
Trapped In Genshin Impact

Axel gets trapped in the world of genshin impact. It says he is one if the chosen players. He got in many different troubles before in the earth world because he cut his sisters hair but this is different... (IT IS OKAY TO NOT KNOW ABOUT GENSHIN IMPACT AND STILL READ THIS BOOK.)

Ignacio_3_Keegan33 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


I saw a crack open from the ground and wind rushed out of it.

I took step by step getting closer to the crack as the wind roared from the dragon's wings and it tried to push me back.

But I held my ground and took one more step.

Now, I was right on top of the crack with wind storming out of it.

I opened my gliders and up, up, and up I went.

Now I and the dragon were the same height.

I glided to the dragon and suddenly a minigun had appeared in my hands.

The minigun shot blue lasers out of the minigun.

'This must be a weapon that only appears in a quest' I thought. And it was.

I shot at the dragon while gliding at it.

A bar appeared at the top of my view. A health bar!

It said [ Davalin. 2000 health].

'So the dragon's name was Davalin! But was it not Stormterror?' I thought.

The dragon did not attack me at all. All he did was dodging. After he reached 0 Hp He had flown away.

The howling wind and the dark sky faded away and lightness came shining through.

Suddenly I lost balance of the gliders and fell. It all happened so fast.

*Thump*, and I lost all of my health, and I turned into Amber. Oh right, I forgot to tell you. I had Amber in my group. I could turn into Amber if I thought 'Amber'. But if I die then I turn into the next person in my group.

At that time Paimon had just found out how to use the gliders.

But, what help could she do anyway?

[ Ding! Quest: Fight Stormterror complete. 500 adventure level exp. 5000 mora. New, travelers basic sword. New, 20 large gems].

'Weapons', I thought.

[Ding! Weapons equipped: Dull sword, 1 star, 26 damage].

'switch to Travelers basic sword' I thought.

[Ding! switched to Travelers basic sword, 3 stars, level 1, 36 damage].

'Enhance, 7 large gems' I thought

[Ding! Level up. Travelers basic sword, 3 stars, level 14, 76 damage].

'Close' I thought.

I had just figured it out. If you go to the Statue of seven and get close enough it heals you. But it only has a certain amount of healing power.

So I went to The statue of the seven and healed Axel up and went back to Monstadt.

There, waiting for me was a man dressed in blue, he had dark blue hair and a strip of white on the right side. He had light purple eyes and an eye patch on his right eye. He had a scarf cape. And a belt that had an ice gem. Now that I noticed, Amber had on a fire gem! She was also a fire type! So does this mean that the guy is an ice type?

"Hey traveler, I saw your battle with Stormterror, quite impressive indeed," The man in blue said.

"My name is Kaeya," Kaeya said, "come on follow me, Jean wants to talk to you"!

'Who in the world is Jean' I wondered.

[Ding! Quest Menu updated! Follow Kaeya to Jean inside the Knights of Favonius building].

'Whatever, I'm going to find out anyway" I thought.

As we walked, I asked randomly,

"Paimon, This is just a game that I have to complete, right"?

Though I already knew the answer would be yes. But instead, she said," what game, this is a world dummy"!

"What"? I said, surprised at her answer.

"Ah, apples want one Paimon"? I asked, quickly changing the topic so Paimon would not suspect me.

"Ok"! She said as she gobbled one up.

I followed Kaeya to the Knights of Favonius building and I opened the door.

I saw a woman at the front desk. She had blond hair tied up in a ponytail, light blue eyes, And a collar with an anemo gem in the middle of it. She also had a blue jacket that was unbuckled and a white shirt inside. She had white boots. She was probably Jean.

There was also a woman that was, by the looks of her, a witch. She had a purple long pointy hat, she had a necklace that had an electro gem on it, and purple clothes. She also had green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. She was reading a book.

"Jean, I brought them," Kaeya said looking back at me.

The woman with blond hair stood up.

"Oh, hello, I'm Jean who are you traveler"? She said.

"Oh, I am Axel" I responded.

"Well, you are a cute one", said the witch.

"Uhhh, ok"? I said, tilting my head to one side.

"Don't mind her, she's Lisa", Jean said.

"So how did that dragon get to our town"? Asked Jean. "And why did he seem angry"?

"I do not know". I said.

"There must be a reason". Kaeya said calmly.

"Uhh, I noticed it had two purple spikes on Stormterror's back. That must be affecting Stormterror somehow". Said Paimon.

"And we found the same dragon that left this red gem," I said, pulling out the glowing red gem that we found at Whispering Woods.

The gem sparkled.

The red in the gem seemed like blood.

Everyone took a close look at the gem.

"That can be important, keep it safe for now", Lisa said, looking up at the gem.

That was the only thing that seemed to interest her.

"Well, welcome to the conversation Lisa," Kaeya said sarcastically. "Let's go to a domain Axel", Kaeya said. "I want to see your talents more clearly".

And with that, I, Paimon, and Kaeya left for this domain that I was going to figure out was a little bit scary.

[Ding! Quest: Follow Kaeya to Jean inside the Knights Of Favonius building complete. 200 Adventure level exp. 2000 mora. 30 character exp].

[Ding! Adventure level 2 to Adventure level 3].

[Ding! Quest menu updated. Follow Kaeya to the domain].

Then a yellow square appeared wherever I was looking.

When I looked directly at it said, "384m".

'That was probably how far away I was to the domain'. I thought. 'The yellow on the square was probably showing that it is a story quest'.

"Come on Axel"! Paimon said. "Let's see what is this Domain thingy"!

So I went near to the yellow square.

245m, 184m, 124m, 30m, 9m, 1m.

There was Kaeya, Standing next to, which appeared to be, two stone doors with some design on them. In the cracks were red light.

"This is the Temple Of The Falcon"! Kaeya said. "Impressive, right"?

"Yea," I said.

Paimon pulled me closer.

The stone doors were much taller than they seemed far away.

The stone doors were two times taller than me.

"Well, let us head in"! Kaeya said. "There is much to see"!

And so he pushed the doors open.