
Chapter 17.

"No, not him, I am referring to the actual monkey." Harry gestured with his head, the man followed it and his eyes widened when he saw Loki sitting next a box that said tips. "I don't understand how you missed that." Harry said before he walked back to the bar and handed the plate and drink to Tom.

"Thanks Harry." Tom said as he took them from Harry.

"No problem Tom." Harry replied as Loki gestured to his mouth. "Loki says he has earned a grape." Harry said to Tom.

"I suppose he has." Tom grinned before he pulled out a couple of grapes and placed them in front of Loki who smiled before he began eating them. "I swear he's going to get spoilt."

"Yes but he's irresistible." Harry complained, Tom laughed before moving back to the kitchen.

"Harry." A voice called, Harry turned to see Lisa walk up to him.

"Hey Liz." Harry grinned. "How you doing?"

"I'm great, hi Loki." She waved at Loki who waved back. "How's work?" She asked.

"Going great so far."

"That's nice, how come you weren't answering my letters?" She asked. "Did I do something to make you upset?"

"No, basically here's what happened." Harry said. "A few days ago this house elf popped into my room, called himself Dobby. He said something about not coming back to Hogwarts because of mortal danger or some crap like that. Anyway he admitted to stealing letters because he thought that I would be upset or something and not want to go to Hogwarts. He said if I didn't agree to not go back to Hogwarts then he would find some way to stop me."

"What happened then?" Lisa asked.

"Loki tackled him." Harry grinned at the memory.

"He what?!" Lisa blurted out in shock before looking at Loki who looked quite proud of himself and stood with his hands closed and on his hips like a superhero.

"He started with a tackle, the little elf tried to put up a good fight but then Loki put him in a choke sleeper then the popped out of the room and hasn't come back. I got your letters back though, haven't read any of them yet."

"Wow, I...I don't even know why I believe you." Lisa admitted. "But I do so all I can say is I think it's amazing how you can't even have a summer without something weird happening."

"You say weird, I say entertaining, now just let me go get ready and I'll be back in five minutes." Harry said. "Tom, I'm finished, I'm going out and I'll be back later." Harry called.

"Alright," Tom called back. "have fun."

"Don't tell me what to do." Harry responded before walking to his room to get ready.

A short while later Harry was walking down Diagon Alley with Lisa, Loki was sat on his shoulder, simply enjoying the ride. Lisa was wearing expensive looking white shoes, a blue dress and a stylish black jacket. Harry on the other hand wore grey trainers, blue jeans along with a grey shirt and an open black hoodie. Loki on the other hand was still wearing his shirt that he was gifted from Lisa.

"So how's your family?" Harry asked.

"Same as usual," Lisa shrugged. "how has your summer been so far?"

"Alright I suppose. I already got all of my Hogwarts supplies."

"But I thought we were supposed to be getting our supplies now." Lisa frowned.

"No you're getting your supplies now and I am just going to help you," Harry said before Loki tapped him on the head. "and so is Loki." Harry added, earning a nod from Loki.

"Well thank you." She smiled.

"Do you need to stop at Gringotts?" Harry asked.

"Nah, let's just get to it." Lisa replied. "I should have enough for now, but I can go to Gringotts if I end up being wrong."

"If you say so." Harry said before they began heading to different shops to buy Lisa's supplies. The two walked around Diagon Alley, talking as they got Lisa supplies. Eventually they stopped outside the book store.

"Gilderoy Lockhart is signing his books today." Lisa read the sign that was just outside the shop.

"Oh I already have a set of his books, honestly if they weren't required for school then I would've never brought them."

"Why not?" Lisa asked.

"They're absolute rubbish, I mean there's like stuff about him holding a werewolf back with one arm and knowing a spell that can turn them back to humans but apparently only he could do it."

"I wouldn't think that you of all people would refuse to believe in something." Lisa commented.

"Yeah but the difference between me and other people is I sell the tricks, I don't buy them. Trust me, he's a fake." Harry said as the two entered the shop only to find it crowded with tons of witches and wizards crowding around a table where a blonde haired man with a wide smile and unnaturally white teeth. It wouldn't take a genius to guess who it was, that's why Harry knew that even Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy could have guessed that it was Gilderoy Lockhart, Harry rolled his eyes at the witches that were trying to get Lockhart's attention.

He and Lisa went around getting all their books for charms, potions and the other subjects. Loki had jumped off his shoulder and began exploring while the two walked around. Soon all that was left was their defence books, AKA Lockhart's books. They were about to go and get them when they ran into someone.

"What are you doing here?" Ron Weasley asked, he was accompanied by a bunch of other red heads and Hermione Granger

"What are you doing here?" Harry repeated back to Ron as he looked between Hermione and the other Weasley's, at least he thought they were all Weasleys. That would be a lot better than his original thought about how they just grabbed whatever redhead they could find and force them to group together.

"I asked you first!"

"Prove it." Harry challenged.

"How am I suppose to do that?"

