
Never Go Back Again 1

Trinity woke up to a clinking of metal on bars. It was time to wake up. The concrete walls surrounding her were the second layer to her cell. The outer layer would block any attack thrown at it. Be it through mind or physical strength. She was what someone would call a monster. Not that she had any control over it though, it was just her life. Eat, Training, Classes, Repeat. That's the way it was and had always been.

Trinity was born a World Fate. A World Fate was a person who was born with supernatural abilities that could have a detrimental impact on the world and people on it. Her parents had no abilities and no one in her family before her as far as she knew had any. She was born into a family high in social standings, so when they found she was dangerous they handed her over to the government to handle as to not damage their reputations.

The Governments job with people like this was to make them useful to their own plans and able to send into the world with ability restrictions put in place. Although some normal people had already petitioned for equal treatment it didn't seem like it would happen anytime soon. When people of her kind turned 20 years old they would be released into the world. They would have supervision for the first five years of freedom, if they proved themselves worthy the restrictions and supervisors would be taken away and they could live as normal human beings.

It was Trinity's 20th birthday in one week and then she could leave. Being watched was nothing new so the supervisor wouldn't bother her. She was just eager to see the world.

One more week. That's all it would take to be free from this prison.

. . .

"Bella? Are you listening."

"Hmm? Oh yes, continue please Catie." Trinity now known as Bella was brought back from past memories.

"You have a lunch meeting at 11:30 with Mr. Winters the CEO of Winters Entertainment to discuss the dealings of the scandle concerning Emily James and Grayson Hanes. Is that still on?" Catie asked looking at her calendar.

"Why of course." Bella answered with a smile playing on her lips. She had already previously discussed with Emily her best friend about the issue. They would try to go public with the actress and her boyfriend to save the relationships and projects between the two companies. Catie, Bella's secretary, just felt that Emily caused a big hassle to her boss and the company at the same time. It irked her how she could get away with things all the time just because she was friends with the boss, CEO Crimson.

After doing most of the mornings work Bella and Catie left for the meeting place so they would be 15 minutes early. When they arrived they greeted Zane Winters who was an older man who started his company from scratch. Zane Winters and Bella Crimson had met a few times before and were on friendly terms with each other. They agreed to have the Actress and Model admit their relationship before the scandle grew into an actual problem and wrapped up the lunch after a conversation and meal at 12:30.

. . .

Gage Jonas was going to lunch for a blind date. The girl had stood him up however so he just decided to eat food on his own. While he ate he noticed a woman sitting near him who's pale skin, brown eyes, and blue eyes stood out. He didn't realize how long he stared at her and only knew that he had been when she got up to leave and he snapped out of his daze.

Bella was stopped on her way out by a man on her way out. She mentally groaned. Not again. She was constantly hawked by agencies that would see her and try to recruit her. It got a bit annoying as she would rather do business then walk a catwalk. Seeing the woman's displeasure at seeing him he was caught off guard. Gage was the PA of the CEO of Brooks Jewelry and he knew that they needed new talent soon. He just wanted to give her a business card but she gave him such an unfriendly look that he froze long enough for her to slip away. When he turned around she was gone.

. . .

When Bella reached home she relaxed on her bed in relief knowing that she had avoided an unnecessary meeting and taken care of her work for the day.

Bella had founded Crimson when she was released from the government at age 20. She had many sleepless nights but was a genius nonetheless and able to succeed. She had ran into some trouble along the way but had gotten out of it fine and no one would recognize her by her knew name and look.

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