
Chapter 34: the white king moves

Kuro laid her head down as she pushed the bag of cookies around on her desk. She didn't know what she was going to do with these things. Today had been cooking in home ec. Most of the girls had been very excited about it. Of course, Yoriko had been one of the most animated about it; becoming the group's leader. Kuro found herself excited by it a bit as well though she had to hold her breath during about half of it. But Shiro and Touka felt like they were being marched to the gallows. They all survived it, though three of them felt a bit faint by the end of it.

And so they each found themselves the proud owners of several bags of cookies each. Not really wanting to keep the toxic pastries, the man eaters of the group just passed out their cookies to the boys. Kuro had to admit that it was actually kind of funny how excited some of the boys were. Apparently the rumors that she, Touka, and her sister had some admirers was true. But Yoriko had intervened a bit there. Forcing the twins to keep a bag each to show off to their brother. Apparently this was a thing for humans. Touka had also been forced to trade a bag with Yoriko. Which lead to her having to leave early due a sudden and "unexpected" stomach illness. Both sisters looked at each other after the last bell. They really just wanted to toss the cookies at the first willing taker but Shiro had the feeling that someone would rat them out to their human friend and she really didn't want to deal with an upset Yoriko.

While they packed up though, another girl rushed in and got their attention. Kuro couldn't really remember her name. Perhaps something that began with a S. "Kuro! Shiro! Someone came to pick you up at the front gate again." Now this was odd. They weren't expecting anyone to meet them. They had originally just planned to go home since the café was closed today. "Could it be Big brother?" Shiro asked but the other girl just shook her head. "No. It's not your brother this time. I've never seen him before but he looks good enough to be a model. Seriously what is it with you two? Your brother, his blonde haired friend, and now this purple haired stud. You guys are hogging all the hot guys. Leave some for us as well." Now that description sparked a memory for the two; a memory that Kuro was still rather uncomfortable with.

So they rushed outside to find Shuu Tsukiyama standing by the gate. To everyone else, he looked like he was just people watching. But to the sisters, it looked more like he was food shopping. They came over quickly and brought his attention away from any potential prey. "Yo, filles. What a pleasure to meet you again." Kuro frowned at that. "What are you doing here?" she asked the ghoul. He smiled back. "Why to meet you two." He motioned to a coffee shop down the road. "Would you mind have a cup with me?" he asked. Honestly Kuro wanted to say no, but she didn't want to make a scene in front of her school so decided it might be easier to along with the flow for now.

So they soon got a seat and ordered their coffees. The place was mostly empty allowing them to talk in peace. Both sisters sat next to each other across from the man. They had been warned by Touka about how this man was a nuisance to the twentieth ward and it was best for them not to get involved with him. Ken had agreed with her. Saying that he didn't trust this man at all and he didn't like what he'd heard around the ward or from CCG bulletins about the Gourmet. But here they were; opposite to him. They made sure that at least one of them had eyes on the man at all times.

Their coffees soon arrived but before drinking, the sisters pulled out their special "sugar" cubes and put a couple in their drinks. When Tsukiyama looked at this curiously Shiro explained, "We use these to supplement our need to eat. Having to provide for three without resorting to hunting is pretty difficult. And Anteiku has to provide for the whole ward so we have to be frugal with how much we take there as well. So Yoshimura provided us these to help us lessen our need for food." Shiro noticed that Tsukiyama did look at the cubes with some distaste. As if their existence was a sin of some sort. "Is something wrong Tsukiyama?" she asked. The older man laughed at her question and she could swear the pose he made afterwards was something she'd seen in one of those fashion magazines the girls at school always carried around. "No. Nothing wrong with it at all. Just something I wouldn't expect from someone so, célèbre. Your brother is more pragmatic than I'd expected. If I were in his position, I wouldn't deny myself the fruits of my position." Kuro took a sip of her coffee. Scrunching up her face at the lackluster taste of it. "Well, comes from living on the streets after we lost our parents to doves. You learn to adapt and think fast or die. Use ever little resource to its fullest and avoid waste. Perhaps that's, a little difficult for one such as yourself to understand." "Perhaps."

He then noticed a book sticking out of Shiro's bag and asked, "Is that a book on martial arts?" Kuro nodded her head. "Yeah. We've been training recently. We need to become stronger. These are dangerous times after all." "Hmmm. Self-defense is imperative in our world after all. But if that's the only reason, then you'll get bored of it quickly. Doesn't sound like very much fun to me." A bit miffed by what he said, Kuro countered with, "I actually like it. But then again I've always been the most physical of the family. Besides we aren't really reading these for fun but to learn how to better defend ourselves." Shiro socked her sister in the shoulder for subtly calling her lazy. "Though I may not be as gung ho about it as Kuro, I can't say that I find these books entirely distasteful either. There's a certain charm to them. Plus, I've found that reading these has allowed me to find new interest in other books since I now have better realization of the battle scenes. I'm able to envision it a bit better as I read it. If that makes sense." Tsukiyama smiled back at her pleasantly. "Oh I can understand that. If you have off hand knowledge about the topics in the book. Then you're able to enjoy it on a deeper level. It's my opinion that the closer the reader's way of thinking is to the authors. The more deeply they can enjoy the tale." Happy that he seemed to agree with her, Shiro stated, "Sounds like you really enjoy books too." Tsukiyama nodded and somberly replied, "Ah. It's only when I'm immersed in the world of a book, that I can forget myself and everything else. A lot of fiction supported me during my painful and difficult times."

