
Chapter 84 Voyeur

Chapter 84 - Voyeur

Summary of the previous chapter:

The Iwagakure ninjas had come, as the reinforcement, but they arrived too late, the whole place was destroyed, and they start looking for possible survivors. After some time, the Iwagakure ninja manages to find a survivor who was in the sea of ​​fire, and they go to rescue him. When the Iwagakure ninjas arrive where the survivor is, the survivor wakes up. When the only survivor wakes up, and looks at the Iwagakure ninjas, he attacks them, without any hesitation, since he had remembered everything, many of his companions had died because of him, and the survivor kills an Iwagakure ninja who had killed him. gone help. This entire event was witnessed by the Iwagakure ninja group, and also, the Kumogakure reinforcement group had just arrived. The two groups begin to fight, not knowing why they are fighting. Max doesn't know anything about what was going on in the place where he had fought. Max erases all evidence that he had been in the fight, and then heads to the Rouran Empire. Yagami and Max go underground to hide the Uzumaki. Max when everything is over, went to sleep, and in the end, the emergency communication crystal began to sound.



[October 09, 14 A.N.N.]

When I was sleeping, I heard the sound of the alarm, I was too lazy to get up, because I had only slept less than two hours, but I knew it was something urgent because of the sound, I got up immediately.

ring ring ring ring

When I woke up, I took out the emergency communication crystal from my pocket, looked at it, and started reading it.

The message is from Aizen, and it is:

"¡Boss! The Uchiha Clan is in danger... and so is the Uzumaki Clan!"

'¡¿Uzumaki Clan?!... What does it have to do with the Uchiha Clan?' I thought, since I had doubts and continued. 'I'll find out when I meet Aizen.'.

At this time, I sent a message to Aizen, "¡Create a Clone!", and stood up.

After sending the message, I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan to use my Exchangeability; and activated my concealment technique, and Chakra Cloak.


In another place far away, a person could be seen hiding, while observing what was happening in front of him, his face was serious, and this person is Aizen!

When Aizen sent the message to his Boss, he had thought that his Boss was going to take several days to get to this place, but he was going to be late, since he was not going to be able to help anyone, because They would be dead by then.

When Aizen received the message, he was surprised, since he didn't expect it, he didn't question, and immediately created a Shadow clone.

In the next moment, Aizen's shadow clone disappeared, and was replaced by Max.

Aizen was in another place, where Max had never been, and the Kamui does not allow him to travel in this place, for this reason, he used the Shadow Clone for the exchange.


When I used the exchange technique, I appeared where Aizen was, and his face was a little surprised, as he saw that he could use the Uchiha bloodline again.

I didn't take much importance to it, and I looked around, I was surprised, and I became serious, because of the situation, I looked for a moment, and now I looked at Aizen.

Without any hesitation, I began to change, I put on my battle suit, and the mask, I changed so, as not to be recognized.

Aizen waited for me to finish, since he didn't want to interrupt me.

When I had finished changing me, I started to check that everything was okay, and I thought 'I'm glad I came with my concealment technique, or it would be dangerous if they discovered my presence.'

"Aizen... explain to me right away." - I spoke seriously, since the situation is serious, the whole place is destroyed, and many people are dead.

"Boss, see my memories... it will be faster." – Aizen said urgently, since he couldn't intervene, and he felt powerless in this situation, because he shouldn't be discovered.

Aizen created a Wood Clone of himself.

Without any hesitation, I reached out my hand, and grabbed the Clone Aizen's shoulder to retrieve the memories of him.


[Aizen's Wood Clone Memory]

When the Chief put me in charge, and Yagami the Empire, and he left to help the Uzumaki Clan, I started to think about all the information that my previous self had, since there is a doubt that I couldn't understand.

That same day that the Chief had left, I went directly to the army base, and doubled the training of all the soldiers, since the situation is getting worse and worse, because the Second Shinobi World War is near.

When I was training the soldiers, every moment my doubt grew, but I had to keep going, since I couldn't leave my post.

When the night came, my doubt increased more, and I thought 'I better find out', and made a decision.

When I was about to leave, I sent a message to the other three (Yagami, Ricardo, and Tony), since I didn't want to leave, without warning, and when they answered me, I no longer hesitated, and left immediately.

After a day and a half, I arrived at the borders of Konohagakure, and Kirigakure. The entire trip I was using the cloaking ability, and the Chakra cloak, as a precaution.

At this time, the whole place is dark, since it was not yet dawn, and I did not see anyone in this place, I kept searching, in the end, I got bored, and I sent a Chakra pulse.

When I finished using the detection technique, my face was serious, because of the situation, I didn't say anything and immediately went to that place.

After a while, I arrived at the spot, and immediately hid while watching.


The whole place is surrounded by ninjas, and they had him cornered by a group of civilians, and a few Shinobi who are fighting.

The group that was surrounded has a characteristic that is very easy to recognize which Clan it belongs to, it is their red hair, and they are from the Uzumaki Clan.

