

Author: LOLOthaNinja
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Ethan feels trapped and he plans to break free, his mother however has different plans

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I look at my reflection in the mirror, i look beautiful, my makeup is all done and my lips are glossy from the strawberry scented lip gloss, I'm wearing my favorite dress, my royal blue dress, it's strapless and has a sweetheart neckline, it flows with every movement, the heels i wore clicking the wooden floors of my room as i strut around, the shoulder length wig i bought gracefully swaying as i moved i really did look beautiful.

I hear a car pull up, Shit my mom's home, i run to my closet and undress everything and i put the items in my secret box and i hid it away at the back and put on my sweatpants and my oversized grey tshirt and head downstairs.

"Hey mom welcome back" i said as i helped her with the groceries.

"Honey, have you been dressing up again?" She asks.

"No....why?" I asked.

"You have a lash on your forehead" she says as she points to my forehead. Fuck!

"Well you see..."

"I don't want to hear it, hang them over"



i ran upstairs and reach my makeup kit. This is my fifth one this month. I go back to her and i give it to her.

"For petesake Evan you're a boy, A BOY! alright, stop wasting money on the things you won't use in public" she says as she waves the kit in my face.

"I know you hate this side of me mom but...i can't help it anymore she's part of me and I'm part of her, if she wants to come out and fuck some guys then I'll let her"


"No son of mine will go on the streets dressed like a cheap hooker on steroids, i mean are you serious? I thought we adressed this issue before your grandmother died do you think if she was here she will approve this?" She asked me. Everytime we get in this argument she always brings up my granny, my granny was the first person to see me in makeup and she always told me to be who i am she even let me wear her diamond necklace once, she was the one who truly understood me.

"If that means you disowning me then FINE! i will move out to live with dad at least he doesnt care what i do" i say as i walked up the stairs.

I flop on the bed and i scream into the pillow. Why was i made like this....why can't i just be myself without anyone judging and just let me be....me.


"Evan wake up time for school" says my mom as she knocked furiously on the door.

"Alright" i say as i go to the shower.

Oh hi there...sorry for yesterday, you came at a pretty bad time hmmm well my name is Evan, I'm 19 i live with my mom, my parents are divorced so i spend weekends with dad and I'm trapped. Yep trapped...you're probably thinking about what I'm trying to say well the thing is...I'm a girl trapped in a boys body i know i know...Evan you should be grateful to have a body...well i dont want this one, when i become 21 im getting my sex change surgery and finally I'll be the person i was truly meant to be....anwaaaaays.

After showering i head to my walk in closet to choose my outfit for the day hmmm....pink skirt, white top and a light pink cardigan...nope i should be him today urgh...i look at my clothes and i feel tears well up in my eyes, is it so hard for people to hear me and just let me be myself? I pick the black jeans, an oversized tshirt and some sneakers sloppy...i like it.

After dressing i head downstairs to have breakfast thankfully my mother has already gone to work so phew! Hmmm...this gives me time to atleast put on some makeup...i dash towards her room where i know she hides my kits from, i reach her door only to find it locked...she thought ahead this time...i head to my room and look under my mattress...aha....colorless lipgloss i pop open the bottle ouuu apple flavour and i apply a generous amount and head downstairs to have breakfast...hmmm bacon? nope... goes straight to the thighs....eggs?...okay....toast?...carbs ew...i take two bites of the eggs and a big glass of apple juice...a girl gotta look good at all times alright.

Grabbing random keys in the key bowl i head to the garage hmmm lets see which car i got today.


Ouu the red Lamborghini...nice makes me feel sexy. I open the door and put my bag on the passenger side and sped to school, who cares about a speeding ticket anyways.

Arriving at school people gawk at my car since it's the first time they are seeing it...yasss feed on my parent's success bitches!...i park next to a porche...nice. i open the door and hop out and locked it after and headed to my locker gaining a few looks ofcourse i mean who would've thought that me Evan the nerd driving such a luxury car to school oh well.

I reach my locker and pull out the necessary books for class and head to class...urgh I'm not ready to see him again...i open the door to the class and take my seat. And of course he comes in right after me.

