
Traveling the Anime-verse

Leo got hit by truck-kun, dies and gets 3 wishes from ROB(A GOD). He explores the anime verse as he lazies around and has fun conquering unknown lands. However this god is somehow involving Leo in things he wasn’t told about.

Lordroyal · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Start of a Nation

After arriving in the village, what Leo saw was destroyed houses, injured goblins and chaos all over the place, he turned to look at the ones who he followed here and said "Send me to your leader"

They bowed their heads started walking.

After walking a bit they arrived at an almost destroyed house which was a bit bigger than the rest and walked in.

When Leo entred in he was a 5 foot goblin which was considerably older than the others. So Leo immediatly guessed that he was probably the leader. After they entered in the old goblin turned his head toword the entrance and saw Leo, a bit after, he was shocked by the aura wich Leo released and kowtowed.

"Welcome strong one, I hope you are not disturbed by the chaos, as we are in a terrible war."

Leon prickled his ear with his pinky finger said "I don't mind, anyway I have an offer to make, are you willing to listen to me?"

The old goblin was a bit surprised about the laid back attitude of Leo but still remained in a respectfully attitude toward him and said "Of course, Anything you say Strong on— may I ask whats your name?"

"Leo Yuuki"

"Leo sama"

Seeing that the old goblin was willing to listen Leo said "I will get rid of this war for you. All you have to do is follow me to death, how about it."

Hearing this the old goblin was visibly shocked, he first wanted to see the attitude of Leo and if he sensed no danger, he would take the opportunity to ask his help, but since Leo was willing to make this offer he immediately agreed and bowed his head. "We are willing to offer you our lives."


"Good, then my first order for you is gather everybody, I have news."

"As you order Leo-sama" just like that the old goblin left.

After 5 minutes everybody gathered in front of the tent curious as to why were they all summoned, seeing the curious gaze of his people the old goblin laughed "There is no need to worry everyone, I have good news, from now on we will be under the protection of Leo-sama, we will defeat the moon wolves under his leadership and find peace on our lives."

Everybody was alerted by the sudden news and chose to not believe at first, but since it was the elder of the tribe who spoke these words, they started murmuring with each-other but were interrupted by a sudden influx of Gold-Black aura coming from the tent and moved their heads toward the aura, some gulped, some were pissing themselves what came from the tent was a human who looked around the age of 16 or 17 with light-green hair and eyes and this figure spoke and waved his hand.

"Hello there, my name is Leo Yuuki and from here out, all of you will be my subordinates, those who work hard and earn my interest will have great opportunities, those who those don't, won't be discriminated while will still have a harder time."

The goblins and demi-humans understood the situation and all of them almost bowed simultaneously "As you order Leo sama."

Leo smiled at seeing this and said "Good, now all of you form a line, I will be naming you one by one, it's a hassle to not have a name."

The old goblin's eyes almost popped out of their sockets and asked worriedly "Are you sure Leo sama, that's too dangerous and it drains too many magicules.

"Yes I am sure" replied Leo with a smile.

After getting the confirmation, the goblins and demi-humans started making lines and Leo started naming them one by one.















Just like that more than 40 goblins and demi-humans were named and Leo felt really sleepy after all that naming so laid down on a tree and slept.



The next Morning-

Leo woke up after a tiring day, streched and yawned, but after he opened his eyes clearly he saw humans surrounding them, however wierdly enough all of them had various hair colors and some had green skin.

Leo immediately understood, that they are the goblins and demi-humans he named, Leo started to get irritated by being surrounded, so he said with a tickmark "Ooi Are you just going to keep staring me ?"

The former goblins now to be hob-goblins flinched.

The old goblin which was now named Rogunn bowed his head toward Leo and shouted "Thank you master for giving us names, we will be at your command" following Rogun everybody bowed down too at their new master.

Leo looking at the hob-goblins' and the demi-human's awkward bows. He facepalmes himself and thinks 'why does this look like they have rehearsed bowing a few times, tsk!'

Leo looking at them seriously this time said "Get up from now on you all will be my subordinates and Rogunn will be in charge of the hub-goblins, goblinas and the demi-humans alike, whether it is now or in the future, also spread word that I name monsters in exchange for loyalty, that will make our numbers increase.

"As you order Mast-"

"Leo-sama is fine" said Leo before Rogunn could finish.

Rogun took note of his master's preference and complied "Yes Leo-sama"

And took his leave with the others, leaving behind a pondering Leo.

'Should i just build a city with my <Creation>?Although it will take me weeks or even months it will be done faster than in any other way, hmmm or should I ask Gazel for some blacksmiths? that sounds like a good idea afterall I won't be around and my current subordinates and future alike shouldn't rely on me for everything.

(A/N: I hope you liked the chaptaaar)