The people who had them surrounded were the ninjas from Sunagakure, and they had triple the number of people, and they are all Shinobi.

In the group of the Uzumaki Clan, there are only 50 civilians (children between 5 and 11 years old) who cannot defend themselves, and they cannot help in this situation.

The only Shinobi of the Uzumaki Clan, there are only 9, and they are injured, but they are still fighting with the Sunagakure ninjas.

Sunagakure's ninjas are a total of 160 Shinobi, and the leader of this group is at the Middle-Kage level, and he is just watching, not intervening.

The Sunagakure ninjas are having fun in this fight, as everything is in their favor, but for the Uzumaki Clan it was the greatest humiliation, and they could only continue fighting, since, if they did not fight, they were going to kill the children.

The Sunagakure ninjas were stalling for time, as they were waiting for something to happen.

From a further point, you could see a group of 100 people, and they are Shinobi, and they have the same symbol on their back, and they are from the Uchiha Clan. They are watching the fight, but they had not intervened, since they are waiting for the signal from their patriarch.

The patriarch of the Uchiha Clan has a very bad premonition, since he knew that the Sunagakure ninjas are waiting for something, it would also be very difficult to fight, and defend, but he had to help the Uzumaki Clan, after all, they are allies of Konoha, and he they should help.

This fight continued for a while, until Sunagakure's leader gave a signal, as he wanted to finish this faster.

In the next moment, several ninjas rushed towards the group of children, since they are the most defenseless.

The Uzumaki Clan when they saw this situation, they already knew that they wanted to weaken them morally, and the younger children began to despair.

In the moment of despair, three of the Uzumaki Clan Shinobi looked at each other and nodded.

In the next moment, they started making hand seals, while black letters appeared in front of them, and the technique they are using could be heard.

"¡Forbidden Sealing Technique: Resurgence of the Death God!"

When the three Uzumaki finished talking, something great happened, the black letters that were in the air, were incorporated into their bodies, and in the next moment, their red hair turned white, and their power level began to grow. , without any control, and his enemies became serious.

"Go away... Now!" – Said the three Uzumaki shouting, and immediately rushed towards the Sunagakure ninjas to give their Clan time to escape.

At this time, the leader of Sunagakure will also participate in the battle, since the situation had been aggravated by this technique, and if he does not intervene, many of his troops will die.

The other Uzumaki ninjas could only clench their fists and run, while some cried, because they knew the consequences of using this technique, since the sacrifice in using this technique is the payment of your life, and the suffering of your soul, for eternity, for using power from another world.

The Uzumaki were running in the direction where the Uchiha Clan is, not knowing that they are there.

The group of the Uchiha Clan was still hidden, and no one could find their whereabouts, since the patriarch at all times had a very bad feeling about all this, and he thought that the real objective is not the Uzumaki Clan.

When the patriarch of the Uchiha Clan saw all this, he could only take a risk, because if he doesn't help them, the children who are running where they are will die, I don't doubt, and he made a sign to his Clan members.

The Uzumaki in the most desperate moment of their lives, saw many ninjas from Konoha appear before them.

The Konoha ninjas thought that the Uzumaki would be happy when they appeared, but it was the opposite, the faces of the children could reflect fear and resentment.

The last 6 ninjas of the Uzumaki Clan stood in front of the children, ready to fight with the Konoha ninjas.

The ninjas of Konoha (Uchiha), did not know what was happening, since they are supposed to have come to help one of his allies, and now they are preparing to fight.

All the Uzumaki, no matter if they were children, or young, drew their weapons, and prepared to fight, since this was going to be their last fight, as a Clan.

The Uzumaki found out about Konoha's betrayal of them, and all of them thought that the Uchiha were in league with the Sunagakure ninja.

The Sunagakure ninjas saw the Uchiha appear and smiled, as their mission was accomplished.

"We're here to help! Why do you want to fight us?" – Said the Sub-Leader of Konoha (Uchiha) with doubt, when he saw this situation, it seemed very strange.

"They have the gall to speak after they have betrayed us... ¡Cursed of Konoha!" – Said an Uzumaki ninja with hatred, since what he hates the most are traitors.

The patriarch of the Uchiha Clan continued to observe this situation, and remained hidden with the other Uchiha, because he felt that something bad was about to happen.

When the patriarch heard the words of the Uzumaki, he became serious, since he heard the word betrayal, and he was immediately able to conclude, but it was too late because the Uzumaki started attacking the Uchiha.

The Uzumaki knew that they were going to die in this place, and they no longer cared about their lives, they just wanted to die with their heads held high, for their Clan.

The Uchiha only defended themselves but did not attack, since the patriarch sent a ninja (Uchiha) so that no one would attack the Uzumaki.

When the Sunagakure ninjas saw this situation, they scoffed, as they thought they were going to kill each other.

The three Uzumaki who were fighting them, their vitality is running out, and at any moment, they were going to die.

At this time, the mist began to appear on the battlefield, and 60 Kirigakure ninjas appeared and rushed towards where the Uzumaki and the Uchiha were.

