
Vanir Cap 26

A short time later~~

After a few minutes, I arrived in front of the huge plantation.

The trees were full of fruit, displaying a healthy color, contrasting with the dry and dead landscape a few kilometers away.

Some unknown time later, Dean's Impala arrived, skidding with a slight maneuver.

Dean got out of the car with an upset expression on his face, perhaps because of the defeat in our little race, won by an overwhelming margin.

"Damn it Henrique, if you hadn't closed my vision with smoke at the start, I'd never have lost a race, even more so in this Batman pirate car!"

Exclaimed Dean, a slight anger in his voice, it seems he really took it to heart.

I could have bought him a sports car as a present, but he thought a man's true love was in cars like the Impala.

Even if he felt a little jealous of the Bugatti's speed, he would never let go of his beloved car.

"All I hear is nonsense, if you want to change the engine and other parts of the Impala for more up-to-date ones, I'll pay you."

"You said it yourself, after this hunt I'm going to reinforce my baby's insides."

I answered, listening to Dean's nonsense, an expression of anticipation appeared on his face, imagining it, he really did switch sides quickly.

Even I was excited, imagining his Impala with a more powerful engine, the fascination was evident.

We walked around the plantation for several minutes in search of the main tree, even though I knew what the tree looked like, to my misfortune the plantation was huge.

The day seemed to pass more quickly, the light we had been following beginning to fade as darkness took over.

"Are you sure this is the right tree?"

"Yes, Sam, like a good wizard, I feel an energy coming from this tree, an ancient and somewhat supernatural power..."

Groping around the huge tree, we looked for clues to prove my speculation, finding some unknown symbols drawn on its back.

Sam, who had more supernatural knowledge, soon recognized the symbol, used to summon the Vanir.

"So we just have to burn the tree, Samy?"

"Yes, it says here that by burning the Vanir's summoning source, it will return to its eternal resting place."

Receiving the answer, I took out my lighter while watching Dean try to turn on his old lighter, failing endlessly.

I couldn't understand how they carried these old things around, after this mission I'll upgrade our general equipment...

Before setting fire to the tree, I felt some presences with my spirit, which I assumed were the people who had summoned the Vanir, lurking in the trees.

Knowing who they were, I sighed deeply when I heard a loud voice, interrupting the brothers' actions along with my own.

"Freeze, kid. You're being arrested for attempted assault on private property, put down the lighter and get down on the ground."

Emerging from the darkness with a gun in my hand, I recognized the sheriff of the small rural town advancing towards me with an angry expression.

I put the lighter down, throwing it on the ground as he asked, but I could have tried to check, but his gun was pointed at Dean instead of me, making me hesitate.

Soon several other familiar people came out of the trees, some of them working at the diner, others running successful businesses around town.

"Sheriff, it doesn't have to come to this. We know you're summoning Vanir for the good of the community, but it's killing people."

Sam replied with a scowl on his face as he watched the people wielding knives, skewers and other tools begin to surround them.

"Kid, people go hungry every year in the city, sometimes we have to make hard choices..."



A shot rang out, blood spurting across the floor, for a moment the place was silent after a scream from Sam.

Looking at the wound on Dean's leg, the atmosphere became tense. Sam gritted his teeth, his anger apparent on his face.

"Your brother is armed, remove any weapons in your possession and put them down now! "

"Sheriff, you really managed to do something today, unfortunately you won't live to celebrate..."

Looking at the blood pouring from Dean's leg, a rare expression of anger appeared in my heart, I knew that this world had no divine protection from any powerful being.

So the shot could have been at Dean's head instead of his leg, just the thought of it made me emit a murderous intent that froze the people present.

Even after fighting so hard for power, I came close to losing a friend, one of the people I trusted to save this world and achieve my goal.

This thought threatened to consume me, a random person who understood nothing of this world...of this universe, actually tried to kill one of the saviors of this world, an unforgivable folly.

Without any remorse, I slowly raised my hand to everyone's stunned gaze.

In the middle of the room, a glow materialized forming a creature, bones, skin and claws formed at high speed.

An enormous pressure descended on the sheriff and the people standing nearby, and under their shocked gaze, a huge, majestic being appeared, the creature seemed to be two meters tall, imposing like a king.


An enormous animal, only found in a few wild places, a proud feline king.

The lion emerged from the void, roaring majestically as if to prove its presence.

"Fuck me, where did a lion come from????"

Screams resounded throughout the place, the animal seemed oblivious to the noise and shot towards the sheriff, now paralyzed with fear in front of the huge beast.

"There's no way there's a lion in America!"

"He must be a witch, run away!"

"Help, I don't want to die! "

Even though they weren't the lion's main target, the people wielding weapons and tools trembled with fear at the sight of the huge predator.

Even Dean and Sam looked stunned at the sight of the animal, shocked with fear and backing away with weapons in hand.

"Calm down, this is one of my summons, don't shoot."

I exclaimed loudly, realizing the brothers' action, and soon received some shocked looks full of doubts, which would be clarified later.

The lion advanced towards the sheriff, who managed, trembling, to raise his gun and fire the comb, shooting the animal.

Unfortunately for him, the lion only paused momentarily, before rushing forward, maddened by the pain.


A clawing blow was launched, aimed at the hand wielding the weapon.

The blow came down on everyone's eyes, ripping off four fingers without resistance, making the sheriff roar in pain as he felt the loss of limbs.

The lion didn't wait for his reaction, throwing the sheriff to the ground, its claws slowly penetrating his flesh.


Taking advantage of the chaos, Henrique launched himself towards the villagers who were fleeing madly.

