
Chapter 9.

"Well Neville Longbottom got hurt and was taken to the hospital wing but dropped his remembrall, Malfoy was being an idiot and tried stealing it right in front of everyone I tried staying out of it but Malfoy was being an idiot and was not letting me stay out of it, Malfoy was then being an idiot and flew up into the air despite being told not to because he is an idiot and I had to go up to prevent Malfoy from being an idiot and permanently damaging another person's property. Unfortunately I failed because Malfoy was being an idiot again and tossed it in full view of everyone and I chased after it so it didn't break. Then I flew back here and landed, you've come shortly after and asked me what happened. Long story short...Malfoy was an idiot."

"I was not!" Malfoy exclaimed, turning Weasley shades of red.

"Can anyone verify what happened?" Flitwick asked the class.

"Sir," Lisa said. "it's true...Malfoy was being an idiot." She said with Loki nodding in agreement. "Everything Harry said happened, Malfoy tried stealing Neville Longbottom's property and Harry stopped him." She finished with the rest of the class, apart from the Slytherin's, nodding in agreement and confirming it.

"They're lying!" Malfoy shouted.

"That's quite enough Mr Malfoy, you and Mr Potter will follow me now." Flitwick said, he walked away with Harry shrugging before following him while Malfoy reluctantly followed him away from the class and back into the castle.

"I won't forget this Potter!" Malfoy hissed to Harry as he walked right next to Harry, but kept his voice down so Professor Flitwick wouldn't hear.

"I congratulate you on possessing a functioning brain." Harry said dryly. "Shame it is not a fully functioning one, if it was then you would not be in this situation."

"Watch your back Potter." Malfoy said before walking forward, making sure to push Harry with his shoulder as he did so.

Harry didn't react to Malfoy's push, he simply smiled as he twirled a wand in his hand that was definitely not his, he wondered how long it would take Malfoy to realise he was missing his wand. He discreetly tossed it into an open broom closet that they passed. He knew it was a bit hypocritical seeing as he lectured Malfoy earlier on stealing for fun but Harry honestly didn't care, as far as he is concerned there are differences between stealing from a kid with a broken wrist and stealing from a prat.

Plus if Harry was being honest then his problem wasn't so much with the fact that Malfoy tried to steal something, more the way he did it in full view of everyone and practically announced it. If Harry had wanted to steal it then he would've taken it when nobody was looking or made a distraction and took it, even if he thought he wouldn't get in trouble he would at least do the smart thing and be discreet about it. Besides, if Malfoy left him out of this then Harry would've left it alone, after all he didn't make a habit of interfering in other people's business. But if the idiot was going to bring him into it then Harry was going to at least do his best to have fun.

Eventually they stopped outside of Professor Flitwick's office.

"Alright Mr Potter, I'll take that remembrall, you wait in my office." Flitwick said as he gestured to his office door with his wand, Flitwick gently jabbed his wand at the door and it opened. "In you go Mr Potter."

"You're the boss." Harry shrugged before tossing the ball to Flitwick then going in the office, Flitwick flicked his wand and the door closed.

"As for you Mr Malfoy, you will follow me to the deputy headmistress." Flitwick said.

"What?! Why?!" Malfoy demanded. "Why not my head of house?!"

"Your head of house will be summoned, do not worry about that, now follow me." Flitwick said as he began walking. Truthfully he wanted to tell Minerva first because he had no doubt that if he told Snape then Snape would complain about favouritism and Albus would try to sweep it all under the rug. To be fair Minerva would probably do the same if Albus told her to, that's why he thought it was vital to get a punishment set before Albus could interfere and quickly get Minerva on his side before Albus could change her mind, he was very fortunate that this was one of the few days that Albus was out of the castle.

Flitwick returned to his office a short while later to find Harry sitting down on a chair shuffling a deck of card with Loki sitting on his shoulder and playing with Harry's hair.

"Mr Potter," Professor Flitwick coughed, causing Harry and Loki to cease their activities and look towards him and the fifth year student that he had brought with him. The fifth year was a boy with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. "meet Troy Jackson," Professor Flitwick said. "you might recognise him as he was in the class when you flew in. Mr Jackson I am sure you've heard of Mr Potter."

"Yes I have sir." Troy nodded with a small smile.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking then what happened to Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Professor Snape tried to prevent Mr Malfoy for being punished but couldn't after I pointed out that nearly a class full of witnesses have confirmed what Mr Malfoy did. For stealing, bullying, throwing insults, disobeying instructions and attempting to damage property he has gained a months worth of detention, lost fifty points and has had a letter sent to his parents." Professor Flitwick answered. "As for you Harry, I understand why you have done what you did but with that being said I know that you also disobeyed instructions so that is twenty points from Ravenclaw and one detention with me tonight. I'm sorry but if Mr Malfoy was going to be punished then you also have to be."

"That's fair I suppose." Harry sighed.

