
Issei VS Riser

It has been two days since Riser appeared so today is our match.we are waiting for Grafiya to come in our room. Then from a magic circle Grafiya appeared and said

Grafiya :" Issei, Are you ready?"

Issei :"Yes, Grafiya."

Grafiya :" Rias-sama and others you can also come."

Then she created a magic circle and teleported everyone of us to the location of my and Riser rating game.

There are many famous people are here like Zeoticus With Venelena,Lord Phenex With Lady Phenex and Ruval Phenex, Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Serafall and others. Many people are also here to know the reason why a rating game is happening before rating games of Young Devil gathering.

Sirzechs :"Sorry for letting you all wait so long. Today we are going to have a Death rating game between Issei Hyoudou and Riser Phenex due to their personal reason."

Hearing this many were shocked as they haven't heard a name like Issei Hyoudou. But they immediately thought that if it is a death game so Riser is going to win as he has Phenex clan blood.

Lord phenex shot me a disgusting look thinking how can someone like me fight against his son. Lady phenex just watch me but only thinking that her son is going to commit another crime and she can't do anything due to her husband.

Venelena has a worried look as she knows me from my childhood when I came to meet Akeno, Rias and Koneko While Zeoticus have a complicated look as one side he has phenex family and on other side someone he knew from before.

Sirzechs :"The match will start in two hours"

After this Venelena came to Shuri and Akari, We didn't bring Sara as that would cause many questions to arise.

Venelena :"Shuri, Are you really sure he can win "

Shuri :" Of course, he can otherwise me and your daughter wouldn't have been his if he couldn't protect himself."

Akari :" Don't worry Venelena, He has many cards in his hands which he never showed to anyone it will be a quick fight to end. "

Venelena :" I hope you both are right. Well I thought Rias will wait to cconfess her feelings till rating games but it seems she already have. "

As they were talking about A young woman in her late teens with blonde hair with a slight hint of light green and having pink eyes came tonus she is wearing clothes fitting for nobles with a miniskirt and high boots. when she reaches to us she said

Seekvaira :" Hello my name is Seekvaira Agares. I am a friend of Rias and sona. "

Issei :" Hello I am Issei Hyoudou. Rias' and Sona's boyfriend and also other girls here."

Hearing she she was shocked to see that all girls near me are my girlfriend. But She quickly regained herself and said

Seekvaira :" I see, that means this match is due to Rias engagement. "

Then she started talking to other girls. After which Sairaorg with his queen came and said

Sairaorg :" Hello, Myself Sairaorg Bael and this is my queen Kuisha Abaddon. I am also Rias' cousin."

Kuisha :" Hello I am Sairaorg's queen."

Issei :" Hello, myself Issei Hyoudou and I am Rias and Sona's Boyfriend and also other girls."

Sairaorg :" Yes, I heard that. you are quite a man having this much girls with Rias and Sona."

As we were talking about suddenly a magic girls appeared and started clinging to me and said

Serafall :" Darling, You can't die. You haven't completed the promise you gave me"

Hearing one of their Maous calling me Darling everyone has their mouth fully opened except for the one who knows about it. Sona just sighed on her sister's. Then when they heard my words they started cursing me

Issei :" Of course Dear I still haven't eaten you till now"

It caused serafall to blush a little but thinking she can also eat Sona she didn't said anything just gave me a kiss on cheek while turning to Sona.

Serafall :" Sona - tan, I missed you"

Sona :"Sigh, Big sis how can you fall for such a trick by him?"

Serafall :" Don't say that Sona-tan he is so cute and handsome that I really have fallen for my darling."

To which Sona didn't retorted as she knew how handsome I am but she knew what her sister really wanted. After this serafall Started talking to other girls trying to make them interested in magical girl.

After two hours ended My and Riser's match started and I got teleported to the match arena which is a jungle type scenario. where Riser and his Peerage members are already hidden. I started walking in a direction where I sense some presence.

When I reach there I can see four of his pawns, Marion, Burent, Shuriya, Mira waiting for me. When They saw see they started attacking me without saying anything.

I just used my space teleported behind Mira first and gave a chop on her waist.

"Riser Phenex Pawn, Mira has been eliminated"

Seeing me disappearing from my spot the other three were shocked but I didn't give them any more chance to attack as I used my [flame lightning tornado] after which a huge tornato contain fire circling with lightning sparks in it.This eliminated all three of them in one go.

"Riser Phenex 3 pawns, Shuriya, Marion, Burent have been eliminated "

Seeing my [Flame Lightning Tornado ] many viewers are shocked as I have combined two elements and that is in this degree that they can for such a huge Tornado.

After this I Started moving again. They have hidden themselves pretty well but they can't use anything to hide from my Omni System's [Search]. But it is really costly. it takes 500,000 SP for locating one person's position. It was lucky for me that I only searched for one and all three of them were there. When I got closer and sensed in by my own [Presence Detection] skill which I got by trying to detect presence while killing stray devils.

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