With his speed, it only took him a few seconds to reach the fugitives, striking them hard on the back of the head, knocking them unconscious.


The sheriff, who had previously displayed a proud posture, was now pinned to the ground with the lion pressing down on his body.

The animal roared, threatening to bite his head off, causing the sheriff to scream in fear of being eaten alive.

"Henry, I think that's enough... they're just people..."

"I agree with Sam, even if that bastard did shoot me, I don't think I deserve to be devoured by a lion."

Dean and Sam, who were watching this unfold, intervened, realizing Henry's murderous intent. Even though they were hunters, they still maintained a strict attitude about killing humans.

It was only towards the end of the series that they changed their minds, when they were hunted down by the FBI.

"It's okay, I'm not going to kill these people, but if they're back to messing with the supernatural..."

"I'll summon other animals, let them feel the sensation of being eaten alive..."

Henry replied, staring at the man beneath the lion who had stopped screaming. His gaze contained a truth that the sheriff understood instantly.

Fear took root in his being as he thought of the cruelties this sorcerer could do to him.

Dean, who was close to the tree, sensed a movement and nimbly dodged a scythe aimed at cutting his shoulder.

"Guys, looks like we've got company! "

Henry said, watching Dean and Sam exchange blows with the old scarecrow, which seemed to be made only of thin straw but displayed abnormal strength and speed.

The supernatural being dodged with incomparable agility, launching several blows with its scythe at the pair of brothers.

The creature's strength seemed to be abnormal, the blow of its weapon cutting through the small trees around it, trying to hit the humans who were moving quickly.

Dodging a ferocious attack, Dean, who noticed a gap in the defense, quickly launched a slash, aiming to cut the creature's neck.

The blow advanced quickly, cutting the scarecrow's neck without resistance, and for a moment it fell to the ground motionless.

But before Dean and Sam could breathe a sigh of relief, the scarecrow picked its head up off the ground and connected it to its neck, looking expressionlessly at the brothers.

Noticing the turn of events, the brothers took a few steps back, pulling the dark-barrelled guns from their waists and firing a hail of bullets.

Bang bang bang

It was only when the cartridge was empty that the shooting stopped, the scarecrow who had been stunned by the shots paused for a second before firing again.

"Henry, an extra hand would be great!"

"Why hands, when we have a pair of claws?"

Henry, who was watching the fight from afar, cheered happily for his brothers while munching on a snack.

Hearing Dean's plea, he commanded his lion to advance in support. Throughout the fight, he was on high alert, letting the brothers gain experience but keeping an eye out for any fatal attacks, especially Dean who was wounded in the leg.


The lion, hearing his master's command, lunged forward fiercely, shooting at the scarecrow with enormous wildness.

He passed through the Winchester brothers with great speed, defending the scythe that was coming towards him.

The scythe came into contact with the lion's claws, breaking the shaft without resistance, throwing the scarecrow to the ground.

Seeing a gap, the lion unleashed several heavy blows with its claws that rained down on the creature's face and body, scattering straw everywhere.

The scarecrow's body slowly began to lose its shape. Realizing the danger, the scarecrow launched a powerful counter-attack, a heavy punch towards the lion's nose.

The blow landed heavily, pausing the lion's claws, who roared in pain as the attack hit his nose, causing blood to drip onto the ground.

Sensing the opportunity, the scarecrow continued to throw punches and kicks that hit the lion, injuring the animal, which began to lose its momentum.

The supernatural being seemed to know his advantages, taking advantage of his immortal body and infinite energy.

"Even if the lion is the king of the forest, he will still face a stalemate when facing a supernatural being..."

"But I just need to add one more support, something agile and strong..."

Henry thought, watching as the lion that dominated the fight began to lose its edge due to lack of stamina.

With a slight wave of his hand, he summoned an enormous four-meter python, consuming his remaining mana.

A slight dizziness struck Henry, he felt a sharp headache as his mana reached zero, making him understand and be more cautious when he needed to use his energy.

The lion, previously at a disadvantage, changed the situation with the python's support.

The huge snake accelerated at high speed, firing a powerful shot, wrapping itself around the scarecrow.

The attack stopped the creature's movements, even if it tried to move, it was useless in the face of the gripping force.

"Dean, I've immobilized Vanir, we have to set fire to the tree."

Henry exclaimed, noticing that the brothers were confused by the appearance of the huge Python, for a moment they thought they were in a zoo.

After setting fire to the tree, the scarecrow that had been fighting madly began to lose its vitality, turning into a pile of dry straw, crumbling in the slight breeze.

[ Congratulations on eliminating a Vanir XP+20% ]

[ Congratulations on leveling up to level 8 ]

[ +10 free stats points]

Commanding the wounded lion to return to his side, Henry stroked the animal lightly.

He had never had a pet, but he had liked cats in his old life.

The lion seemed to enjoy the caresses, showing an expression of pleasure.

Dean and Sam watched strangely, keeping their distance, afraid to approach the large animal.

Tying the sheriff up with the villagers, Henry waited for everyone to wake up, lovingly explaining what he would do if they tried to repeat this scenario.

The people listening just nodded, seeming to understand the sweet words they were hearing.

"Henrique, how can you summon animals like a Pokémon trainer?"

Dean asked with a strange expression, he had never seen this magic before.

never seen this magic before.

Even in supernatural books, something like this had never been mentioned. Sam, who was listening next to him, was also curious about the question.

"As I said before, I'm a witch by mother's blood, any witch can summon animals, don't you watch movies Sam?"

"I've killed witches before, none of them could do that."

"Then maybe they were just lying witches hehehe."

Next chapter