When the Uzumaki, and the Uchiha who were fighting, saw the Kirigakure ninjas appear, the Uzumaki thought that their situation worsened further, and the Uchiha became more serious, fearlessly advancing towards the Kirigakure ninjas so that they could be killed. Uzumaki can get out of this place.

The Uzumaki when they saw this, they just realized that the Uchiha did not come to kill them, as they were protecting them.

The six Uzumaki Shinobis stopped fighting with the Uchiha, and went to fight with the ninjas of Kirigakure so that the children can escape from this place.

The patriarch when he observed this situation, calmed down, since he had to make a decision:

The first option is to help his group with the Uzumaki, not knowing if they will survive, since the situation is serious, because the other party has 220 Shinobi, and they are a total of 106 people. Also, one of them is very well known, and strong, since he is on his level.

The worst thing about this situation, he still has this bad feeling, like something else is missing, and he still hasn't shown up.

About the second option, is to leave this place and leave behind their Clan members, and the Uzumaki, since no one had discovered them. He could not choose this option, since many are his families, and he was not going to let them die in this place.

The patriarch didn't doubt it, he knew it was a foolish decision, but he would never leave someone from his family behind, and he gave the order to attack silently.

All the Uchiha were already prepared to fight, and when they saw the signal, they silently began to approach the battlefield, and fight with all the enemies.

When all the Uchiha showed up to help, the battlefield was able to balance, and the battle became fierce, and they began to see several dead.

The Uchiha were attacking, and protecting the Uzumaki while trying to open a path where they can escape.

The patriarch of the Uchiha Clan was fighting with the leader of Kirigakure, and his battle was fierce, since if one dies he can change the whole course of this battle.

After a while, the Uchiha realized that they were in a very bad situation, since they had to fight, and protect.

When the Uzumaki and the Uchiha thought that they are in a fierce battle, since the situation is a bit desperate, because they had nowhere to escape, and now a tragedy happened.

At this moment, 100 Kirigakure ninja appeared, and they quietly approached, while killing with the help of the mist.

The worst thing about this situation was that an extremely strong ninja appeared, and the patriarch of the Uchiha Clan is busy fighting an opponent, and he couldn't help it.


When I looked at this situation, I thought 'This is a desperate fight, because now it would be impossible for them to survive.'.

'Their true target, it was always the Uchiha Clan… they had been waiting for the Uchiha to show up.' I thought, and continued 'The Uzumaki Clan was just baited...if they're not helped, they're all going to die!'.

Without any hesitation, I sent a message to the Chief, and I thought 'I can't intervene, because if they find out about me, they will find out about the Mokuton… and… ¡The Chief may be in trouble!'.

As I waited for the Chief to reply, I continued to watch, as the casualties were heavy, and the loss of life increased by the moment.

The group of the Uchiha, and the Uzumaki had died 12, of which they are all Uchiha, since they are in charge of the frontal fight.

The enemy (Sunagakure and Kirigakure), the majority of the dead were the Kirigakure ninjas, since the Uchiha had no mercy in killing their enemies, they had killed several, but their situation was getting worse and worse.

When the Chief replied to my message, and told me what he had to do, he had not hesitated, and the next moment he appeared.

I'm glad to see him, since he didn't want the Uzumaki to die, because they are a very valuable commodity, and I created a Clone so that he can see my memories.

[Memory End]


When I looked at the memories, it only lasted for a moment, and I was surprised, since the enemy's real objective was to kill all the Uchiha, because this group of Uchiha, they are the elite force of the Uchiha Clan, and they had to bring triple the amount to exterminate this group.

I looked at the battlefield, the dead kept increasing every moment, and if it continues in this situation, they would die, and I thought 'I have to keep my promise to Tobi.'.

At this moment, I began to prepare, and take out all my weapons, and I began to check if I had everything for the next fight. When everything was ready, I created five Wood Clones, and gave them an order.

"You know what to do!" - I spoke to the five Clones, and continued - "¡Wait for my signal!".

The Clones heard my words, and nodded to me.

At this moment, I looked at Aizen, and I spoke - "Hide!... No one must find you... unless I tell you to."

"Yes, Chief" - Aizen said seriously since the situation is serious.

When I heard his words, I just nodded in approval, and now I looked at the battlefield, and activated the Mangekyou Sharingan.

When I had activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, I started checking the entire battlefield, and all the places and I thought 'For the first time, I will use it in a battle… the Mangekyou Sharingan'.

When I was to finish observing, I smiled a cold smile, as I discovered something very interesting, and spoke quietly...

"We have a... Peeping Tom."

To be continued...



For the first time, the MC is going to use the MS in battle, since the situation is dire...

If I see support, I'll post an extra chapter this week, it all depends on the support...

Well, that's it, your comments, and posts if you have time. Also, he gives away power stones.

See you in the next chapter...

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

I hope you have a good day.

Janjo24creators' thoughts
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