
18. Party at the Palace


Night has arrived and now I am in the palace with daddy. I didn't expect that daddy would take me to a party at the palace. And recently I found out that this party was a celebration of His Highness Yvone's birthday!.

It turns out that His Highness Yvone's birth date is not far from mine.

Only dassy was supposed to attend the party at this palace, but His Highness Yvone seemed to have invited me specifically through daddy, so I came and was the only child at this party.

"I didn't bring any gifts for His Highness Yvone. Is that okay?. If I had known that I would also be present at the party, and if I had known that this was His Highness Yvone's birthday party, I would definitely have chosen a gift for His Highness Yvone at the shop this afternoon..." I thought.

"Your Highness Yvone, I hope you are there. bless..." said daddy to His Highness Yvone.

"Duke Leonhart, you have come. Young Lady is coming too... thank you for coming. Please enjoy the party," said His Highness Yvone.

"Your Highness, I wish you a long life," I said, joining in.

"Oh. Thank you Young Lady... but I hope I don't live too long. I don't want to be alone in this world," whispered His Highness Yvone to me. He really liked to joke with me, but his words were heavy enough for me to think of it as a joke.

Dad's and me mingled with the people present at the palace and now dadsy was talking to Marquess Dominique and Vallois, then Viscount Gareen and Edgar.

First, Daddy talked to family heads Gareen and Edgar about something related to contracts and totems, then next daddy talked to family heads Vallois and Dominique about totem taming requests for Rosena and Eliza.

I heard all the conversations, but somehow my head couldn't manage all the conversations my dadsy was talking about. All this talk about totems feels heavy. Is it because I use a child's brain so I can't understand what adults are talking about?.

But when dadsy spoke with Marquess Vallois, I caught a little of their conversation because dadsy also said my name.

"I think the right totem for Young Lady Eliza would be the same as Cellia's later..." said my daddy.

"I see. Because Eliza's element is earth, so she must have a totem with the sky element. Looks like it's going to be hard to find a griffin..."

"No problem. I'm also looking for it for my daughter and maybe next week I'll start taming..."

"Then, thank you for your hard work, Duke Leonhart..."

"Sure. This is one of my duties. By the way Young Lady Eliza seems to be very talented huh? ... I noticed her when she came to Cellia's party that time"

"Ah. You do have sharp eyes. Eliza has talent but she's a shy girl haha"

So, next week daddy will tame the griffin totem for Eliza and me?!. But I'm curious about Marquess Vallois' words earlier.

What is a totem with earth elements and sky elements?.

From his words I caught a little something, if dad's totem, namely Griffin, has the sky element?. Why is that?. Is it because Griffins have wings and can fly?.

Eliza also has the earth element, so do I also have the earth element so dadsy has to find a griffin totem for me too apart from Eliza?.

But, Griffin is a sky element and Eliza is also an earth element... what does this mean by the compatibility of two things that are completely opposite?. Earth and sky!.

"Oh yes, Duke Leonhart. May I ask something quite confidential?. It's about His Highness Yvone's totem..." Marquess Vallois asked.

"Hm. I will consider whether to answer or not. You can ask now ..."

"Okay. I heard that His Highness Yvone had a Dragon totem when he was twelve years old, but in that year I didn't hear anything about the appearance of a dragon. Where did he get the dragon for his totem at that time?" whispered Marquess Vallois.


Leonhart who heard the question did not immediately answer. He was silent for a long time.

"Marquess Vallois. No matter how light the consequences you will get if you know the answer, I don't think I can answer your question... just live in peace because I don't want to know that myself."

After Hearing Duke Leonhart's words, finally Marquess Vallois could only swallow his curiosity completely. because he himself knew that anything dealing with the palace and the kingdom was a complicated matter and might hold many horrors. Therefore, Marquess Vallois no longer spoke and just continued chatting casually with the others while enjoying the food at this party.

Meanwhile, Leonhart is currently thinking about Marquess Vallois' question because after all, it has been bothering him for quite some time. In fact, he almost forgot about it until finally Marquess Vallois brought up His Highness Teon's dragon totem again.

Leonhart's memory drifted back several years. When the palace was hit by a bit of continuous chaos and somehow the problem was hidden from anyone. Even the nobles didn't know about the queen's death at that time or about Crown Prince Teon Yvone who suddenly had a dragon totem.

