
Misery loves company, my dear fairy

"...and we're done!"

"Thank fucking god!"

After taking one last picture, I threw the annoying coat aside and finally let my stiff shoulders sag from the accumulating mental fatigue of what amounted to several days worth of fashion show. At least, that's what it felt like.

Untying the rope from my waist, I let the now loose black skirt fall off of my waist, exposing the long black pants I wore underneath. Trudging through towards the empty chair, I practically collapsed into it as I released a tired sigh.

"Please tell me we can leave this place, princess."

"Not quite yet, Yuu."

Letting out an exhausted groan in protest, the sound of her approaching footsteps caused me to open my tired eyes as I gave her an accusatory look. "There better be a good reason for that."

"There is though?" Stopping right next to me, Lumine covered my eyes with her hand as she gently rubbed the place. "You haven't bought the clothes you wanted right? It wouldn't be fair to you if only I get something out of this trip."

"Oh yeah… I forgot about that." Putting a hand on top of hers, I relaxed into the chair and rested both of my legs into an invisible platform of anemo I created. "God my head is spinning right now. How long have we been here again?"

"Four hours, give or take."

"Fucking hell, that long, huh?" The feeling of the soft cushioned chair alongside the warmth coming from her hand practically unraveled the knots on my body as I sank deeper into the chair. "What do you think the others are doing right now?"

"Probably having fun with Paimon. I imagine Xinyan is probably trying to coax her into wearing something else for a change."

The thought of the white fairy getting dragged every which way while being subjected to the same treatment I went through brought a smile to my face "Now that's a sight I'd like to see."

"Should we go then?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Dispelling the makeshift leg rest, I removed Lumine's hand before standing up and began removing the ceremonial clothes I'm wearing. Once everything was put away and folded into a neat pile once again, Lumine handed me my original clothes, much to my confusion.

Seeing the questioning look on my face, Lumine was quick to reassure me. "Don't worry, there should be nothing wrong with it now. No stains, no lingering smell, nothing."

"And just how did you manage to do that?"

"That's a secret." She winked playfully before pulling a small container out of thin air and handed it to me. "All that's left is to cover the marks on your neck, and it would be like nothing ever happened."

After opening the container she handed to me, I saw that the inside seems to be filled with a sort of cream that has a color similar to a skin. Taking a whiff of said cream, I could smell a very faint scent of herbs coming from it.

"What's this supposed to be?"

"You could call it a concealer." She said as she paused for a bit before shrugging her shoulders. "Or makeup, if that's easier for you to understand."

"Huh, never thought a day would come where I would willingly put makeup on my face." Setting my clothes aside, I dabbed my fingers onto the cream while making my way in front of the mirror to get a better look before carefully applying them. "There's a first time for everything, I guess."

Once everything was covered, I handed the concealer back to Lumine who also began to apply some of it on her own neck. After that, the two of us began putting on our respective clothes – and mask, in my case – before exiting the fitting room, cart in tow.

"I'll be bringing this over to the counter and sort some of these clothes over there. In the meantime, go ahead and get what you want, okay?" She said as she pushed the cart in the direction we came from before. "I'll look for you once I'm done, okay?"

"Sure. I'll see you later."

Seeing her back gradually disappearing before turning around the corner, I looked around briefly before deciding to go and explore the left side of the store.

As I meandered through the aisles, I ignored the looks some of the customers gave me before finally stopping at a section that caught my interest.

Turns out, in a store that predominantly sells clothes in the local style of Liyue, there's an entire area dedicated to normal looking clothes. Normal as in clothes you'd normally find in a regular department store back on Earth.

Admittedly, they're pretty much limited to some variety of t-shirts both long and short, but that's more than enough for me.

In the midst of my shopping, however, a commotion coming from the nearby aisle caught my attention. And the fact that the voices are very familiar to me further deepens my curiosity.

"Come on Paimon, just one more!"

"You said that last time, Xinyan!"

"I promise, this is the last one. Help me out here, Xiangling!"

"You got it! Don't worry Paimon, it'll be over in a jiffy."

"No! Stay away from Paimon!"

As the sound of the white fairy's scream gradually became muffled, I gave the pile of clothes in my hand a once over before making my way to the source of the commotion.

