
Wave Country (1)

[Gates of Konoha]

There's two genin teams in the gates getting ready to leave.

"Is everyone ready?" Said Kushina and everyone responded by nodding.

After they responded the group left the village.

[In the forests of Wave Country]

Haruka and the others were walking in the forests of Wave, nothing has happened since they left Konoha, where the demon brothers were supposed to be there was no one.

Haruka was walking until he noticed two puddles that were emitting a bit of chakra. When they walked across the puddle two shadowy figures appeared and a giant sword flew towards Kakashi and the demon brothers attacked Kushina who blocked their chain.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Akari, Asami, Sora and Haruka protect Tazuna." Kushina said to the genin while she was fighting against the demon brothers

"Sharingan No Kakashi and Uzumaki Kushina, looks like I will need help." Said Zabuza and a Masked Shinobi appeared behind him.

"Zabuza Momochi, Rank-A nukenin. Tazuna you will need to explain things later. " Kakashi said as he lifted his forehead protector from his left eye revealing a sharingan with 3 tomoe. They both started clashing their weapons.

'Sharingan? I will ask him later' It's what a Duckass hairstyle Uchiha and Asami thought.

Meanwhile the Masked Shinobi that was behind Zabuza created multiple ice senbons and threw them towards the genins. Haruka made a single handsign and threw multiple small fireballs "Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire" clashing against the ice senbons and melting them.

"Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors" Shouted Haku. Creating walls of ice with mirrors trapping Haruka and the other genins.

"Take this" Shouted Sasuke as he made handsigns and created a great fireball jutsu. That hit the ice but it did nothing.

"Impossible!" Shouted Sasuke shocked to see that the ice didn't even melt a bit.

"Hm, you weakling idiot, look at this, this is a true jutsu" Said Naruto as he created a Shadow Clone and started making a Rasengan.

"Take this RASENGAN" As a blue sphere appeared in the hand of Naruto and he smashed the sphere against one of the mirrors, cracking it a bit but I quickly regenerated.

"It's useless" Said Haku as she appeared from one of the mirrors and dashed to another while throwing ice senbons hitting Sasuke and Naruto. Knocking them both.

Haru was observing their battle bored, he didn't help Naruto or Sasuke because they are arrogant idiots. He used his Lightning cloak covering him in blue lightning Chakra and used armament haki covering his fists and dashed towards where Haku was.

Haku, Asami and Akari were surprised to see his speed. He smashed his fist against the ice mirror cracking it and hitting Haku.

'He's so strong and handsome' That's what both Asami and Akari thought.

'That kid is very strong unlike the other two.' Thought Tazuna

'He's very strong, maybe even stronger than Zabuza-Sama' Haku thought spitting a bit of blood and proceed to retreat as she was sure she won't be able to win against Haru.

Sora who was watching everything wasn't surprised but she still admired and loved her handsome brother.

Haruka created two Shadow clones to carry the knocked out Naruto and Sasuke to a safe area he doesn't want they both to die, atleast not for now.

As Haruka,Tazuna, Asami, Akari and Sora exited the mirror prison saw that Kakashi was knocked out and the bodies of the death demon brothers and Kushina fighting against Zabuza.

'It seems that Kakashi was captured in the water prison and got knocked out due to the lack of oxygen.' Haru said to himself and he went to help Kushina.

"Take this, Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu." Zabuza shouted creating a Water Dragon that launched against Kushina. Who said "Wind Style: Wind Lions Jutsu" 3 Lions dashed towards the water dragon and the lions exploded creating a tornado. Zabuza used this chance to flee.

Kushina wanted to pursuit him but she didn't have enough Chakra so she decided that they needed to rest first and ask questions to Tazuna later.

"Where's your house? And you will need to explain things later." Said Kushina to Tazuna.

"It's close, and yes I will need to explain things later" Answered Tazuna.

The group went to Tazuna's house while carrying to knocked Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi.

[Tazuna's house]

"Hello, I'm Tsunami, Tazuna's Daughter" Said a beautiful lady.

"Hello, I'm Haruka, and this is my sister Sora" Haruka said while patting her sister's head.

"Hello I'm Asami" "Hello I'm Akari" Both girls presented themselves.

"Oh, we have a problem, we don't have enough rooms, so two persons will need to share a room" Said Tsunami.

"No problem, I will share room with Haru-Nii" Said Sora nearly not able to hide the excitation in her voice, thinking what things she will be able to do with her brother alone.

After that they carried the knocked Shinobis to their respective rooms and Tsunami was cooking the dinner.

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