
Details and Specifics

I noticed that some of you guys don't really understand some of the things said in my novel, so here's the part where I explain all that.


The background of my story comes from the Fire Emblem Series with the novel first starting off in the world from Fire Emblem 9, Path of Radiance, and Fire Emblem 10, Radiant Dawn. In these games are a number of characters ranging from playable, non-playable, and antagonists, each with their own part to play in the two games. All of them will be mentioned in my fan-fiction along with a few of my original characters. For more info, look to Serenes Forest or the Fire Emblem Wiki.


The map I am using as a reference for my story can be found in Serenes Forest where they display a map of Tellius and all the other world's maps.


The currency system of the game is a bit confusing and is based on the prices of weapons. Since the cheapest weapon in the game still cost a few hundred gold to buy, I am assuming that the cost of living should be around a few hundred gold per week (like around 150 ~ 200).

Life for the Common Person

Around maybe a quarter of the common folk become mercenaries which pay around a few hundred gold. Even more people are farmers who sell their harvest in exchange for a decent sum and can live days quite comfortably. The rest of the common folk either work for a business and their wages are dependent on their position.

Classes and their Ranking

There are 4 stages of classes that only applies to Beorcs/humans:

Trainee Class - People in this class are almost always villagers who choose a life without fighting, but if they ever decide to become stronger, they still could advance their class. Other Trainee Classes are the pupils, the recruits, and the journeymen, people could only become this class if they are of a young age and are training to become stronger.

Basic Class - This is the next class after the Trainee Class. Most people can automatically become this class after they have become adults and if they trained well enough, but they won't be stronger than those who trained from a young age. People of this class are either Fighters, Myrmidons, Clerics, Priests, Cavaliers, Archers, Mages, Knights, Pegasus Riders, Wyvern Riders, Rangers, Thieves, Bandits, or Soldiers.

Advance Class - This is what the people in the Basic Class advance in to. As difficult as it is for a person to advance to this higher class, those that had trained from a young age should find it easier to reach this level than those who had begun when they became adults. People of this class are either Warriors (from Fighters), Swordmasters (from Myrmidons), Bishops (from Priests), Priestess (from Clerics), Paladins (from Cavaliers), Snipers (from Archers), Sages (from Mages), Generals (from Knights), Pegasus Knights (from Pegasus Riders), Wyvern Knights (from Wyvern Riders), Lords (from Rangers), Rogue (from Thieves), Berserkers (from Bandits), and Halberdier (from Soldiers).

Ultimate Class - This is essentially the peak of human limits. Only very few people can ever advance to this class from the Advance Class. Reaching this level of class is extremely difficult and even those that have trained from a young age would probably not be able to make it. The people of this class are either Reavers (from Warriors), True Blades (from Swordmasters), Saints (from Bishops), Saintesses (from Priestess), True Paladins (from Paladins), Marksmen (from Snipers), Archsages (from Sages), Marshalls (from Generals), Seraph Knight (from Pegasus Knight), Wyvern Lords (from Wyvern Knights), Vanguards (from Lords), Whispers (from Assassins), Ravagers (from Berserkers), and Sentinels (from Halberdiers).

For the Laguz/Beastmen Classes, they do not have any advancements in their class but have multiple times the growth potential compared to the Beorcs/humans.

Cats and Tigers - Two races that either uses their fangs or claws to fight in their beast forms.

Wolves - Like the Cats and Tigers they also use their fangs and claws to fight, but they also are able to use their whole bodies as weapons.

Crows and Hawks - Two races that use their beaks to stab and pierce their foes or their talons to shred them.

Herons - Unlike the other races, they are not able to 'fight' in battles, instead they support their allies and give them an edge over their enemies. They are extremely fragile compared to the other Laguz races.

Dragons - They are, hands-down, the strongest of all the Laguz races. They are both tougher and possess more strength compared to the other races. The only trait they could lose to the other races is speed, but that doesn't really matter considering how dragons can essentially walk everything off.

Hidden Classes

Although there are quite a number of classes already, there are still hidden classes like the Assassin Class and the Valkyrie Class for the Beorc race and Lion Class and Eagle Class for the Laguz race. These rare classes are usually only available to a few individuals with enormous potential.

Mercenary House

This is something I created for the story in order to fill some plot holes and because I was influenced by the existence of 'isekai' animes, novels, and manga. Think of it as an adventurers guild where adventurers receive or take on jobs posted by the city or from single individuals for a reward. The Mercenary House does not condone illegal acts or bad behavior, so if a mercenary is caught murdering, raping, stealing, etc. they could be excommunicated from the house. This is the thing that separates them from bandits

Mercenary Tiers

These tiers are based on the beginning standards of the Tellius world. There hasn't been much fighting lately, aside from the usual bandits and monsters so it is really difficult for a person to advance in the tiers and in their class. The higher tiers usually lend their services to high nobles or even the royal family in exchange for great rewards. This is why and how Greil was able to afford his own little fort of a home. At the beginning of the story, no one has seen a person with the abilities greater than a Champion Tier, much less a person at the tier in a very long time. The last ones known were Altina, the first Apostle, and the Laguz that supported her.

Copper Tier - (Lowest Mercenary Rank) everyone starts off at this rank and rises over time. If someone is stuck in this rank, it usually means that they are really weak. People of this tier are usually in the Trainee Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around a few tens of gold and usually involve tasks like cleaning a house or finding common herbs. Normally hired by individuals.

Iron Tier - Usually people in lower levels of the Basic Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around 100 ~ 150 gold and usually involve tasks like scouting wild area, standing guard for a set period, or eliminating weak monsters. Normally hired by individuals or a group of people.

Steel Tier - Mid-levels in the Basic Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around 200 ~ 500 gold and usually involve more improved tasks of the ones before this tier. Normally hired by villages that struggle with their defenses.

Silver Tier - High-levels in the Basic Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around a thousand gold and usually involve more improved tasks of the ones before this tier or journeying into monster territories and flushing them out. They are usually hired by the town, city, or wealthy merchants.

Gold Tier - Low-levels in the Advance Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around a few thousand of gold depending on the task which is the same as the last tier, but for more dangerous and immediate threats. Usually hired by the people of the previous tier and nobles.

Platinum Tier - Mid-levels in the Advance Classes. Jobs of this tier pay around a high thousand of gold and usually involve extremely dangerous or deadly tasks. Normally hired by large cities, nobles, extremely wealthy individuals, or maybe even the royal family.

Mithril Tier - High-levels in the Advance Classes. Jobs of this tier pay extremely high, more than the last tier because they are usually employed by high nobles or people of the royal family.

Champion Tier - (Highest Mercenary Rank) - A person who had reached the Ultimate Classes. It is unknown what they make and what tasks they do since no one has seen someone of this caliber in hundreds of years.

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