
Resentful and Infuriated

Suggested Sound:

Whatever suits your tastes...

He rubs his throat gently, an action done ever since he made it out of habit. But in this situation, it seems to be perceived as an action done out of nervousness more than anything else. Sitting in front of him is the Grand General, or what he secretly calls, the Grand Bitch - not very clever, but it still shows the mockery.

The man keeps his eyes glued to the ground, not wanting to make contact with the high ranking woman sitting in front of him. He wonders if he's been caught for... reducing the vermin, as he likes to label it in his mind. Although that is a very plausible thought, he can't help but hope that he can get out of this situation. Maybe if Lady Luck decides to not be a bitch, who knows?

"Kiroh Luzat: Age: 27. Rank: PFC E-3. Enlistment Date: February 7th, 2119. Despite being a refugee, you have shown combat experience and you have several scars - which you refused to answer any questions about - that are similar to bullet wounds." The Grand General/Bitch cleared her throat before continuing.

"This was thirteen months ago. Here's a comment from your squad leader." She reads more from a file she's holding. "While you have made it up to E-3, you show skill paralleled to a Corporal. A professional handling of your weapon, excellent marksmanship. But, you're leadership and socialization skills are horrible and your morals are highly questionable."

In front of her, the man, or Kiroh as she said earlier, only looks down. She wonders if his head movement was out of shame or something else. And while she does think about that, she may very well be right, since he looked down only to hide a growing smirk.

The leader narrows her eyes as she reads the next part of his squad leader's comment. "One night, when you were given a hypothetical situation in which you are confronted by armed children, you said, 'I would put a round in that little fucker faster than you could sneeze.' You proceeded to stay quiet for the rest of that night."

Still looking down, Kiroh does his best to cancel the grin. He keeps silent and waits for the Grand Bitch to speak again.

"PFC Luzat," the man looks up with a struggling frown, "do you understand why you were brought here today?" She sets the paper down and clasps her hands while leaning forward.

"No, General, I do not." His voice is even, displaying minimal emotion in his words. She, however, could tell it was a little forced.

"Then let me tell you." She stands up from her chair and begins to walk around her table with hands in her pockets. "From the bodies we've recovered, about eleven share the same features. Lacerations all over the head, primarily the forehead. Minimal signs of struggle suggesting that these were surprise attacks. And just the amount of stab wounds suggests that they were stabbed even after they died." The woman stops in front of her table, arms crossed as she looks at Kiroh.

He only keeps his silence, not wanting to comment on anything yet. Face remaining unchanged and seemingly unaffected by the news of such brutal murders.

"Each of the bodies were discovered in the fourth sector, the same sector that your squad and several others were in charge of." Her eyes are like ballistas, capable of shooting huge bolts, bolts that would land right into Kiroh.

Once again, he stands as still as stone. His eyes don't focus on her at all, only glued to the ground.

The General stares at him. "I'm gonna be forward with you, Luzat. You're heavily suspected for possibly being a murderous traitor, or a possible spy. However, we don't have any evidence to prove that claim so you're still innocent."

When he doesn't say anything to refute her suspicion, she says, "PFC Luzat." This causes the man to look up at her, eyes with a dead undertone. "Do you have anything to say that could change my mind?"

Kiroh answers immediately, "No, General, I do not." He doesn't say anything else after, only shaking his head slightly to emphasize his denial.

Suddenly, the General stands tall - about half a foot taller than the man in front of her - and puts her hands in her pockets. "From this point on, you'll be reassigned to the 4th Mech Company Karx. Report to your officer for information. Any questions?"

He only stares at her for a few moments before saying, "No. General." Taking his eyes off her, he looks back down at the ground.

"Dismissed." She said. He nods while still looking at the ground and makes his way out of the tent.

Kiroh is high on her suspicion list. But funny enough, he didn't need to be told that he was in order to figure that out. Just from her decision alone to move him straight to the frontline, he could tell that this was to prove that he was indeed the traitor.

Cursing silently, he berates himself for being so careless in his "exterminations." He could have hidden the "rats" better so they wouldn't have been found. Or maybe, he could have blown them up some how. But either way, it's too late to rethink his decisions now. He's already painted a target on his back.




Without a single heads up to his previous teammates, Kiroh packs the few things he has from his makeshift bunk and leaves. Unsurprisingly, his other teammates don't seem to notice him leaving since they were busy with their card game. It's a slightly saddening fact, that his teammates didn't even notice him, but Kiroh doesn't care. He knew that would happen, being the quiet guy that he usually was, even if he was with them for seven months.

As he was walking over to the troop transport truck, he recalls some of the information he knew about the 4th Mech Company. According to other soldiers who have talked about it before, the Mech Companies were known for their much higher casualty rates. One thing he knew about the successes of Mech Company Karx, was the battle of Uvalc Dam.

During that siege - he lightly smiles as he thinks about it - the Mech Company was utterly demolished, save for a few survivors. Many of the pilots were killed from being burned alive in their machines. Other pilots were luckier though, dying on the spot when a rocket pierced their windows and blew them up.

In the end though, the surviving members were successful in taking the dam, forcing Regime soldiers to retreat to the nearest town. For that battle, the Company was known to be comprised of either the bravest soldiers of the Golden Fist, or the most insane.

To recall more information, Kiroh remembered when he overheard a sergeant talking about the mechs. They were basically the soldiers leading the charge, acting as bullet sponges and huge targets. In summary, they led the way in their blood while the infantry and armor used it as a path.

Thinking more about it, he suddenly hears the sound of a truck starting up. He looks at the vehicle and sees several other soldiers already in the back. Picking up the pace, he hops in the back as well. Soon, the engine roars as the truck drives down an abandoned road riddled with craters and deserted cars.





It is the day of the attack. The sirens are blaring.

Standing several feet behind his teammate, Kiroh checks his rifle one more time to make sure it's functioning. Right now, he and his squad members are in a large armored vehicle. Next to him is the foot of a mech - specifically a Parselo Mech - that is colored dark blue with stripes of yellow. He stops looking at the mech and focuses on trying to stay on his feet.

The entire thing was shaking violently as several muffled explosions can be heard outside. Each vibration felt was caused by the surrounding shelling and high caliber rounds hitting the vehicle's armor. The entire machine seemed like it would fall apart or blow up from the inside - or that's what Kiroh thought it seemed like.

But ignoring that, he goes over the plan inside his head. To start, if he were to survive the initial charge then he would make his way to the General's tank. A good thing for him that she just so decided to lead the charge on the last pro-Regime fortress. Then he'd throw smoke grenades all over the area to block everyone's view. Once that happens, he climbs onto the tank and tosses all of his frag grenades in. And then boom! Success!

He only considered a few potential barriers: other soldiers blocking his way, Regime bombardment, friendly fire, and that's about it. If something else came up besides those, he ensured to himself that he would take care of it in one way or another.

Feeling confident in his one and only plan - ignoring the fact that he doesn't have a backup - he smiles widely. Awaiting the charge, he can already feel the adrenaline building up. He would do this, he would die in the name of the Regime, and in honor of his deceased family; his brother, sister, father and mother.

After thirteen months in the Golden Fist and two years in the Regime, Kiroh Luzat, would finally have his revenge against the so-called "Grand" General.

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