There, in the middle of the aisle lined with clothes of smaller sizes presumably made for kids, Xinyan and Xiangling are busy dressing up a visibly flustered Paimon. On the other hand, Guoba, the former god turned sentient teddy bear, was lounging in the nearby seat, staring at the trio while swinging his short legs back and forth.

Not feeling like meddling in their business, I silently made my way towards the idle panda, greeting him with a wave as I took a seat next to him. Guoba, on his part, gladly returned my greetings with a wave of his own, rather energetically too if the way his body sways alongside his gesture is anything to go by.

"You're not feeling bored?"

Tilting his head at my question, Guoba stops for a bit before shaking his head.

"Is that so?" Putting aside my hat and the clothes I brought into the empty table next to me, I leaned into the chair as I enjoyed the show unfolding right in front of me, just in time to see Paimon being forced into a cutesy one piece dress. "Those two must've been going at it for a while, huh?"

"~♪!" Guoba grunted as he nodded his head.

"I was a bit worried that we're taking a bit too long but…" while the girls were debating over Paimon's new dress, the little fairy frantically look around before deciding to take flight, only to be caught by Xinyan, who proceeded to hug her tight, "it's nice to see that they've found something to pass the time."

"~♪! ~♪?"

"What was that, buddy?"

Taking my eyes off the despondent Paimon, I turned my attention to Guoba as he pointed towards me before letting out what I think is a questioning grunt.

"Me? What about me?"

"~♪?" Pointing his hand at me repeatedly, Guoba then pointed towards the direction I came from.

"Ah, are you asking about what I've been doing?"

"~♪! ~♪" Nodding his head vigorously, Guoba let out yet another grunt. A more positive one this time around. At least, I think that was the case.

"Hmm… well, not much really. Other than trying out some clothes and getting some for my personal use, I didn't do anything noteworthy." Glancing at the trio, I saw Paimon wearing a different dress this time around. A red one, quite similar to what the employees are wearing. A jarring sight, it was. "It went basically like Paimon over there, but with one less person dressing me up and less struggling on my part."


Seeing the panda nodding his head in understanding, I turned my attention back towards the trio, just in time to see the girls pulling out yet another dress. While the two's excitement were palpable, Paimon, at some point, stopped struggling as she sat on the table she's on, her arms crossed as her mouth curled into a pout.

'Should I help?'

Stewing on the thought for a bit, I decided to once again create a makeshift leg rest using anemo and relaxed my body.


So I silently sat there, watching Paimon getting dressed up like a doll, all while being accompanied by a former god.

'Sorry Paimon, but if I have to go through with something similar, then so do you.'

One lengthy discussion later, both Xinyan and Xiangling seemed to come to an agreement on the perfect dress for Paimon as they moved on to her pure white hair, grabbing the nearby brush as they began styling it into a ponytail while also putting on all kinds of accessories.

After observing them for quite some time, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Found what you're looking for?"

"Mhm." Glancing at the familiar face of Lumine, I let out a hum as I pointed towards the table while I continued gazing at the fiasco unfolding in front of me. "It's right over here. How are things on your end?"

"I've picked out several of them, you don't have to worry about that." She replied, before addressing the idle panda next to me. "Hello there, Guoba. Are you having fun?"


"I see. That's good." Reaching her hand over, she gently rubs his head, much to Guoba's visible enjoyment, before turning her attention towards the source of the commotion. "Hmm… what do you think, Yuu?"

"About what?"

"Her hairstyle." She said, pointing towards Paimon.

"I think it looks good. Why?"

Instead of giving me an answer, she taps her fingers on my shoulder, a low hum coming out of her mouth as she silently gazes at the white fairy. "Don't you think something like a twintail will suit her more?"

"I mean… I guess? She'd look cute either way to me. Kinda hard to imagine if I haven't seen it yet though, so…."

"In that case," with one final tap on the shoulder, she headed straight towards the group, "I'll be right back."

Seeing the approaching figure of Lumine, Paimon's eyes widened before her sullen demeanor quickly turned into one of excitement as she waved her little hands frantically towards her.

"Mind if I join in?"

