

"Meditation is boring i do it all day for nothing"

[You can only meditate once a day i didn't want to ruin you hard work]

[Quest failed: 124/200, No punishment]

"hahaha so im about to be born?"

[Congratulations after your constant meditation for the pass 12 days you can now meditation two times a day]

"At least i got something out of it"

____________Delivery Room_____________

Inside a white room a woman with a wild yet beautiful look is holding a baby with sapphire color hair with silver eyes. A man could be seen on the ground crying with a broken hand.

"Get over it you big cry baby, he has your hair azure" she says looking down at the crying man.

"Nòtt that's great to know im gonna get a cast for my hand" He then gets up and leaves the room.

"Mrs Violet what do you want to wait for your husband or do you want to name him yourself?"-doctor

"I will name him sapphire, sapphire Violet"-Nòtt says happily

'Isn't sapphire a girls name am i a girl now?'-Sapphire

[Nope a boy, ha you got a girls names]

'Great im going to get made fun of, so what did i reincarnated into?'-Sapphire

[Oh that information will cost 10 points]

'what ever i'll find out, i never asked whats your name?'-Sapphire

[My true name will cost points]

'I'll call you Tiffiny from the sword art abriged series because fuck you'-Sapphire

[Hidden Quest completed: Name your system obtained: 100 shop points, basic random weapons guide]

'HaHa! What can i buy thats useful for 100 points?'-Sapphire

[High quality pacifier-90

High quality blanket-65



High quality wooden sword-80





Discount 95% Mana Manipulation for dummies-50]

'Hahaha buy the magic one and imprint it, also what weapon is it a sword type a guide to estocs'-Sapphire

[Pay 5 points to be painless]


Sapphire experience a terrible headache as a baby he didn't have much control over his body so he cried out.


"Oh Sapphire don't cry mothers here"-Nòtt

'im ok stop with the hug its to tight'

"shhhh go to sleep"-Nòtt

'waaa no'-Sapphire

But his body didn't listen he yawned and fell asleep

Next chapter