that our high school had such a cute girl?" 

"Where? Where? Eh? Shouldn't that person be a boy instead? He is wearing the guy's uniform. He is definitely very cute for a guy." 

"Kya! How I wish to walk up and squish his cheeks! Just where did he come from? Is he a new student?" 

"Hey, the little boy seems to be walking beside the twins from the Li Clan. Maybe that little boy was a part of the Li Clan too and he came to high school to experience what it was like to study here." 

"That seems very likely. It could be a learning journey for the little boy. Maybe I'll see him today in class hehehe… At that point, I can take advantage of the situation to squish the boy's cheeks!" 

"Ah I want to do that too!" 

"Me three!" 

The twins noticed that with Li Tian's presence, there was a crowd forming in the vicinity to look at their little brother. They knew this would happen as this was not the first time people had commented about their little brother. Li Tian knew about this and was why during the CPT, the boy would always look down and try to obscure his looks. He hated attention. 

By the time the group entered the building and headed into the staff office, there was already a large crowd near the entrance of the building. If it weren't for the staff chasing away those students, Li Tian would have a hard time getting out of the office. 

"You sure are popular…" Li Xi smirked at his little brother. He placed an arm on Li Tian's shoulder before bidding farewell. "Li Xi and I are going to head to class now. We shall pick you up from your class later to bring you to lunch, alright?" 

"No, no, It's okay if you guys want to have lunch with your own friends." Li Tian shook his head, "I'll be fine by myself." 

"Little bro, that won't do. Mum has explicitly instructed us that we have to take good care of you in school." This time Li Mei spoke about their overprotective mother. "If we did not do as she said, we will not be given our allowance this month." 

"Alright then." Li Tian smiled at his siblings as they left the office. 

His teacher, Jun Wang, soon came over and they greeted each other. Compared to last week when Jun Wang had a monotonous looking face, today, Jun Wang had a look of respect for the little boy in front of him. Although he was stronger than this student of his, he knew in no time, Li Tian would become a powerful cultivator. 

"Let's head to class then, Li Tian." 


The teacher and student left for the form class as soon as the bell rang. There was no students in the hallway at this timing as latecomers to class meant that they would receive extra martial training after school. 

Li Tian stood outside a classroom which had the sign, 'Class 3A' on the top of the door. When Jun Wang entered the noisy classroom, the entire atmosphere went quiet as they saw their teacher. Jun Wang was known for being one of the strictest teachers in Ningguo High School No. 1. Anytime someone had misbehaved or made noise in class, they would receive extra training after school. 

"Alright class, today, we have a new transfer student joining our Class 3A for the last half a semester. He entered the school with his own efforts and so, I do not want to hear any gossips about him getting into this class through a backdoor." Turning to the door, Jun Wang beckoned for Li Tian, "Li Tian, you may enter." 

With the teacher's call, Li Tian opened the sliding door as he stepped into the room of students with a hint of nervousness. All eyes were on the cute little boy that was clearly younger than everyone in the room. Everyone immediately got excited and curious about the new student. Sadly, with Jun Wang's strict rules, no one dared to make a commotion. 

"Please introduce yourself to everyone." 

Li Tian nodded as he turned to write his name on the whiteboard. Li Tian. Everyone was familiar with this surname as it was the most famous clan in the entire Ningguo. Li Tian turned back and started to introduce himself according to his original script he had prepared beforehand. 

"Good morning everyone. My name is Li Tian. I am turning twelve soon, which explains why I look so much younger than everyone else. My cultivation level is at the first stage of Qi Refinement Realm. I look forward to getting to know everybody." 

"Huh? WHATTTTTTTTT!?!?!?!!" The entire class exclaimed together. 

"How is this possible? A twelve year old was already at the Qi Refinement Realm?? What has this world come to?" 

"Is this a prank? It has to be a prank right? Can someone pinch me to see if this is really real life?" 

"The little kid from this morning turned out to be a new student in our class! Not only that, he has the same cultivation realm as our whole class!"

"Ahh the little boy looks so much cuter in person! I want to squish his cheeks so badly! I wish he will be sitting beside me…" 

"Don't go scaring him away! Do you see his family name is Li? He is not someone we can offend." 

"Man… What the hell was I doing when I was his age?" 

"Hahaha! You were probably playing with the ants by the playground and catching butterflies to show-off to your friends!" 

"Hey speak for yourself! I remember you had wet your pants when we went to the haunted house in the amusement park!" 

Everyone was stunned by Li Tian's introduction. Shock. Doubt. Jealousy. Sadness. It was an all in one package introduction. Teacher Jun Wang did not stop the students from talking as he himself felt it was a justifiable response. He himself was not able to process the situation in a short moment. After a few minutes of commotion, Jun Wang finally calmed the class down and the class went around giving an introduction about themselves for Li Tian. With that done and dusted, Jun Wang threw another bombshell at the class. 

"Today's form class will end with that. From now on, do take care of Li Tian. He may have been here for a shorter time than everyone else, but do treat him like how you treat every other student who had been here since the beginning." Jun Wang took out a stack of papers from the box he had carried from the staff office. "Alright, in the first session today, we will be attempting ten questions that was set by our beloved principal. You have fifteen minutes to do these ten questions before going through it together. If you get more than three wrong, today, you will have extra training sessions with me. Li Tian, you can sit out of this pop quiz." 

"What! How is this fair?" 

"Teacher, how can you be so bias to the new student? He should be allowed to experience Principal Zhong's questions too hehehe…" 

"Yeah, teacher! You got to treat everyone equally!" 

Hearing everyone's displeasure, Jun Wang's face turned into one of the devil's. He snorted at his students. "The reason why Li Tian does not have to take this quiz is because he had done the principal's questions for his entrance test. Mind everyone, he scored full marks for the ten questions in under ten minutes. So, does everyone still think that he needs to do this pop quiz?" 

Teacher Jun's comment rendered the entire class silent. No one voiced another complaint. As they started to do the principal's devilish questions, they soon realized how crazy their newest classmate's prowess was. The questions were at the level of the papers set in the GPPT. Currently, only one student had made it into the top ten of the GPPT in their entire school. That student was actually in Class 3A also and he was Li Tian's new desk mate. 

Li Tian sat in the front row with his desk mate, Hong Yao. As Hong Yao did the paper, Li Tian took glances at his working. He realised that this person must be one of the smarter students in the high school. 

Fifteen minutes went by in a blink of an eye. It seemed that only three out of the thirty students were able to complete the pop quiz with full marks. Only five students had gotten more than three wrong. The level of Intelligence in the top class in Ningguo's best high school was not a joke. 

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