
Treat Her Right

TREAT HER RIGHT A AUGUST ALSINA FANFICTION " I felt something and vowed that if I ever got a girl I would treat her right and never be bad or dirty to her or hurt her, ever. I vowed it and had all the confidence in the world that I would keep the vow." Unknown Madison a beautiful but highly insecure girl who tries to please everyone but her self, she felt like she was worthless half the time, with her failing pass relationships she decided to give up on love and just sulk away in her pain and that's exactly what she was doing until she met Kylan let see if they would work out or avoid the feelings they both have for each other. Will Kylan Treat Her Right or, will these two best friends try love and try to keep their friendship, like the others will he try to love her or will he hurt her in the process of trying to love her.

Life_With_Keiona · Celebrities
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Treat Her Right 41


I tried hanging my self at the age of sixteen, I got caught, and I was immediately taken down, I tried therapy went three days and didn't go back, I tried my own medication, that made me feel closer to death but it didn't work obviously they found me sleeping with the bottle, and I was immediately rushed to the hospital, and they pump it out.

I even volunteered to get my self killed by talking to Noah in the first place, I decided that it was finished when my little brother cried and clutched my almost lifeless body on the floor after Noah beat me to death when I tried fighting back, and he walked over me and through the door.

But now I needed to get away from my problem and a few hours sleep can't help that, I could run into a car but I will be rushed to the biggest hospital in town and my mother is there and I don't want to hurt her.

I got up filled the tub with water and soap, I got in and rest putting my head under the water, the first time I did it I got up and stare out of space the second time didn't resurface and made the water took control of my body and my breathing pace speed up.

I inhaled and I felt water going into my nose and my head began hurting me and I got weak.