"Hey nerd who did you fuck to get such a car like that huh" asked Bill my daily tormentor. People start snickering at his comment.

"Your dad...that's why you ate bland spaghetti last night" i retorted the class erupts with laughter. You see I'm not your classic cliche nerd noo I'm a sassy biatch and if you come for me i will come for you.

Bill looks shocked after I responded to him but he knows too well he can't fight me...lets just say his mother works for us and she always tells the other workers how her husband only buys spaghetti and they eat it bland because he likes it that way oh well. The class begins and as usual its boring.


Its now lunchtime and I'm heading to the cafeteria, then i see Bill coming towards me face red with anger urgh I'm so not in the mood for this.

"What?" I asked before he spoke.

"Why did you say all those things earlier on...you know how our family struggles...just because my mother works for you doesnt mea-"

"Listen Bill i really don't care what you ate for dinner alright i just want you to know that you will not he pushing me around from now on and if you try anything i will make sure your mother gets fired and you will miss those bland spaghetti meals alright, now move your breath is burning my eyelashes" i push him aside and enter the cafeteria hall leaving him dumbfounded. Its about time i set the record straight with him. I grab a tray and head to a table

"May i sit with you?" I look up to see who's taking and it's Fred the school's handsomest guy, the captain of the baseball team, the guy who scores high grades despite his heavy schedule. Okay Evan play it coool...nice and easy....

"Sure sit" i said calmy. Alright! I take a spoon of my rice and continue eating.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Bill earlier on and i must say im so happy you finally stood up for yourself." He says as he stirs his rice.

"No biggie" i shrug and continue with my meal. I feel eyes on my back so i turn around to see the school slut, Wendy glaring at me.

"What's with that face? Did your botox wear off already?" I asked. The people near us erupt with laughter as she widened her eyes and turns around to face her food...serves her right.

"Wow you really are confident aren't you" says Fred as he laughs.

"I try...anyways nice to meet you Fred" i say and i stood up and left the hall. If turn I around and find him looking at me he's mine. Okay here goes nothing....1...2....3...I turn around to see him staring at me and his eyes widen with shock and he faces his food. Ha he's whipped.

I made my way to last period home economics my favorite. I get in class and put on my apron which i designed if i do say so myself. Its light pink with my name spelled out with small sunflower pins i know right cute.

"Okay class today we're making muffins" said Mrs. Sade. I like her she never judged me probably because she thinks I'm gay alot of people think that too so whenever they see me with small amounts of makeup on they don't judge which I'm glad for its time we people evolved and treat others equally just because we decided to be who we are doesn't mean we are bad people.

I immediately know what I'm making, chocolate chip muffins with vanilla frosting yum...what? I have a sweet tooth alright.


"This is so good" i moan as i stuffed my third muffin in my mouth. The whole class begged me to make extras for them since the teacher cried once she tasted my muffins what can i say I'm a great baker. I put the rest of the muffins in a container to take home for mom which i know she wouldn't eat because 'boys don't bake' i mean how backwards can she be? All she needs is that truck sound so that whenever she talks it goes 'beep beep beep'...urgh...I'm such a bitch.

Welp the bell rings meaning school is over! I walk towards the parking lot to see people around my car posing and taking pictures like wow...but my catches my eye is Fred leaning on the porche next to it, if that's his car he's got great taste.

"Need a ride?" he asked as he tries to look cool.

" *laugh* no thanks I'm good" i said as i searched for my car keys in my backpack.

"Oh...well see you around yeah" he says as he takes off his shades.

"Meet me at lunch tomorrow same table" i say...why did i say that? Aha found my keys.


He looks at me mouth open and eyes wide.

"What?" I ask.

"Thats yours?"

"Yep...bye fred" i say as i open the car door. The people posing backup as the car roars to life. I see Fred waving at me and i waved back which he didn't see because the windows are all black like its night time inside this car anyhoo.


I sped out the school parking lot as people shouted at me for almost hitting them...inhale my car smoke bitches!!

In a matter of minutes I arrived home and parked my car in the garage, mom's not home yet. hmm...i rush to my room to find everything disorganized...she came in my room. Urgh!