"I'm still curious. How did His Highness Yvone get the dragon totem by herself without the help of Carrion and I who were supposed to take care of the totems of the nobles and royal family...?"

Because daddy seemed busy with his thoughts and several people came to him to talk. I got off the bench and ran to see this lively party.

Oh yeah. I now also know that His Highness Yvone is sixteen years old now. But he doesn't look like a typical teenager. Is it because he was born as a crown prince who has carried the burden of the kingdom since birth so he looks very mature?. I mean, His Highness Yvone doesn't look like someone who is sixteen years old.

"Where is Crown Prince Kharel?" I thought. I tried to look for his figure because the choco kid was the only one who was the same age as me. He would have been one of the small children present at this party, but wherever I looked, I only saw adults everywhere.

Did he not come to this party?, but why?.

When my eyes searched for the figure of crown prince Kharel, my eyes now also caught something interesting so I stopped looking for the presence of the choco kid.

I was now paying attention to His Highness Yvone and several of the ladies who were talking to he. Some of them looked suitable and harmonious with His Highness Yvone.

I'm curious why he didn't just choose one of them to marry?. He even gave me a marriage proposal letter. I really don't understand what he's planning.

Look at the ladies who approached His Highness Yvone and stood near he. They are all very beautiful and cute. I'm so jealous. Especially Lady Louisa who was also present. She is truly the figure I dream of. I want to be like her. But I have to mature first to be like them. But I don't want to grow up. I hope I continue to be a child. Ah, but I also want to be like them!. Wow, this is just bothering me!. Being an adult or being a child both have advantages and disadvantages.

I sighed and forgot all my desires. For now, let's enjoy everything there is. Like, those delicious cookies!.

I walked towards the banquet table which was filled with various light snacks and desserts. And tries to take it but...


Even though I'm four years old and already tiptoeing on my feet, I can't even pick up the food on this table!. Should I ask Vio to make high-heeled shoes specifically for small children?!.


Wow!. I am surprised!.

In the midst of my annoyance, suddenly my body floated and apparently someone lifted me up so I could take whatever I wanted on this table!.

"Young Lady, take whatever you like. If you don't have any I will tell the palace chef to provide what you like..." said someone whose voice I knew very well!.

"Your Highness Yvone!"

This man carried me so I could take the food on the table!. Oh my gosh. This is quite embarrassing. But luckily I'm a small child now.


I took a cute shaped pink macaron and a chocolate muffin look so teased.

"Already?" asked His Highness Yvone and I nodded so he put me down from his arms.

"If you want to take the cake again, tell me. I'll carry Young Lady again..." he said.

I nodded again while eating the muffin with gusto. This is so delicious!. I went through it so fast that my mouth and cheeks were filled with cake crumbs again!.

His Highness Yvone certainly noticed because she had been watching me eat. Why are you paying attention to me!. Ah, but I think I understand the feeling. Watching a small child with thick cheeks eat with gusto is indeed cute and adorable, like watching a squirrel chewing its ex's nuts.


His Highness Yvone cleaned my mouth with her handkerchief as soon as I finished with the muffin.

"Would you like some more cake?"

"I want to!" I answered. Of course I don't want to miss out on a lot of delicious food at this party!.

"Okay, come with me..."

"You. Bring all the food for the Young Lady to my room," said His Highness Yvone to a servant before she finally took me to his private room.

As soon as I arrived, I immediately knew that this was His Majesty Yvone's study room. Look at the pile of documents on his messy desk.

When I went to the sofa in the corner of the room, I was stunned because there was a lot of very tempting food on the table near the sofa!. Because this table was shorter, I immediately took a cake with cream and strawberries on top.

While I was busy eating again, His Highness Yvone came and sat next to me with a book with some familiar pictures. It was an illustration of a beautiful little fairy, a wolf, and a pirate!.

"Young Lady, I brought the story book. You can read the continuation of the story of the great wizard that I told you yesterday..."

His Highness Yvone opened a page that seemed to be the continuation of yesterday's unfinished story.

I looked at that page. There was an illustration of a deformed figure of a great wizard and next to it was the continuation of the story, but as soon as I saw the page containing the story I just fell silent in shock.

"Young Lady, I forgot to ask this before. Can you read yet?" asked His Highness Yvone.

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