"Now Mr Jackson, you have seen Mr Potter catch that remembrall," Professor Flitwick said. "I'd like it if Mr Potter was given the opportunity to try out on the team."

"You want me to put him on the team?" Troy blurted out in shock.

"No," Professor Flitwick shook his head. "I just want you to let him try out. I am not about to put someone on the team based off one catch, that would be foolish."

"But sir, he's a first year and they can't try out for the..."

"Wrong," Professor Flitwick interrupted. "first years are merely forbidden from owning a broom, however I have checked the rules and it says that an exception can be made for those on the team, a rather old rule so not many know it. Besides even if he doesn't have a broom then he can borrow from the team or use one of the school brooms."

"If you're sure sir." Troy shrugged before looking at Harry. "He certainly has the build for a seeker, but that doesn't always mean he'll be a good seeker. We'll have to see, you're sure that this will be allowed sir?"

"I am, however the question now is if Mr Potter is willing to try out?" Flitwick said, looking at Harry. "Well Mr Potter?"

"I've never played quidditch in my life." Harry admitted.

"Today was your first time on a broom, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I think you will be a natural at the game. Besides, there's no harm in trying now, is there?"

"No...I suppose not...hold on, actually there is. I want to be the best I can be at magic, if I take time out of my schedule for quidditch then that means I have less time to practise."

"There have been plenty of quidditch players who have gotten brilliant grades," Professor Flitwick assured him. "last years captain for example had gotten over nine owls."

"I don't want to be just good at getting grades, I want to be good at magic itself. If you want me to waste hours of my life on this then I expect hours in return."

"What do you mean?" Troy asked.

"Well think of it this way, if I do good in quidditch then the house benefits from that, correct?" Harry asked, the two nodded in response. "It's my understanding that playing wins house points which then increases the chances of the house earning the house cup at the end of the year, correct?" Harry paused to receive two nods. "Now I don't really care about a cup that I don't get personally and one that might be taken back the next year. So going on the likely assumption that I will I have to attend practises for this then I want however many hours I spend in practising returned to me in lessons."

"Lessons Mr Potter?" Flitwick asked.

"Yes, say if I spend three hours a week practising for example then I want three hours of your time with you helping me with spells." Harry said to Flitwick. "I won't ask for time for the actual game seeing as that varies and I haven't decided if I like it yet but if I am wasting time getting house points for a competition that I frankly don't care for then I am not having my education suffer because of it."

"Well...I have always been one to encourage learning..." Flitwick said with a thoughtful smile. "Very well Mr Potter, if you make the team then I will provide you with these lessons."

"Brilliant, when's the tryouts?" Harry asked Troy.

"Tomorrow actually, we have an opening position for seeker, beater and chaser." Troy replied. "Best of luck Potter." Loki tugged on Harry's ear before making a short amount of noise.

"No Loki," Harry sighed. "you can't be the team's mascot." Loki tugged on his ear again and made more noise. "Well it's not my fault, the team already has a mascot, it's the house animal plus I'm not the one in charge of mascots."

"My apologies Loki but the Ravenclaw mascot has been an eagle since before we even had a quidditch team." Flitwick said with an apologetic look to the now disappointed Loki.

"Quick question, why is the mascot an eagle when we're called Ravenclaw?" Harry asked.

"You are not the first person to ask me that Mr Potter, in fact you're parents both asked me that as well, so did Mr Jackson over here. I give you the same answer I gave to them and all the others that have asked."

"Which is?"

"I wasn't there when they chose the mascot." Flitwick shrugged, a small silence filled the room.

"Fair enough."

"That's amazing!" Lisa said to Harry after he finished explaining what had happened as the two walked down a hallway to their next class. "First years never make the house team."

"I haven't made it yet, still got to try out." Harry pointed out.

"Yeah but if you flew like you flew today then you would probably get in." Lisa replied with Loki nodding in agreement.

"Potter!" One hate filled voice said and the two stopped just as Malfoy stepped in front of the two. "I got detention because of you."

"I'm sorry...who are you again?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. "Laco Malpoy wasn't it?"

"Draco Malfoy!" Malfoy shouted, causing everyone in the hallway to stop and look at him, not that he noticed as he was currently in a bit of a rage. "My name is Draco Malfoy! You can't even remember my name you filthy half-blood! I got in trouble because of you and you can't even remember my damn name! You stupid..."

"What is going on here?!" A voice demanded, breaking Malfoy out of his rant. He along with everyone else turned to see Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff house, walking towards them.

"Professor," Harry tugged on her sleeve before pointing to Malfoy. "he was being mean to me." He said in a hurt voice, Loki nodded in agreement while Lisa took a brief moment to admire Harry's acting skills, it was pretty convincing.

"I know, I have heard everything he said." Professor Sprout replied. "Mr Malfoy you will apologies to Mr Potter now."

"What?! Apologise to him?!" Malfoy demanded as he pointed to Harry. "But he..."

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