I start to reorganize everything again, my unisex clothes gone, she left me with all male clothes like who does that, I'm so happy tomorrow its Friday and I'm going to my dad's i could use the fresh air from all this drama. Putting everything away took all day and my mom has yet to come home and it's 9pm so better get ready for bed.

Sighing i head to my bathroom and started a bubble bath. Atleast she didnt take my bath salts and skin products. I take my clothes off and get into the warm water my body instantly relaxes as the bath salts start doing its work...ah a girl can get used to this.

After my much needed relaxing bath i put on my pajamas and jump in bed and start stalking people on Instagram lately i found out that there's this thing called Bl series gosh its so good i mean seeing two cute guys being in a relationship yiiiii gosh I'm squealing, i feel my cheeks warm up after i made that sound anyways i start stalking my favorite bl series actors they are so cute oh my gosh.

After insta stalking people i place my phone on the night stand and switch off the lamp on my nightstand close my eyes and got ready to travel to dreamland until a certain vibration ruins my plans...urgh. i take my phone to find a message from an unknown number.

Unknown~ hey Evan its me fred 🤷‍♂️

Fred? What the? How did he?

Me~umm stalker much😐 how did u even get my dialz like wow🙌🏽

Unknown~your number us on full display on insta🤨

Shit forgot about that

Me~ ohh 😅😂🤭 whoopsie...so what can i help you with?

Unknown ~ oh nothing...just wanted to say....goodnyt🙃

Me~ i see😌 well goodnyt Freddie


Save number?

Yes no

Change name?


I put my phone back on the nightstand and lay back with a smile. I think I'm developing a crush for this guy....thats the last thing i thought as i welcomed sleep with open arms.


I can't believe i talked to him...and he even asked me to join him to lunch tomorrow and we even said good night to each other gosh I'm so whipped.

Well hello there...my name is Fred, I'm 19, i live with my dads and my older brother John who is 21 anyways

I laid in bed after texting him goodbye. I have been crushing on Evan since our first year, the first time i saw him he was with his father he wore a light pink tshirt and a pair of white jeans he looked really cute his hair was so long one would think he was a girl i was so sad when i saw him the next day with his mother because his hair was short and he wore dark colors it was like he didn't like being like that. The thing that had me crushing on him even more was his voice, his soft voice always melted me and those lips mmm they're always glossy and plump i wish i could taste them. Stop it fred you're daydreaming again. I switch off the lights and welcome sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm, groaning i sit up and check my phone for messages...nothing, maybe he hasn't woken up yet

Me~Wakey wakey eggs and bakey😄

Evan🥰~ it's already 7 why you waking up just now😳

Me~ needed an extra hour of beauty sleep☺️

Evan🥰~ wateva see you at school...weirdo 🌝

Chuckling i put my phone on the bed and i head to the shower. I can't wait to meet him at lunch today it's a shame we're not in the same classes but i think its a good thing because I don't think I'd concentrate in class if he was there.

After my shower i put on some clothes, black jeans, blue tshirt and black sneakers. I head downstairs to see my dads eating breakfast.

"Well hello there" i said as i sat down and ate my food.

"Honey...he's smiling...why? Fred? Spill" said my dad Will.

"I think he's crush asked him on a date" said my other dad Ben.

"No and no...we just talked on the phone thats all" i said as i drank my juice.

"Fred, isn't it time to move on i mean its been 4 years and its your final year and you haven't done anything to make a move on him yet" said my John.

"Oh shush my baby needed time to build up courage if he's talking to you then thats a sign that he probably likes you too hmm?" Will nudged me as he teased.

"Alright see you guys later" i said as i grabbed my car keys and my backpack.

I open the car door and place my bag on the passenger seat and start the engine and made my way to school.

Arriving at school i see a black porche on the same spot Evan parked yesterday. How many cars does this dude have? And how rich is his family? I park my car and head to my locker where i find my friend Timon waiting for me.

"Hey fred...freddie" he says as he saw me.

"Mhm...what have you done now?" I asked.

"Well....i might've accidentally scratched the new looking porche at the parking lot and i need your help." He said.

