
Chapter 1 the beginning of the end

Everything thinks that the good guys are the heroes but all the good guys want is praise. All the villains want is to save this world from the heroes.

This is a story about a young boy by the name Alex. Alex was a simple boy but one thing about him that made him different is that he believed that heroes are the bad guys and thought he would make the world better. How am I supposed to fix this broken world Alex said.

How am I supposed to get rid of all the heroes.Alex later goes back to sleep.It,s dawn and Alex has to get ready for school and all he thinks about is how easily he can be bullied and how to stop it.

Alex arrives at school and then notices that kids are getting bullied by the form sixes.Light approaches Alex and says what do you think you're looking at. Light is 4 fit tall with blond hair and bushy eyebrows. Now go to class and act like this nerver happened. Understand says Light.Alex goes to class and as usual passes at the top of his class.

Hi says Mia, how was class,not to challenging Alex says.Oh really Mia said. Alex your mom is here. Oh, bye said Alex.