
Game Update

After school had ended I quickly went home ignoring anyone in my sights, and when I got home I skipped everything and went to go play the game. When I had logged in I had a lot vacant messages from the game, most of the messages were about the new update but one of them looked fun. The message the stood out the most was about an event that was gonna happen, apparently there was gonna huge battle royal across the game for all levels and rewards for the winner. The event was gonna start in the next week for people to prepare and level up so I decided to go back to the 4th floor where I left off and level up to at least level 100. As of now im closing in on level 80 and for now I don't want any distractions so I will be completely hidden when I go to school tomorrow. So now I kept my mind straight and went up to the fourth floor to level up and prepare for the event.

The next day had come and I had went to school early to get ready for the day. As Chloe and her friends were walking to school but they hadn't know I had left early so they were generally confused. Shuna had said, "Where is he..." Chloe replied "I don't know maybe he is sick or went early." The first bell had rang and classes were starting, I was deadly focused on school because of the exams coming up but part of my mind was still figuring out what to do at the event and with Reyna close behind me it was gonna be a struggle. When I got home later that day I ignored everything and just went onto World Online and practice all my skills and movements so I could win and take the reward.