Unfortunately for her, however, her would-be savior turns out to be yet another addition to the duo of tormentors she's been dealing with.

Seeing the light of hope in Paimon's eyes disappear so quickly at the sudden betrayal, I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

As Xinyan and Xiangling welcomed Lumine with open arms, they quickly got to work as the blonde made quick work of the fairy's hair.

'Hang in there Paimon. I'm sure it'll be over soon.'

With an empty gaze, Paimon stares into nothingness, her body unmoving as an aura of despair begins to emanate from her small figure.



Though it was very enjoyable to see someone else suffering the same fate as I was, seeing the gradually darkening sky through the store's window prompted me to stand up and break up whatever ongoing fun the girls were having.

It took some prodding to have Paimon snap out of whatever trance she puts herself in, after which she practically clung onto me. Not even Lumine, her usual go-to when it comes to things like this, were able to coax her to get off of me.

The glare Paimon directed towards them was enough to fill both Xinyan and Xiangling with guilt. Lumine, on the other hand, just took it in stride.

Though I'm pretty sure Paimon would freak out if she knew I was there the whole time. Thankfully, Lumine wasn't inclined to tell her that particular information for whatever reason. As for Guoba? Well, with a simple shushing gesture, he understands what I meant.

After that, we finally, finally paid for everything and left. Hopefully we won't be returning there anytime soon.

"Paimon, isn't it about time you get out of there?"

"No. The outside world is scary." She said, her usually cheery voice replaced by something somber.

"And why is that, my beautiful fairy?"

Popping her head out from the stacks of clothes on the paper bag I carried, her previously muffled voice now became clear. "There are predators out there, white mask, and Paimon doesn't feel like jumping into their claws again."

"Calling them 'predators' might be a bit of an exaggeration." Stifling a laugh, I looked towards the girls behind me.

Noticing me looking at them, both Xinyan and Xiangling had a pleading look on their faces as they mouthed 'how is it' or 'are we in the clear' or something along those lines.

Shaking my head in response, their hopeful faces became dashed as the two trudged through the crowd, following me towards Wanmin.

'Must've sucked to be on the other end of that, huh?'

Just like back in the store, Lumine seems unperturbed by the whole thing, though I have a sneaking suspicion as to why, what with Paimon being the way she is.

"In any case, try not to get too angry at them for too long, Paimon."

"...Paimon will try." Though somewhat reluctant, Paimon finally answered in a grumble before dipping back into the pile of clothes she hides herself in.

I couldn't help but shake my head at her antics.

After that, dinner was a surprisingly quiet event compared to lunch. Though that's largely because Wanmin wasn't quite operating at full blast as the head chef had only just returned.

While Paimon continued to sulk to the point of wanting to be seated separately with the other two, she was quick to forgive Xiangling the moment she brought out a few off menu dishes just for her. I suppose Paimon is Paimon after all.

"Look at you, the moment one of those so-called predators gave you an offering, you caved like the glutton you are."

"Food is food, white mask." She happily said as she stabbed the braised meat with one of her chopsticks before stuffing it into her mouth. "If Xiangling is willing to go so far, then naturally Paimon is more than happy to accept her apology."

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Grabbing one of the napkins provided by the restaurant, I began wiping Paimon's mouth clean. "If it's that easy to earn your forgiveness, then those two would be more than happy to cook something up for you."

"Oh! That does sound good!" She excitedly replied as she devoured yet another piece of meat. "Maybe Paimon should do this more often."

"It's not like they don't already do that everyday. What's even the point?"

"It's the feelings, white mask, the feelings." Pointing her chopsticks at me, Paimon continued in a completely serious tone. "When someone puts their all into their cooking, especially if they pour their heart out, they taste even better, you know?"

"Now you're just spouting nonsense."

"Paimon's being serious!" Chugging down the lukewarm tea, Paimon slammed the cup into the table before flying closer to my face. "Didn't you notice how delicious Lumine's cooking is after the two of you became a couple?"

"Not really? It's not like I've ever tasted her cooking prior to our journey to Liyue." I replied as I lightly pushed Paimon away. "Besides, the only thing that affects the flavor of a food is the quality of the ingredients and how they cook it. That's all there is to it, Paimon."

