
Traveling the Universe I Guess?? { HOTD }

just some guy with a simple system that just helps him travel worlds and show him his status nothing else other than being handsome and having a di** that is perfect I guess nothing is special to see here ok maybe he is just a little crazy and loves to kill and battle but still nothing to see here first world: high school of the dead { I own nothing from worlds to pictures and characters if anyone that owns anything that I use in my fanfiction wants me to remove it I will 100% }

PandaManAlone · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

chapter 5

so it has been a few months almost a year since I started training after I found out what is the perfect training plan and it has been really good I have started to show a few mussels around my body and of course abs but not too much it's just the beginning anyway nee-san has regretted her decision after seeing training day and night in my free time she thought I will give up after a few days so she supported me but she stopped after ten days and started to make me quit but I didn't

we did get in a fight one time but I convinced her there is no harm in it and it's true I was training according to my plan this is a child's body for god sake I will not train till exhaustion if I do that I will only destroy my body and stope growing like normal kids so yeah she agreed in the end but not so easy it took me a few months to convince her she loves me and doesn't want me to harm myself which I love about her it pains me that I might now be able to save her so I have a few plans of how to get her to the school of Z-day

and now that I think about I haven't planned that much other than how to have sex in the future I mean what do you expect from a virgin but meh it's not that big of a deal I still have years before Z-Day so I might start now

first I need to plan for food for the people the first thing that came to my mind was seeds they can be kept and planted at any time I think so I can gather as much as I want I can even make an excuse to collect seeds as a hobby because at this point I am a weird kid so what if I become a little bit weirder no harm in a kid collecting seeds now is there I might even learn how to farm from books so I can pass on the info of how to farm wait

now that I think of it isn't a library a treasure for zombie worlds hmm I might make my library in the basement now that I think of it where was that boom dropped again just to be sure that the books won't be harmed I remember it was far away from school so my house might be saved, to say the least anyway now all I have to so is slowly collect all kinds of seeds until I have every kind of seeds Wich might I reminded you will take a few years at best even if I don't have internet anyway

I want to plan for my survival first thing is armor Wich is impossible to get in Japan the only way to get it is from the police and the army so I need to research the locations of everything police and army camp there is you know what now that I think about it why don't I make a book of everything so I won't forget it and along the way pass it on because at best I will stay in this world until I am 21/23 years old because there isn't anything I can do at that time other than gain a little bit of experience so this is a Good Idea

there is so much to plan for the future sigh but then again I am enjoying this a lot, especially my time with Saeko is we're the busiest the buddy's forever she trains at this age might I remind you how did you guys think she can slice a body apart without training..... wait I can not use my fist as a weapon against zombies Fuck I am retarded aren't I sigh after all I am still a normal person even if I have a system well who cares I will just learn martial arts art of weapons sometime later, for now, let's focus of building a foundation for my body

( and that marks the training arc now back to the mc )

yawn mmm opening my eyes slowly I look beside me and see Saeko sleeping then I remembered that I had a sleepover at her house might I reminded you she invited me and this is my room for the night she wasn't even supposed to be here sleeping beside me sigh let's hope her father doesn't find out so I need to wake her up

looking at her sleeping peacefully beside me pains me a lot after just one year she has grown on me too much we are 's for life so I have no idea how to wake her up so I have no other choice than to sneak out of the room and find her mother without the father nearby so won't be fucked Royale

so I slowly move away from Saeko to the right and at the same time removed the blanket away from me after 1 minute of slowly moving away Saeko began to move closer to me Wich made me panic so I moved faster until I was out all that is left is for me to get the hell out of her without her noticing me

walking like a ninja in comedy films slowly to the door I hear footsteps that are getting near the door so I panicked and ran back to saeko where I was before and closed my eyes and pretended to sleep before the door opened and the demon came in himself.... her father

pretending to wake up slowly I open my eyes only to see Saeko holding her laugh in an and her mother as well looking at them without any emotion for 3 minutes they laughed even harder at me

Saeko tried to talk" hahaha sorry John for the prank hahahahaha but I couldn't deny the idea of pranking you with mom hahahahaha"

looking at her again and without, any word I jumped on her and started to make her laugh even be more by her armpits while I said" I trusted you saeko I even didn't want to wake you I was going to look for your mother to wake you up how could you betrayer me like that"

after that day I didn't sleepover at her house ever again

{1} I wanted to make the mc a little bit of a star in music for I had the idea of him going to a few competitions about talent and let him show off as a music genius and along the way make him gain money for future stuff he is a kid after all how much of an allowance does a kid even get

{2} do you guys make my time skip to a few years and then continue with his childhood story

{3} just skip everything and started at day-Z where everything started with the anime and manga a long chapter of what happened in the time skip years