"All I'm hearing is 'I can't'." Harry replied.

"We're buying our school supplies, what do you think we're doing?" Lisa said sarcastically to the redhead as she rolled her eyes.

"Merlin's beard" Lockhart said after noticing Harry. "It's Harry Potter!" He exclaimed. Harry bit back a series of words, after first year the whole of the wizarding world knew what he looked like and he couldn't really go anywhere without someone noticing. "Come up front Harry, we'll take a picture."

"Um...no thanks." Harry refused.

"Come now Harry, the two of us would make the front page, and I'll add my entire collective work in for free." Lockhart replied as he grabbed Harry and pulled him into frame, the photographer took a picture which caused Harry to blink rapidly because of the flash from it. ""Big smile Harry, together you and i rate the front page." He whispered before talking to the crowd. "Now, when young Harry Potter came into this shop to purchase my autobiography 'Magical Me'..."

"I didn't." Harry said.

"which incidentally is currently celebrating it's twenty-seventh week atop the daily prophet best seller list," Lockhart talked over him. "he didn't expect to leave with my entire collective work, free of charge." Lockhart said as he handed Harry a collection of books. Something which earned him a lot of cheering and clapping.

"Bloody hell." Harry sighed before walking off. "Here you go." Harry said to Lisa as he handed her the books. "Guess we don't need to buy them anymore."

"Nice job on looking at the positive side of thing." She smirked.

"Oh, look famous Harry Potter" An annoying yet familiar voice drawled "can't even go to a book store without getting on the front page. Oh, are you hanging out with the Weasels now?" Harry, slightly confused about Malfoy's last comment turned around to see that most of the Weasley family were standing nearby

"No," Harry turned to Draco "they just happen to be standing there. as for me getting more attention than you, I am deeply sorry that nobody wants to take your picture. Maybe if you go and ask nicely he could take one with you, he might even claim to be your friend." Harry said in a sweet voice. "I would assume that that would be a first for you."

"You little..." Malfoy started only to be interrupted by a new voice

"Draco" Came the voice of Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, he walked up to the group. Draco suddenly got quiet and stepped out of the way "Is there a problem?" Lucius asked

"Not with me sir, shall I assume that you're Mr Malfoy?" Harry said in a polite voice.

"I am indeed and if I am correct then you are Mr Potter."

"Indeed sir, it's an honour to meet you."

"An honour?" Malfoy senior raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed, I've spent the last year learning whatever I can about the wizarding world and your family came up. I was rather impressed about how they went from one of the poorest families in France to one of the richest in Britain. Truly amazing sir."

"Well, it was a combination of good luck and hard work." Malfoy smirked, never one to not enjoy a compliment.

"Still it is impressive, although I do feel it's a shame that the your son does not possess the qualities of the old Malfoys."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well sir he openly bullies people without any form of subtlety, keeps getting in trouble and keeps losing his wand."

"I do not!" Draco shouted in an embarrassed voice, it didn't help that he kept' losing' his wand at Hogwarts.

"Enough Draco!" Lucius hissed at his son before Draco could respond, Lucius then turned to Harry "Mr Potter it has been a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." Harry said as he shook Lucius's hand.

"Forgive me," Lucius said as he used his cane to push Harry's hair up so he could see the infamous lightning bolt scar. "your scar is legendary, as is the one who gave it to you."

"True," Harry agreed as he pushed the cane away, his agreement surprising both Malfoy and the Weasley's. "I don't like him, but even I will admit that the man was skilled and powerful. I'm rather jealous actually."

"Yes" Lucius nodded, not quite sure how to respond, he averted his gaze on to the Weasleys "ah, don't tell me, red hair and second hand clothes. This must be the Weasleys."

"Alright kids?" A balding red man appeared, Harry guessed that this was the father of the Weasleys.

"Ah, Arthur." Lucius said.

"Lucius." Arthur replied with a forced respect.

"The ministry raids keeping you busy?" Lucius smirked as he picked up the books from Ginny Weasley's cauldron. "Though judging by state of this I'd guess not. What is the point in being a disgrace to wizards if they don't even pay you well enough for it?"

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizards Malfoy."

"Yes, clearly." Malfoy drawled as he put the books back, though Harry noticed him add a book even though the others didn't. "Associating with muggles." He added upon glancing at Hermione's parents who were at the other side of the book shop. "And I thought your family could sink no lower." He added, he looked at Arthur who seemed to be holding back a response. "I'll see you at work." He said before walking off.

"Yes, yes..." Lisa interrupted just as Draco was about to say something. "you were about to say something similar or something that you thought was cool or funny no doubt, can you just skip that part and go?"

"Hmm." Draco sniffed and glared at them all before walking off.

"Hello Mr Potter, I am Arthur Weasley, this is my wife Molly." Arthur said to Harry as gestured to the plump red headed woman who had walked up to them. "And you are?" He asked Lisa.

"Lisa Swan." Lisa answered.

"Hi," Harry said "if that's all, we'll be off."

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