"Sigh. You really are clueless, white mask." Paimon said as she clicked her tongue in disappointment before focusing her attention back towards her food. "No wonder you never had a girlfriend before Lumine, you blockhead."

"Keep talking and I might just dump you in the middle of the goddamn ocean, you glutton."

Once dinner was over and everything was paid for, the four of us bid farewell towards the young chef and her lovely panda – though Paimon still refuses to get out of the paper bag – before making our way back towards Xinyan's house.

"So what did she say?"

Glancing towards the nervous rockstar, I raised the paper bag towards her. "The Great Paimon would consider forgiving you should you be willing to offer her some delicious food. Isn't that right, oh great one?"

A hand shot out of the bag, forming a thumbs up before quickly disappearing into the pile of clothes once again.

In response, I could see Xinyan's shoulder sag in relief. "What the… that's all it takes?"

"I told you so, Xinyan." Lumine said as she wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I'm surprised the thought didn't even cross your mind."

Letting herself be half carried by the blonde, Xinyan let out a sigh. "It did. I just never thought it'd be that simple."

"Oh great one, it seems that Xinyan has just called you a simpleton."

"That's not what I said you tsundere bastard!"

"Let the Great Paimon be the judge of that. What's the verdict, oh great one?" Shaking the paper bag slightly, I waited for a while before Paimon eventually raised her arm with her thumbs pointed downwards. "Guilty as charged, it seems. The great one shall patiently await for her offering to be doubled as punishment. Will that be acceptable?"

Yet another thumbs up in response.

Lowering the paper bag, I followed the left path at the intersection before turning my attention back towards Xinyan. "Well, you heard her. Better start preparing."

In response, she gave me an unamused stare before looking towards Lumine. "Seriously leader, how do you put up with someone like him?"

"He's not that bad. He tends to be a lot more docile when his mask is off." Lumine paused. "Not so much now, but still."

"Is that so?" She said, as she focused her gaze into my mask with a dangerous glint.

"Don't even think about it, Xinyan."

"Come on!" Frustrated, Xinyan let out a loud groan. "We've known each other for a while, Yuu, isn't it about time you act more comfortable around me?"

"If you can convince the Tianquan to hand over the Jade Chamber to me, then I'll consider it."

"Screw you."

With a playful shove, she started walking ahead, dragging Lumine along with her through the crowded streets.

Once the three of us reached her house, she unlocked the door and the four of us stepped inside, the din of the crowd immediately shut out by the walls.

Taking off her boots, Xinyan stored it on the nearby rack before turning her attention towards us. "The bathroom is at the end of the hallway on the second floor, so go ahead and use it if you want to take a bath. I'll be in the kitchen in the meantime."

"I'll join you later."

Nodding her head at Lumine, Xinyan gave me the raspberry before walking down the hall and entering through a door on the right, leaving the three of us alone by the door.

"You two got along so well."

"Uh huh. Whatever you say, princess."

Taking off my sandals, I couldn't hold back a shiver as I stepped into the cold wooden floor.

Glancing towards the bag in my hand, I covered it in anemo, making sure that Paimon wouldn't be able to hear our conversation. "By the way, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Yuu?"

"Any particular reason as to why you didn't tell Paimon I was watching her the entire time back then?"

"Ah, that. It's simple, really." Reaching her hand over the bag, I gave it to her as she opened to glance at its now messy content. "I was afraid that she'd end up running away somewhere if even you were held responsible by her."

"Yeah, I can see that happening."

"Exactly." She nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason. Just curious."

"Is that so?" Once she took off her boots, Lumine grabbed my hand and led me towards the direction of the stairs. "In that case, let's go. Hopefully, there's warm water here."

Caught by surprise at her words, I nearly fell as I scramble to balance myself upright. "Are we going in together?"

"Yes?" She tilted her head at my question. "Unless you don't want to of course."

"You really need to stop putting words in my mouth."

As the blonde traveler dragged me upstairs with a beaming smile on her face, I thought back on my first day in the Land of Contracts, and I have to say, it's already going so much better than it was in Mondstadt, though that's probably not a fair comparison.

'Better enjoy these idyllic days before shit hits the fan.'

Next chapter