"You scratched Evan's car? Way to go dunce" i said as i smacked his head.

"I'm sorry it was an accident" he whined.

"Fine. Lets go find him" i said.

We search all over the school and when we were about to give up we found him in a class scrolling on his phone and he was smiling. Does he have a boyfriend? We get in the class and he sees us.

"Well hello mr stalker" he teases me. Timon snickers while i blush. Looks like the nickname is stuck with me for a while.

"Hey Evan...um...Timon has something to tell you" i said as i pushed Timon forward. He raised an eyebrow as he waited for Timon to confess his sins.

"Uh...um...i scratched your car...I'm sorry" he said as he fidled with his fingers.

"Huh...well then Fred will be my payment for the damages, fred you owe me 10 dates" he said. My mouth hung open.

"Me? But he did it!" I protested.

"Oh okay...well then Timmy you owe me 10 dates" he said. Immediately after he said that i mentally facepalmed.

"No i will do it" i declared. They looked at me like i had two heads

"Hmp! Make up your mind and get back to me" he said as he stood up to go to his next class i presume leaving me and Timon behind.

"Bruh what the fuck is that? Do you have a crush on him or something?" He said as he headed to the door. I immediately tensed as he said that.

"Oh my ghad...bruh oh my gosh you should've said something...so does he know?" He smiled at me.

"No...not yet" i replied.

"Well then I'll help you" he said as he opened the door. We left that class and went to our own class. Sigh.....going to be a long ass day.

Its now lunchtime and I'm very excited to meet Evan again maybe this time we will talk more and I'll know more about him...hopefully.

Timon and I enter the cafeteria hall and we each grab a tray as we joined the queue.

"So where is your boyfriend sitting" said Timon.

"He's not my boyfriend and i know where he's sitting" i said. As the lunch lady slaps a sloppy Joe on my plate, i grab an apple and we head to where Evan was Sitting. We found him eating an apple as he wrote something on his notebook which is it covered in Nicki Minaj pictures looks like someone's a fan.

"Hey Evan" i said as Timon and I sat down.

"Hey guys" he smiles at us. And a smile it was it was so hypnotizing.

"Ahem" Timon cleared his throat as he nudged me.

"Wh-what?" I said as i came back to reality.

"Evan asked what you wanted to do for your first date" he whispered. I look at Evan who had an amused look on his face.

"Well?.." he asks.

"How about we go to the mall" i said.

"Umm...alright but we do whatever i want" he said and he smiled again. Damn this boy is bad for my heart.

"Good...pick me up tomorrow at my place I'll text you the address" he said as he bit on the apple, the juices dripping down his chin, i think i became hard just looking at it.

"Stop staring at him like that" whispered Timon.

"I can't help it he's practically oozing flirtatious things its like he's doing it on purpose" i whispered back.


I pull out my phone and its a status update from Evan

EVAN_EVIE~Need me some tacos hopefully I'll get them at the mall 🙃😌🌮


Damn someone is popular. I put my phone back as Timon stands up to leave.

"See you later and sorry again Evan" he said.

"Bye" waved Evan.

After Timon left i find it hard to start a conversation with him. Will he even reply back? Oh well here goes nothing.

"So Evie huh" i asked.

"Mhm" he shrugs. This is not good.

"So any siblings?" I tried again.

"I'm an only child sadly, mom and dad both divorced and they try to make me happy by giving me all the things i want well except for one thing...." he says as he trails off in thought.

"Which is?" I ask.

"I wish i could tell you but...you might think I'm crazy just like the rest of them" he said sadly.

"I'm here whenever you want to talk" i reassured him. He smiles warmly at me and i return it.

After having lunch with Evan it was time for last period which for me was a free period so home it is then.

Arriving at home i was tired and thankfully no one was home yet so that meant i get to have a moment of peace and quiet for a while.

I was about to drift to sleep when my phone rang. Its my boss.

"Hey boss"

"Fred we are short staffed can you come help with deliveries? I'll double your pay for the month"

"Be there in 15"

"Thanks ey"

I hang up the phone and i get up and got ready for work. Pizza hut here i come.

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