
Time skip and new sister?

Inside the most luxorious mansion in Kuoh City, could be seen Luxa currently laying on his sofa. As for how he got the mansion? Let's say that the gold that Toma E. Fiore volontarly gave him was really useful.

"How should I even talk with this thing" said Luxa while looking at the boosted gear in his hand.

Luxa: "Hey Ddraig, you there?"

(You are not my possessor, who are you?) said Ddraig after exiting the sleep he was in.

"Let's just say that I'm a dragon god" presented himself Luxa.

(A dragon god? Ah! Then are you as powerful as Ophis and Great Red?) said sarcastically Ddraig.

"Nah I'm not as powerful as them" said nonchalantly Luxa.

(Uh! As I though you are just an idiotic youth) said Ddraig in understanding.

"I'm not as powerful as them after all I'm more powerful than them" said grinning Luxa.

(Ah! You are not only an idiotic youth you are also arrogant) said disdainfully Ddraig.

Luxa: "It's true though, you should also have heard of me"

Ddraig: (No I haven't met an arrogant youth like you in all of my life)

Luxa: "You should have heard of me after all I'm the guy who killed the being that sealed you"

Ddraig: (You want to say that you are the Evil Monarch? You, without power? Hahahaha that is the funniest thing that i've ever heard)




In a secret space inside of the boosted gear could be seen a red haired young girl of about 16 years rolling on the ground laughing.

"Hahaha that arrogant human is really funny" said the girl laughing.

"I don't know why I should be funny though" said Luxa teleporting in the black space.

"H-how it shouldn't be possible! This place is impossible to find!" said the girl now a little afraid.

"This place? It was pretty easy to find" said Luxa as if it was the easiest thing to do in the world.

"Who are you really?" said the girl while backing away of one step.

"I'm batman" said Luxa in a deep tone.

"What?" said the girl while looking at Luxa as if retarded.

"I've already said who I am idiot" said Luxa while looking at the girl helpless.

"But it's impossible, you should be dead when fighting with the Biblical God! And your aspect it's totally different from what was told by the diserters of the three races" said seriously the girl.

Luxa: "Who saw my dead body?"

"heh?" asked the girl in confusion.

"It's just a rumor, nobody ever saw my "dead" body so why should it be true? As for my aspect you mean this?" said Luxa as he began taking his half form causing the black space to begin cracking.

"Wait like this you are going to destroy this space" said the girl in a worried tone.

Luxa: "It would be better for you no? Don't you want to be freed?"

"But why would you even help me escape?" said the girl while looking confused at Luxa.

"No real reason but if I had to say one... Cause it will be more interesting this way?" said Luxa just as he finished transforming, causing the black space to collapse and so freeing the girl from it and returning on the luxurious mansion.

Only there was one thing that Luxa hadn't predicted. When he entered the black space he was laying on the sofa and so when the girl freed herself she fell right into Luxa causing their lips to touch.

"Kyaaa" said the now furiously blushing girl while slapping Luxa in the face which he obviously dodged.

"*Cough* I admit that was out of my expectations but hey it was just a kiss no?" said Luxa oblivious at the anger he just caused with his phrase.

"Just a kiss? Right it was just a kiss" said the girl while looking down so that her eyes couldn't be seen.

Luxa: "Exactly and it's not like I did it intentionally, it was by accident after all"

"So my first kiss was taken by accident?" said the girl while lifting up her head.

"Well if you want to know it was also my first kiss so you should compensate me too" said Luxa as when he saw the anger in her eyes he chose what every man in hearth would have done, lying your way out.

"Really?" said the girl with less anger the before in her eyes.

"Y-yeah" said Luxa with uncertanity.

"T-then it's okay, yeah we both lost something" said the girl blushing but this time not out of anger.

(sorry but it's just you that lost something, not that I would say it) thought Luxa.

"Oh yeah I still don't know how you are called and I don't think that Ddraig is your real name" said Luxa bringing the girl out of her daydreaming.

"I don't have a real name as my parents didn't have the time to give me one before they were killed by the humans" said the girl while feeling down.

Luxa: "Then how about I give you one? I don't have naming sense though"

"Yes please!" said the girl with new found happiness.

"Mhmm what about Ironi?" said Luxa while thinking seriously.

"That would be perfect! Hehehe" said Ironi with a stupedly cute laugh.

"Good now go take a shower and let's go to sleep as I have school tomorrow" said Luxa with a bit yawn.

"Can I come too?! I've always wanted to go to school!" said Ironi exitedly.

"When you learned how to act in the human world then yes" said Luxa while showing Ironi the important places of the house before going to the sofa to restart cultivating.




A few months have passed, during this months nothing special happened. Issei began going on missions winning more easily then the real plot as he could already control half of his powers. Akeno had been sad for a few months before starting to join again the ORC members but it always seemed as if a part of her always missed.

As for the culprit Luxa? Nothing changed form his daily life, he woke up, went to school, returned home and meditated. The only thing that changed is that he and Ironi aknowledged each other as brother and sister, or more like Luxa aknowledged it as Ironi always showed him that she loved him.

As for his cultivation? He reached successfully the perfection realm, causing Kuro to become 150meters long while the sea began to have raging waves, disturbing so the sleep of Kuro.

As for Ironi, she started going to school after a month in the same class as Koneko which caused quite a bit of problems to Luxa after she "accidently" said of the incident that happened on the sofa. She and Koneko became best friends and sometimes Ironi invited Koneko at his house.

As the events continued, Issei met Irina and Xenovia and now we are at when Kokabiel attacked the ORC members.

"Is Sirzechs coming or is Serafall?" said Kokabiel, a fallen angel that survived the Great War, he had 5 pairs of black wings and he wore black robes.

"We're here in their place" said Rias in all seriousness.

Kokabiel said nothing and just threw a javeline made of energy on the gym which exploded causing debrits all around.

"Since you came all this way, I suppose I'll have you play with my pet" said Kokabiel as from a yellow portal that he opened, exited a three headed black dog.

Asia: "Cerberus the Dogwatch of Hell"

"Let's attack" said Rias as the ORC members began attacking. Koneko and Issei began punching and kicking Cercerus while Akeno began throwing thunders at it.

While being attacked Cerberus saw that the healer of the ORC members was unprotected by the three so it chose to take her out first.

He roared in her direction and began charging straight at her, without caring for the other people's attacks.

"ASIAAA" screamed Issei at the scared Asia.

Just when she was about to be hit, Xenovia appeared and cut of a head of Cerberus that was now wailing in pain.

"Sorry am I late?" said Xenovia with a grin.

"Thanks for your he..." Issei couldn't finish his phrase that he saw from behind her a person that he had never hoped to see.

"I hate being disturbed in my sleep" said Luxa as he released a sort of black energy while descending from the tree were he was sleeping.

"D-darling" said Akeno shocked by seeing Luxa in such a place.

"WOOOFFF" howled Cerberus as he prepeared to attack Xenovia which was ready in a swords stance.

"Shut up" said Luxa as the black energy released by him engulfed Cerberus that began howling in pain as the black energy began eating him alive. Finished eating the black energy returned inside of Luxa's body.

(S-such evil energy. Who's this guy?!) thought Xenovia as she retreated from Luxa.

"H-how could this be possible!" said Kokabiel while looking at Luxa.

"Why are you crows always this active?" said Luxa with a yawn.

"T-this pressure just a person can release it! Evil Monarch Luxa D. Arcadia why are you even here?!!" said Kokabiel as he began to retreat.

"W-what?!"said the stupefied ORC members.

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