To Kuro, this didn't mean much. She had used exercise and talking with other ghouls, and a few humans when she felt safe enough, to get her through that first couple of years after they lost their parents. But for Shiro it meant a lot. She too had turned to the world of literature to escape the pain during that time. Unlike her sister, she was afraid to deal with anyone other than her siblings much. After all she had been a bit shy as a child. So she jealously grabbed anything she could read whenever she had the chance. Even taking books from the bodies of slain victims of the pack they had become a part of then. In fact some of her most cherished memories from that time were when big brother had found the time to spend with them and told them some bed time stories as the two sisters fell asleep in his lap or holding onto him so he couldn't slip away after they closed their eyes. She felt a connection with the other through this. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as the rumors said.

"You have read Takatsuki's works right? I heard about that from a patron of Anteiku." Tsukiyama asked. Shiro answered, "Yes. Though my brother is a bigger fan of his works then me to be honest. But still I do enjoy them. The literary style is delicate but the core has strength. And the vague style of his works is fascinating. Big brother loves that about his books." Tsukiyama thought about what she said. "Takatsuki huh? I like that style as well." He then grinned as he offered, " There's a café in the ward with an owner who loves books. In it, the smells of old books and well-made coffee blend perfectly together and it has a very nice atmosphere. According to rumors Takatsuki also goes there." Shiro jumped up suddenly exited. "Wait Takatsuki does?! Could we get an autograph for big brother?!" she asked. Kuro didn't like the face that he made at Shiro's interest. "It may be possible. I've never tried myself. How about we all go together. Perhaps with your brother as well. What do you say?"

Shiro wanted to go but her sister pulled her back. "Umm, it sounds fun but…" she started but Tsukiyama cut her off with, "Did kirishima say something bad about me?" Both girls now awkwardly looked away. A bit uncomfortable with the sudden confrontation. But Tsukiyama continued. "Don't worry, I understand. I've always been easily misunderstood. Many who know me say I put on an air of importance that makes it hard to approach. If I get too near others, they say I'm acting overly familiar but that on the other hand, I'm disagreeable. And since I'm not able to attend any of the ward meetings, I'm a bit out of sync with my fellow twentieth ward ghouls." Kuro was surprised how much pity this man had gotten from her with his soliloquy. She looked to her sister and saw that she too was feeling sorry for this man. He then added, "When Kamishiro died, I lost the only person I could truly talk to. There aren't a lot of ghouls who enjoy reading after all. All I want, is a friend who I can discuss things we like in someplace quiet." Hearing him mention Auntie Rize now caught Kuro's interest. But she still felt something was off here. Something inside of her still screamed danger. So she pulled a tactical retreat. "Excuse us, Tsukiyama. We need to go the restroom."

Dragging her sister with her into the safety of the women's room, she asked her, "What do you think?" Shiro stood contemplative for a second before answering, "I think we should take him up on his offer. The place he's offering to take us sounds nice and there's a chance we could meet Takatsuki. He's like, older brother's favorite author. Maybe we could get an autographed book for him for his birthday." Kuro did like the idea a bit. After all he had done for them over the years. It would be nice to give him something other than the usual trip to the bookstore or random book they bought him. "But still…" she started. However Shiro also added, "And what about Auntie Rize. He can't be that bad, at least for us, if she was fine with him. I'm sure you're curious what they talked about. After all, Rize is your hero after all." "She's not my hero," Kuro defensively mumbled back. "Still, there's something off about him. I don't trust him." Shiro sighed at Kuro. "And you think I do? Listen I think there's something off about him as well. I mean why would everyone at Anteiku dislike him so much if he really was a standup guy? But he's just one guy. We could take him if he tries anything. Or is your SS class just for show?" "Fine. I'll go," Kuro finally gave up; rising to her sister's bait. They both returned and Shiro told him, "We would love to go with you to that café sometime." "Then how about we all meet up at the station 3 days from now. On Sunday," he offered. The twins agreed and they went their separate ways. The twins not noticing the smirk that adorned Tsukiyama's face as he planned for the next step.

Not feeling like going home anymore, the twins decided to try Helter Skelter. Perhaps they could find their big brother there. They soon arrived at the front door. The sign was flipped to close but that didn't mean they couldn't come in. itori did this occasionally and it was more her taking a break than anything. So Shiro opened the door only to suddenly be jumped by something that came from inside the bar. Both girls jumped back in fright and got into defensive poses; hearts beating fast as they tried to keep their kagunes from leaping out instinctively in such a public space. They finally relaxed when they heard Itori's boisterous laughter. "Gothca! U-san this mask is the best," she said to which Uta mumbled something about it being a prototype. "Damn it Itori, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" shouted Shiro once she had processed what had truly just happened.

