
New Beginnings (part 2)

A week had passed since the old man had taken Drew into his care. He dotted on him a lot as if he was his own grandchild. He would rarely go out and he would spend nearly every waking hour trying to please Drew.

When he was building a cot for Drew to sleep in he built it in front of him. He would make sure no harm came to him in any way. He baby proofed everything.

Despite the old man doing all of that for him Drew felt suspicious of the old man. Drew had seen the old man turn into a pack of four legged skeletal monsters so he had no intention of becoming friendly with the old man. In Drew's mind the old man was fattening him up so he could eat him so Drew tried to refuse the food being given to him.

Tried was the key word. A baby's body was not suited to fasting at all so Drew had to forget about that plan.

It was only after a month had passed when Drew was capable of moving his head. He looked around at the hut. It was quite a si.ple hut with only the bare necessities. An arm chair, a bed, a fireplace, a table and a chair and a bookcase.

It was basically a small cozy hut. As Drew looked around and analysed everything his eyes caught something. Next to the door was a mud statue shaped like a human who was sitting. In fact it was a clay statue with human like features. It had a mouth, eyes, nose and ears and it was staring at Drew.

Immediately Drew knew what it was, "an automated robot." (At least he was close. and that was what mattered)

"Did that old man place that their to watch over me?" Drew asked. Drew thought for a while and decided to test out this theory of his. Drew held his hands into the air and started crying.

Drew noticed the robots eyes turn red and within ten seconds the old man burst in through the door. He picked up Drew and cradled him and soothed him to sleep.

2 months had passed and Drew was capable of moving his body to the side and rolling over. Besides that nothing special had happened. Apart from the extremely rare times where the old man would come late the robot would take care of him. It's touch was warm and brought great comfort to Drew's sensitive skin.

The robot was gentle and caring and took care of Drew like he was a fragile egg. It would sing him lullabies to make him fall asleep and rock him gently in it's giant arms.

One day Drew opened his eyes to see a screen floating above him. He reached out to it and tried touching it. His hands passed through it. The sensation of touching it was cold.

After not being able to touch it he decided to read the words shown on the screen.


SYNCHRONIZING 86%...87%...94%...99%...100%..


The screen lit up and changed into a blue background. Drew stared at it before a thought came to his mind. "No it can't be, that's too stupid and optimistic."

Drew then realised that he was able to read it. The language that was shown on the screen was English. All the other books or writings he had seen were in some kind of weird language he had never seen.

Drew stared at the screen in which the words had changed.


Host name: Drew Young.


Strength: 0.9 Speed: 0.9

Stamina: 0.3 Durability: 0.09

Senses: 1 Intelligence: 3

Mana pool: 6

Status points: 1

Skill points:1


Class: Locked (Unlocks at level 3)

Special abilities: Meditation: Recovers mana by absorbing it from the surrounding. Can be used to increase Mana pool. (Level 1)

Mana concealment: Retract mana from surroundings to hide presence.

Minor magnetism (level 1)


"Whoever is playing this prank on me is a real asshole." Drew said. He was excited but he also knew he should not get his hope up. Drew waited for a day and stared at the screen. He thought it would disappear if he slept.

Once he woke up it was still there.

After contemplating for a while Drew decided to try some stuff out. He decided to try out the minor magnetism ability of his. Drew looked around and saw a fork on the table.

Drew looked around to see if the robot was paying any attention to him but it was not. It was cutting up some vegetables at a rather slow pace.

Drew felt like he knew what to do. Maybe it was from all the novels, manga and comic books he read. He raised his pudgy baby hands at the fork. Drew could feel a slightly weak force leaving his body. The fork on the table shook for a while before it stood up. Drew was only able to maintain it for approximately 2 seconds before it fell back down.

Sweat formed on his forehead as he felt out of breath. On the screen his mana pool fell from 6 to 0. Drew smiled through his heavy baby panting.

3 months had passed and Drew was capable of crawling around the small hut and sitting. He had meditated for quite some time and his intelligence and mana pool increased. His intelligence increased by 3 points and his mana pool increased by 6 points.

Drew also became more adept at moving small metal objects. He was able to do this by figuring it out logically. The first time he had used minor magnetism he had dumped a huge amount of mana into it. Recently he had figured out how to conserve mana while he moved smaller object.

He was able to move small metal objects for approximately 3 minutes without getting tired.

Drew had also been learning some small words in this new language that he was not familiar with. He was capable of constructing and understanding a few sentences in his head.

Anytime the old man read a book to him he would try his best and over some time he finally understood some words.

A year had passed by since Drew came back to life as a child and he was capable of walking. The old man cried tears of happiness when he was able to witness them for himself.

So for the first time the old man decided to take Drew out of the house. He wrapped Drew in a blanket before picking him up and for the first time in a long time Drew actually saw the sky. Drew squinted cutely as the sun beat down on him but he tried his best to look up. The sky was beautiful and calm. It was blue with only several dinosaur shaped clouds in the sky. A cool breeze blew through the air as the old man walked over to the edge of the cliff.

There on the edge of the cliff was a giant tree. Drew almost fainted when he saw the tree moving on it's own. It moved its branches and waited for the old man to step on them before lifting them both into the sky.

It was like the whomping willow from Harry Potter except less violent. It was lush and green and filled with fruits Drew had never ever seen. Drew reached out to it trying to grab it but his arms were to short.

The tree moved its branch and plucked a fruit and handed it to Drew who stared at it as he held it in front of him. The fruit was light blue and slightly transparent. Drew could see his hand on the other side of it. He could also see some moving objects that Drew thought were the seeds.

Drew looked up and saw a bird flying low in the sky. It had 2 sets of wings on each side a magnificent coat. It's belly had what appeared to be a tattoo of sorts. Drew was fascinated with everything. He looked around everywhere as he wanted to see it all.

He looked down from the hill to see a large town. Even from this distance Drew could hear the bustle of the city slightly. Beyond the town was the ocean. There was a giant ship docked at a harbour but besides that all Drew could see was small fishing boats.

"Do you see all of this Drew? It's beautiful is it not? Life is beautiful as long as you are grateful for it." Drew understood what he said and could not agree any less.

This was the type of view he had always wished to wake up and see in his previous life. Sadly for him, the only time he ever saw this type of view where he was overlooking the city was when he delivering some drugs to some rich kids whose parents were away and throwing a party.

Tears slowly fell from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. The old man noticed this and kissed Drew on the cheeks.

"I cried too when I saw such a beautiful view." The old man said.

Drew could not stop the tears coming from his eyes. "Was this what I wanted in my previous life? No, it wasn't. This view is magnificent. I could stay hear for days and not get tired of this peaceful atmosphere. I made up my mind. From now on I will choose to live a peaceful life in which I can observe such a beautiful view. Whoever it is that gave me this second chance thank you. I pray that I find happiness and peace in this life."


In case you are wondering how the old man knows Drew's name, his name was stitched on to the blanket he was wearing when he was found.

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