
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
117 Chs


feng-yan is busy in reading all the point of acupuncture so she can start doing her cultivation since, aunt Zhang Won't let her do cultivation she start studying acupuncture so she can seal her aunt Zhang sleeping acupuncture and then start cultivation she wanted to start cultivation earlier so she can advance earlier in this world a kid normally start cultivating when they trun five year old but feng-yan can't wait that much feng-yan is currently three year old after two year her father will get married according to the novel feng-yan mother married Wang lei cause of his status and money although he was not that rich but he has good reputation among people Wang lei thought that feng-yan need a mother so he married her but it doesn't change anything only feng-yan became angry and start acting arrogant to stop her hurting people Wang lei let her deal with feng-yan but he don't know that she was the reason why feng-yan had became like that although feng-yan was a side character but it touch everyone heart.

feng-yan was searching aunt Zhang to test her acupuncture skills when she saw aunt Zhang cooking in kitchen she slowly walk behind her and about to press the point but she realise that she is to small to reach the point she start cursing under her breath with a sign she decide to go out and play. she trun around to walk outside and shout at aunt Zhang "aunt Zhang I'm going out to play"

"come back before dawn" aunt shout at her since she is already outside "yes" she reply and start running in street she was looking at stores and beautiful scenery.

she was going toward her favourite restraunt it was owned by a old couple and they are very sweet they treat her with love they love her unique looks they don't treat her like other people treat her they call her name like "witch" "devil" and more on but the most famous name was "cursed beauty" but she had became habituate to it and doesn't care anymore for her it was nickname given to her by people.

" grandma little yan is here" feng-yan shout when she enter the restraunt grandma look at her smile "little yan why don't you take your seat I will came with your food so tell me what do you want to eat" feng-yan thought for a sec before replying with a grin on her face "grandma I'm not that hungry so one small pieces of chicken will do" just by the thought of chicken she start drooling grandma chuckle before going to get chicken for her.

feng-yan start looking outside the window it was her favorite seat from here she can see the bustling street and people walking and laughing kids running here and there merchant shouting for there product and customer looking at things "here your chicken little yan" she came back to her since when she heard grandma she look at her and give her a smile and start eating her chicken it was quite good so she can't help but order another piece of chicken when she was busy eating her chicken someone shout "oye cursed beauty" feng-yan know who is it by the voice she was the second miss of su family and daughter of village head su-xi so she decide to ignore her but su-xi grinned her teeth when she saw feng-yan was ignoring her.

she look around and notice that everyone attention is on them now she can't help but felt embarrass her face trun red she glare at feng-yan and walk toward her in her mind she was village head daughter feng-yan should bow her head to her her father is just a mere solider "feng-yan I'm talking to you" she again shout but feng-yan doesn't care about her she kept her focus on her chicken that taste good su-xi became more angry. she grab the plate of chicken to get her attention when she did that feng-yan quickly grab it again they both doesn't leave the plate feng-yan frown and look at her. su-xi felt shiver when she look in feng-yan eye there is weird feeling inside her heart she felt that her soul is buring but she doesn't show it on her face and confront her.

"leave it" feng-yan was not in the mood of fighting but su-xi was not ready to leave it when she saw that su-xi is not going to leave her lips curved into cute smile "if you want my chicken you can have it" saying that she leave the plate since su-xi was holding plate tightly so when feng-yan leave the plate su-xi wasn't able to balance herself and fell down.

"ouch" su-xi cried out su family guard quickly help su-xi to get up but she was to angry her face had trun into ashen pale she was shivering I'm anger without saying anything she attack feng-yan. su-xi was at mid-true marital her cultivation speed known as good feng-yan know if she got into fight with her there is no way she can win from her with cultivation a person can fight easily her speed is faster then feng-yan if feng-yan stay there then she was going to get bested black and did blue while thinking about the result a idea came into her mind she relax her body and look at su-xi who is coming toward her with her fist turned into punch when she reach close to feng-yan she felt her body trun stiff she doesn't felt her arm anymore her whole body became numb she got scared when she try to move her body but she can't move there is no power in her body to move when the people saw this they became shock they look at feng-yan who is standing there with her one arm on her back while the other one was resting on the chair her whole body give the aura of superior which can make anyone now to her.

"feng-yan you monster what you did why can't I move my body you bitch" su-xi can't do anything only her head was moving her whole had trun stiff she glare at feng-yan who is leaving money on the table and about to leave the restraunt su-xi became anxious she can't help but shout "feng-yan treat me first where do you think you are going without treating me"

feng-yan was not in the mood to fight do she just release her acupuncture point that she had seal feng-yan mood became good when her acupuncture work she does not pay any attention to su-xi anymore and leave the restraunt happily.

but little did she know that the people who had seen the fight had spread the news in whole village and she had gotten new nickname by people "pretty monster" whatever name name they give her but her own name was unique and famous in the whole village.