
Death Clouds (2)

Celine reached one of her arms in the air grasping her elbow with her other hand, yawning she looked at the clock beside her and groaned.

(Well that's 18 hours of my life gone)

Celine had been in what seemed to others as a trance as she wrote down notes about Taboo Magic and Hexes. In her rapid studying she had completed 6 books within 18 hours, even for a monster scholar like Celine 18 hours of nearly straight note taking was too much. Although she had done more before I did not end very well.

Standing up she slowly opened the door to her room and gave a passing maid a nod before putting her coat on.

"Are you done researching miss?"

"Not yet but I'm afraid after 10 more hours of studying Hilda would burst in and force me to do something else. So I figured I would take today off before going back at it."

"Very well miss"

Hilda was the head maid at Miss Sharlet's estate, apparently she had been there when Celine was born and had been taking care of her when Sharlet was away, ever since. Opening the door Celine walked to the garden of the estate. Sitting down on a bench she started meditating, Celine had been constantly training her Mana since she was a young girl.

There were 3 groups of Mana users, the most common was Elementalists, as one can assume from the name this group could utilize the elements in their magic and largely were used for combat.

Then there were what people grossly overgeneralized as Priests, this was because the vast majority of these Mana users were priests wielding healing magic. But there is a small percent of these Mana users that warp that healing power and use it for more nefarious means, Necromancers were the most famous of these.

Finally the rarest type Wickens, or Witches if one were to be rude, but most did not like this connotation as the males prefer Warlock and the ladies did not appreciate being called a witch as it was I bit to close to another word. This group focuses on pure Mana casting, they were experts in dispelling, potion making, rune setting, and scrying. But the most powerful Wickens could manipulate the other Mana users magic as there own making them extremely dangerous.

Celine was a Wicken along with her mother, and although powerful in their own right, they were not at the level of the Wickens from legends. They came from a very long line of Wickens and because of this had constant pressure put on them.

Because their family managed to dodge becoming 'registered' many magical families will try to send their children to them for protection. But most failed as they did not have the room to take them in while staying under the radar, or it would be to late as the employer would brand the baby instantly.

But with the rise of what Celine presumed to be Taboo Magic she knew that investigations would become stricter, and she wouldn't be able to train as freely. Which brings us back to Celine meditating in the garden. She was training like mad to become stronger, if she wanted to stop the killings she couldn't rely on the officials of Forgemire.

She had already decided to scout it out first, and then decide if it was worth the risk of asking for help. Celine was also pressured by the fact that her mother wouldn't be back for quite some time making it an even more perilous situation for her.

Shaking her head to get rid of her complicated thoughts she continued meditating.


Reginald felt that he could open his eyes, but he didn't. He was basking in the feeling of warmth spread throughout his body, and the pleasant touch of the weight he felt on his chest. Listening to a fire crackle and a book occasionally flip made him relax as he melted into the ambiance. Deciding that he had basked enough the begrudgingly opened his eyes.

What greeting him was the sight of his Mother Regina resting her head on his chest, sleeping peacefully. To his right was Felicia watching a fire crackle in the fireplace as almost as if she was in a trance. In the chair next to Felicia was Jack with a sleeping Lizzie on his lap, he was reading a book before glancing up at Reginald.

Closing the book he was reading Jack looked a Reginald, "Jeez Reg you think you could've slept for any longer I was running out of things to do!"

"Mmm Shuddup I don't remember you effectively listening to me anyway." Reginald quipped back at Jack still half asleep.

His speaking woke up Regina on his chest and snapped Felicia out of her trance was they both hugged him.

"Ah.. thank the gods, you're alright. *Sniff* You really had us worried you know?" Regina reached out both her hands and cupped Reginald's face.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, your okay and that's all that matters."

Jack watched the scene happily as he patted the sleeping Lizzie's head. Letting them enjoy the moment for a while Jack picked up the book he was reading before feeling slight movement on his lap and quickly hiding it.

Lizzie awoke, and upon seeing Reginald awake rushed over and hugged him too. Sighing in relief Jack put the book into his shirt pocket.

"But Reggie since you were in such a state when you got back you were never able to tell us what happened."

Reginald gave Jack a glance before looking back at Felicia, "Umm I don't really remember much, and of what I do it wouldn't be appropriate for Lizzie to hear. Plus although I can tell I've been sleeping awhile I think I need more rest."

Felicia looked a Reginald with worry but backed off, "Okay, if you say so."

For the next thirty minutes the four talked and laughed and cried, well mostly Regina and Felicia cried. But as the sky out side turned dark and stars became visible Reginald yawned.

"I'm very tired now so I'm going to go to sleep, you all look like you need some proper rest too."

"No! We'll keep watch over you. I don't want a relapse to happen."

"Mom, it's fine I wont relapse, you really need to go sleep on your own bed. Plus even if I did relapse then Jack would be the most qualified to help."


"Here I'll compromise Jack will saty here to keep watch, you three go get a good nights sleep. Please?"

"...Okay good night sweetie" Regina leaned forward and kissed Reginald on the forehead before stalling as much as she could before leaving.

Once the room was clear of everyone else Jack spoke up, "You know that was kind of mean tricking your family to leave like that. You could've just asked me for a private conversation."

"They really did need to sleep on their own beds; anyways, how long have I been out for?"

"5 Days"

"That long? Ahh, I'm sorry for causing you all so much grief."

Jack chuckled before looking at the fire which by now was just embers, giving the room a light amber glow.

"It's not like you chose to do so, but enough of that. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"After I found the body but before I went insane I heard a voice."

"A voice?"

"Yes it was repeating the same phrase over and over again."

Jack looked very concerned before quickly casting fire onto a nearby candle illuminating the room. Picking up a piece of paper and a pen he walked over to Reginald.

" Can you write it down? I would rather you not speak it just incase."

Reginald nodded before quickly writing down four words.

-Brotherhood of the Labyrinth-

Jack looked over the paper before crinkling his eyebrows.

"Do you know who they are?" Reginald looked at Jack with anticipation.

"No idea" Tossing the paper onto the embers Jack sat back down on the chair and doused the candle.

"But I do know someone who might"

"That gives me relief"

Silence fell as both men had nothing else to say on the matter. Jack simply started meditating as to be quiet but aware. But before even a minute passed Reginald spoke up again.

"Can I have the book on how to become a better peeping tom back?"

*cough* *cough* "Ah, you noticed that did you?"

"I would never misrecognize that book cover."

"Damn" Jack mumbed

"Creep" Reginald replied.

"Hey! I'm not the one who bought the book."

"...You make a good point."


Jack stayed up watching keeping an eye on Reginald and then took a quick morning nap before heading over towards the Hildegard's.

Because of the situation with Reginald Jack had not seen Lilian in over a week, and he was desperate to see how she was doing. Although she had the pendant that Jack had given her he still couldn't help but to think about if she wasn't able to activate it in time, or that it was discovered.

Jack usually visited during the night time but since it was just past lunch time for the Hildegard's he figured that it would give him enough time to visit her before anyone else came in.

Quickly turning invisible Jack teleported or has he was starting to be more inclined to call it, blinked. Arriving outside Lilian's room window he saw that the coast was clear and that she seemed to be alright.

Knocking on the glass he turned visible, Lilian whipped her head around and upon seeing Jack broke out into a cheerful smile swinging the window open. Jack deftly jumped in the room before she could hug him so that he would not be in danger of falling off the ledge.

Giving her a cocky grin Jack struck a pose, "Miss me?"

This prompted Lilian to give Jack a slap to the back of his head.

"Alright I probably deserved that."

Next chapter