Both sisters walked in the bar to find both Yomo and Uta sitting together at the bar. Uta waved with a simple, "Yo," while Yomo sighed and apologized for Itori's earlier action. "Oh come on. I was just having a bit of fun," Itori defend herself with. She took off the mask and smiled at the two new guests. "It's been too long. Ku-chan. Shi-chan. How have you too been?" They both thought about it for a minute before Shiro answered, "Fine I guess. Other than that a couple nasty run in with doves and that fake Eyepatch, we've been doing pretty good." Kuro agreed with her. Itori seemed pleased with this. But then with an evil smirk she suddenly jumped on top of both girls and gave both of them an overly friendly glomp. Both girls squeaked in surprise as she squeezed both of them. After releasing the both of them, Itori looked at her hand thoughtfully for a second before giving them both a thumbs up and remarking, "And both of you are growing up quite nicely as well."

Embarrassed, Kuro changed the conversation fast with, "So, is older brother here?" she looked back towards the bathrooms half expecting him to come from there. But instead Uta answered. "Sorry girls. He was here earlier but after getting a phone call he rushed back to the thirteenth ward." Kuro visibly deflated at this. "Awww, we were hoping he'd be here. We haven't been able to do much as a family since everything that went down with that crazy dove." Itori grabbed a bottle of fresh blood and poured a couple glasses as she said, "Oh yeah, I heard you two helped take down both him and his partner. Good job. To see how both of you have grown, it makes me so proud." She made a fake sniffle as she pretended to wipe away a tear. "Why I remember how innocent the two of you were when we first met. The sparkle in your eyes as you stared at me; fascinated by bountiful chest. Dreaming about the day you'd have one of your own." "That never happened!" Kuro screamed out red faced. She shot a glare at both of the male ghouls who lightly laughed at her embarrassment.

Itori finished her preparations with a couple plates of fingers. She felt pride at her homage to the children's meals that human restaurants serve. 'Just like chicken tenders,' she thought. She waved for the two sisters to sit down. They gratuitously accepted the meal. Completely relaxed and safe, they also allowed their kakugans to activate as they fed. Both Uta and Itori now looked at their eyes. "No matter how many times I see, it's still so fascinating. Those mismatch eyes of yours," Uta remarked. "I wonder if the other one-eyed is like you guys," Itori added. To which Yomo said, "Who knows." Both half-ghouls present had a vague idea of who they were talking about. Being intimate with the ghoul underworld ever since that dark day all those years ago, they had heard the stories of the one eyed king. Even if they had only been at the level of an urban legend, the stories had had a huge effect on the family. Fearing people thinking that one of them was the rumored ghoul and coming after them for it, he had both twins promise to never reveal their true nature except to those they could truly trust. Or at least trust to not blab their existence. Shiro had even spent some time on the mystery herself. Trying to see if she could figure out who it was. But in the end, she had only come across dead ends. If this ghoul did exist, he or she was really good at covering their tracks.

Once again their attention was caught by the rambunctious Itori. "I heard that you've caught the interest of the Gourmet." Kuro shuddered a bit at the mentioning of that meeting. Being sniffed at by a man probably twice her age wasn't one of her favorite memories. "You could say that. He was even waiting for us outside our school today. And now thanks to Shiro, we have to go with him to some book café," she told the older ghoul. "Come on, Kuro," her sister defended herself, "the trip doesn't sound that bad. We could maybe get one of big brother's favorite books signed by his favorite author. And besides, if he tries something, we could both totally handle it." Itori smirked at the two girls. "Hmmmm," she hummed. "Since you two are already going to meet up with him anyways, could you possibly do me a favor?" Shiro looked at the other woman. "A favor?"

"Nothing much. Just a bit of information gathering is all."

Tsukiyama was in one of his home's studies. On a table by him stood a chessboard with the two queens, white and black, both placed in front of the black king piece. In his hands he twirled the white king. He was actually quite giddy at his prospects. He had been quite worried that he was going to fail when he asked the twins to come with him to the café. But they had been more than happy to come. Or at least the white one had. Kuro had seemed apprehensive before agreeing. He need to work a little more on earning her trust.

A knock on his door alerted him that the apothecary he was waiting for had arrived. "Come in," he told the visitor. The door opened and the other ghoul came over to him and quietly handed him a bottle of a clear, odorless liquid. Tsukiyama looked at the bottle in wonder and asked, "And you're sure this will work?" The other man nodded his head yes. "Of course, Master Shuu. Not even the most observant ghoul would be able to detect this until it's too late. But be warned. Its effects, once used, won't last long. Especially in a rinkaku with their ridiculous level of regeneration aiding in their body processing any toxins that enter into their body." Tsukiyama thanked the man and paid him for his services. Alone again, he walked over to chessboard again. He placed his white king in front of the other three pieces. "Use the queens." He knocked the two queens down with the white king piece. "To take the king. The pièce de résistance. Ken Kaneki." He then knocked over the black king piece which rolled down onto the ground. "Checkmate."

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