

"Suraya... Suraya" my Seonsaeng called. I had been sitting in my fourth-hour class when my phone went off and Seonsaeng Ji sent me out to the principal office for repentance. It went off because of an alarm I set for an audition. While heading to the office I debated in my head whether or not I should really do this. If I were to go I knew I would get stares of hate from all of those around me. I also knew I would have only one chance to make my dreams come true. This was my shot and if I didn't make it count I would regret it always. I had been one of the few who knew about these auditions. If I hadn't been blessed with being adopted by a well off family I wouldn't have even had a chance. I stood in front of the windows and watched as the tree blew a single leaf off. They glistened in the sunlight and I smiled at the leaf it was a sign of hope for me in countless ways.

I would be that leaf. I would be the one who would make it. I would fly even if no one believed in me. I would concur this world even at the cost of everything. " I will succeed," I said out loud. I turned on my heels as I ran down the stairs. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my outfit out of the locker. I ran to the restroom and put it on. I had saved this outfit for a fashion emergency. The outfit had five items. The first item was a pair of skin-tight black shorts. I put them on with some knee-high bright yellow boots and a yellow tee. I put on a white choker and some yellow earing in the shape of the moon. I grabbed my small black backpack and snuck out of the school. It wasn't easy wearing such bright colors. I got stopped by a guard but I told them I was an older sister who had just come to drop something off. I don't know how they believed that but they did, and then they let me out the gates. I was just happy I didn't have to try and climb over the gates. When I made it outside the gate I walked to the nearest bus stop and got on. I checked the time and started to panic. I hope and prayed that I would make it in time.

The bus finally stopped at my stop. I was happy to get off too many people were staring. I didn't get why though, people have walked around in worse. I chuckled at the thought. When I first arrived at the audition I walked up to the Check-in table. I had made it on time but that didn't mean I would still get seen. I didn't know how many people were before me.

I signed in and got my number plate. There were a few people shocked and others just continued to practice. When I noticed that I wasn't the only foreigner there I smiled in relief. We had all made a little progress with racial discrimination and controversy over the years. I knew it was going to be difficult for me but I was ready for the battle.

I sat down and stared at the clock as time passed. Thirty minutes had passed, and the next group of girls was called into the back. I looked around me as girls went in and came out grinning or crying this was the first round and only a few will survive. I saw some of the girls who didn't get the chance to go in yet got nervous. One girl sat there quietly and another had started practicing she had a light shade of brown hair and looked like a kid. she stopped singing and ran into the restroom.

About fifteen minutes had passed. I got up and headed for the restroom some girls smiled as I pasted them. I continued on despite their gossiping. Once I made it in I saw a girl I saw practicing before. She had a soft and cute tone to her voice. She was small in body frame. She looked like she was younger than me. Other than her boob size which I didn't notice earlier. if not for seeing them now I would have thought she was a child. Not just because of her lolita-country girl styled look. She had been crying in a stall. The door was open though. She sat in the stall on the toilet with her head down. I didn't say anything as I walked past her. She reminded me of a weaker version of me. I balled my fist up as I remembered how I was bullied when I first came to Korea. I remembered how weak my mom looked when she allowed my father to hurt her like that. " Hey," I said as I turned around to face her. She looked up at me. Eyes full of tears. " yeah "she responded softly. I'm not gonna ask you if you are okay because you're obviously not but … you came here for a reason right.

" Right," she said softly.

" So then fight for it."

"There is nothing and no one who can hurt you without you letting them. You cam her to audition you want to succeed but you haven't even tried yet".

" I have," she said timidly.

"Well, then why are you still sitting here crying. If you want something you have to take it". I grabbed a makeup towel out of my purse and said "Here".

"Makeup is used for battle so clean up and prepare to fight," I said as she wiped her face.

She looked up at me and smiled.

" I don't know why but I needed that".

She hugged me and then she started to re-apply her makeup.

"Thank you," she said as I washed my hands and walked out.

I hated seeing people being weak I hated not being able to do something about it. It was one of the reasons I want to be an idol I had always wanted to make people smile. No matter what they were going through I wanted them to feel happy, even if it is only for a few minutes.

I stopped in place as I realized I forgot to use the restroom.

"Uhg," I said as I walked past the same group of girls. There were three of them. One of them had dark blue hair. She was tall and the other had blonde she was in the middle of the two. The last girl had black hair in the shape of a bob. They all chuckled as one of them spit towards me.

"You should go back where you belong you dog" The blonde-haired one yelled out. All those in the room even the attendants stared at me and the group of girls. I turned on my heels to face them and smiled.

" I didn't know that the three dogs could speak, and I am where I belong if anything someone without class like you trio of dogs should go".

The girls smiled back and started to converse in Korean

"이 개새끼는 정말로 그녀에게 기회가 있다고 생각합니다."( This b#### really thinks she has a chance. ) The blonde one said.

"그 수치심 우리는 좋은 곳도 있습니다." ( it's a shame we were being nice too.)The black-haired one said in response. I turned around and chuckled at their stupidity.

"그녀를 아프리카로 돌려 보낼 수있게 해준다.".lets ship her back to Africa) The Blue-haired on said. I turned back around to respond when the girl from the restroom came out and said" If you don't learn to keep your bad thoughts to yourself you may end up…'


"죽은"( Dead) I interrupted and said in place of the girl. I said it in Korean so they would understand that I understand everything they had said. I grabbed the girls shoulder. When the attendant called back my number and luckily the girl who had helped me earlier number too. As we walked through the door the girls gave us death stares. We went through the doors into another room with chairs and sat. " you will have to wait until you are called individually to be called back" I tapped at the girl's shoulder again and asked.

" What is your name.."

She looked at me and smiled and said

" Jade... Jade Hiyashi".

" Nice to meet you, Jade, "I said as I stuck out my hand.

I chuckled as she said "Formally"

We shook hands. And then sat down waiting to be called back.

I hope this doesn't take long.

Ohh Drama...

Seonsaeng is teacher in Korean

Now to the series stuff

If anyone feels offended by this chapter.


it is Fiction thought.

But things like this can happen in real life.

I'm not trying to hurt any feelings just make some things known.

I hope you enjoy


WritingMasterMooncreators' thoughts
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