

I open my eyes to my room, I check a timer I had set, and see that there is 5 hours until the... I do not know what to call it, all the evidence we have seen is just a blue light, mysteriously surrounding a persons body, before they fade out of existence. No matter how many times these old bones seen videos, it still freaks me out.

I start having theories on what it may be. My mind wanders to some truly bizarre thoughts, Like a space-time parasite eating people, or this is all a communal dream and that is just proof of people waking up. I get nothing except to terrify myself further.

I am still sitting, when the doorbell rings. I grab my cane and make my way out of my room and towards the door. I open the door, to see an old lady, same ages as me, but in much better health. I speak to her, "Hey Old Hag, I guess you came to see me off then?" I turn and motion her in with a gruff voice. "Hush you old sack of bones, I can't wait until you are finally gone." Her eyes, tinted with sadness, betray her true thoughts.

Eliah Mordrel, a friend since high school, a sister to me. She was one of the people who helped on the research of the bio chip project. We weathered through many trials and tribulations, and she was there for me when my wife died.

She takes a bag out from her purse, which seems to contain anything in the world. Woman's purses always mystified me. They always seemed to hold more than their size suggested. Anyways, she starts speaking, "I made your favorite, meat buns with extra Chile powder." I nod my head and walk to the fridge to pull out the milk and two glasses.

I start speaking, "He won't return any of my calls." She is silent at first, then shakes her head and says, "Can you really blame him, you stopped talking to him for almost five years after that incident." My eyes turn sad at that thought, I drifted away from my son five years after my wife died, because I threw myself into my work because of grief.

My eyes turn misty for a bit before I say, "Even then, I still want to see him one last time before I go." We chat for the next few hours, with a few people stopping by and leaving. Now it is almost time to go and there has been no contact from my son... I am sad with this, but I understand his resentment.

I pull out a letter and envelope I had written earlier, I hand it to Eliah. According to the news, anything within a two and a half meter radius of the person will disappear too, except for anything living, anything inanimate will be transported. I sit in my favorite reclining chair with my cane in hand, I am dressed in a semi-formal robe.

I do not have anything else with me even if it is a teleportation as some speculate, I am an old man, so I will not be able to do any survival things even if I am transported somewhere. I bring nothing except these few mementos, and a cache of well over a million books, several websites download, and tons of music, I prefer classical, but I do still have music from when I enjoyed when I was younger.

After a few minutes of silence, a blue light starts rotating around me, I can feel myself getting, Lighter? Before I can react or say anything Eliah jumps in my arms and cries, I pat her back like a big brother for maybe the last time. We still do say anything as I completely disappear in a blue light, leaving a sobbing old woman who misses her best friend.

At this moment the door is slammed open and a young man rushes in frantically searching, He looks to be in his early thirties, is extremely handsome and has a scholarly look to him, He is dressed in a business suit that is ragged as if he just ascended twenty flights of stairs. He looks around and sees a crying old woman on the floor.

"Aunt Eliah! Where is he! Where is dad! He can't leave yet! Please tell me this is a joke! Aunt Eliah!" Eliah turns to him sobbing and hands him a letter, the man opens it and reads it and starts crying and breaking down...


I didn't know what was happening, I felt extremely light, my thoughts were sluggish, I am confused and scared...


New Registrant:

Andrew Drake.


Ugh.. I hear a voice... I get confused because I know I didn't install a voice on the AI because I did not want another voice in mind head.. I always found it freaky...


Scan Commencing...

Severely aged body detected...

Body Reconstruction in progress...


A searing pain takes over my whole consciousness, It feels like I am being torn apart and piece duct taped together again...


Anomaly Detected...

Proceeding to modify...


This time I can distinctly feel it in my head, ten thousand times worse, it is like a massive itch in the brain... Do you know how it feels to have your brain itch?


Modifying complete!

Reconstruction continue...


The searing pain over my body comes back, yet this time there is a kind of cooling sensation covering my body...


Anomalous energy detected...



Searing heat, and freezing cold... If I could i'd listen to a song of ice and fire right now... it feels like I am being burnt while being frozen...


Body Reconstruction Complete!

Welcome new Registrant!


The pain is gone for a second, before a new type of pain enters me as a whole load of knowledge storms into my brain, it is like you hit the download button to many times and your computer catches on fire. I can only half recognize half of what the stuff is at the moment before I pass out.

I come to some time later, how long, I do not know because I am in a vast expanse of white, and the only thing in front of me is a pillar with what looks like a digital screen in front of me. it list a few things on it...



•Inventory (Unlinked)


•Lottery (3)


I am completely confused, I click on the status and receive...



•Class: None

•Race: Divine Human

•STR: 20

•END: 20

•AGI: 20

•PHY: 20

•SOU: 50

•INT: 20

•WIL: 20

•WIS: 20

••CPH: Maxed

••CHR: 10

*10 is baseline for average human being*


• Thoth

• Mover And Shaker







•Soul forged




I understand the stats as if it is a video game, and I can understand the titles as giving passive buffs... The traits sound weird so I check to see if I can click anything further.


•Thoth (Violet): A god who is know for his vast wisdom, and ability to use magic. (Unlocks Comprehension secondary stat and maxes it, gives traits Omniscient and Magician)

•Mover And Shaker (Indigo): As one who truly changed the world using his invention, sending it into a new era of technology, you can be called a world renowned figure. (Gives Trait Influential)

•Omniscient (Indigo): Doubles efficiency of any perception related ability.

•Magician (Blue): Doubles efficiency and effectiveness of any spell.

•Influential (Green): Unlocks Charm secondary stat, doubles efficiency of stat.

•Soul Forged (Blue): Your soul has undergone immense stress, making it more resilient to attacks on the soul and increasing the effectiveness of soul based abilities.


After learning all that I am semi surprised... I then check out the shop, and find that it has many categories, Weapons, armor, skills, spells, techniques, abilities, and Misc. I scroll through misc and find a mirror and take it out. I finally get a good look at myself, and thankfully no head of an Ibis or a baboon...

The first thing I notice is that I am changed back to how I looked back to when I was 18 years old, yet much more athletic, I wasn't saying I was ugly, I was rather handsome when I was young, it was just that I was a lab nerd back then and hardly even worked out. I look over myself, Pale white skin, abyss black hair, and shining emerald eyes, and 6'4" tall.

I seem to have perfect proportions, and am much bigger in *Cough* Some areas, the odd thing is a long inscription like tattoo I have down my left arm, that ends with a book on the back of the hand... I feel this is somehow related to the Thoth title.

After checking myself out, I go back to the shop and notice that I have a balance of 100,000 points yet I have minus 10 into 99,990 points. I search through the armor section, there are some outrageously priced things in the millions and even billions.

I search around for just a simple set of clothing, and I find a set of armored robes, that I think would look decent on me. They only cost around 1,000 points. I search through weapons, but since I don't really know how to fight, I mean I do, hundreds of fighting styles oddly enough, but just have never practice them and am not sure what to choose.

I remember the lottery that I have three chances, may as well do it...

Yay! I have internet! I wrote this on the plane, cause it was a three hour flight and super boring.

I have another two chapters that I will post later after some editing, hope y'all have a good night. These are both super long chapters.

This is a picture of his clothing that he chose https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7uEIlMKSjL0/maxresdefault.jpg Minus the mask

Hilerscreators' thoughts