
Chapter 5

Kenji was taken home the next week after some health checks. Betraying his hopes, Enji turned out exactly how they showed him in the canon.

Everyday when he comes home, he always shouts "That America idiot managed to overshadow me again today. Even though we both caught 10 villains, he is the topic of discussion and no one even knows if I even came out to do hero work."

Then, he goes to Kenji and starts shouting "Kenji, after you awaken your quirk, I will teach you how to become the strongest hero in Japan.

I want you to become the No. 1 hero in Japan, no No. 1 hero in the whole world. I am going to train you to become one."

His mother Rei, was the exact opposite. She would always say "It would be great if you just grow up and become what you want to be, instead of following your father's dream."

And the center of attention was Kenji, who didn't even bother listening to what they were blabbering everyday.

Currently he had two things that were bothering him. Everyday he only thought about these two things "It is super weird and awkward to suck on a woman's tits. More weird when it's your mother and someone whom you met just a week ago.

And the other thing is how I can't control my poop. I ruled a city for 100 years. I don't even know where to hide my face if anyone I know hear this. Well, I do have the excuse of being just born, so I guess its not that bad."

Kenji is sleeping in his crib, thinking "It's been a week since I came to this world and at first I didn't want to believe this, but this world is surrounded by divine energy.

If you look at the amount if divine energy in the air and the fact that no one is using it currently. This is a jackpot for cultivators. It's like giving a person a lifetime supply of candies.

So, after knowing this will I cultivate? Yes! Will I completely focus only on cultivation? No! The reason for this is that a cultivator, as he goes higher in cultivation stages, has to go against the will of heaven.

This attracts the attention of both the people around them and the gods. I don't want that God to find out my location and come for me before I am ready to face him.

My only concern now is that, how is this world still existing? If I were a God, I wouldn't let a planet survive where anyone from it might become strong enough to kill me.

Well, no use thinking about stuff you can't find answers to. Now, I have to rest for today, start tomorrow fresh and begin the road to cultivation with a fresh mind. After I get my diapers changed." he said in his head and cried, calling a maid to change his diapers.

When the maid was changing his diapers, he had a proud look and said in his head "Now that's a treatment fitting a king. All I have to do is make a sound and a maid comes running to do the work I want them to do."

Now, this was just him comforting himself to ignore the fact that he has to depend on someone everytime he wants to do something.

The next day, he woke up and sat in his crib, closing his eyes and his face looked like it is focusing on something. His face slowly had a pained expression and he opened his eyes suddenly, immediately laying down in his crib.

"I guess I got an answer to why this world still exists. It's because this body is not fit to cultivate divine energy and I am not talking about the baby body. The human body in this world are not fit to cultivate at all.

Is this a bad news? No! It is common for cultivator's bodies to not be compatible for cultivation. This doesn't mean they can't cultivate, they just have to go through a process where they change their body and meridians to cooperate with the said qi or energy.

But, the bad news here is that this process is messy, painful and I can't be disturbed in this process. That's not possible in this house, where there are two maids assigned to him. If I cry in pain, they come running and if they interrupt me, I might not be able to cultivate at all in the future.

It's not like I have to start now, since I am going to reform my body, I can do it at any time but it would yield great results if done within 6 years. That's the golden age to build the foundation for cultivation.

I guess I can use this time to modify the God Slayer Technique to cultivate divine energy." he said to himself and went back to his life where he just has to drink and sleep, while also inventing a new cultivation technique that would throw the whole cosmos into chaos in the future.

A year passed, with his mother giving birth to another child, who they decided to call 'Toya'.

Kenji managed to walk in this year, actually when he was six months old. Usually babies start to crawl at this age so when he did, all were amazed.

Kenji just spent his time playing with his new little brother and the next year, he got a little baby sister. They named her 'Fuyumi'.

When Kenji saw his baby sister, he immediately had only one thought in his head "Alright Endeavor, you do anything bad to this girl here and I get to know about it, I am going to beat you up so badly that you will have to retire being a hero."

He loved his brother and sister a lot. And about his parents, he didn't have a good impression of Enji, but his mother was nice to him. He decided "I don't think I can completely accept her as my mother, but I will do everything a son has to do."

That made him wonder "I have seen Fuyumi in the anime, but I didn't hear or see Toya in the anime or the manga. It's not like the author completed the series when I was alive. I died when the season 4 ended and in the manga, I read till the chapter where Endeavor meets Hawk.

I have to be careful. Even though I know the future a little, it is not complete so it's useless. And even the little future I know might have already changed a lot with my existence."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Akainu_TheBea5tcreators' thoughts
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