
Identity Of The Boss


Those were Genesiz last words before he lost consciousness. Genesiz heroic act had led him to fall into a trap laid by the woman he thought needed saving.

" I can't believe that those bunch of muscle head idiots failed to capture him, well at least thanks to those buffoons I'll get all the credit!", said the blonde with a greedy look on her face.

"Ok you two, get up! the job is done, let's bring this trash back to the boss"

As she said that, the two men who were knocked out started to revive and get back on their feet!

"Ugh! this piece of shit can throw a deadly punch, my damn head felt like it was about to tear off"

"We're the lucky ones imagine what he did to the others," said the men while trying to stand straight.

"Ok enough! carry him back to the van, we don't have to worry about being seen, the van is just at the alley exit", said blonde as she walked away.

The men began to carry Genesiz back to the van, one holding his hands and the other holding his feet.

" Damn! this guy is heavy"

"Hey! Shinjo doesn't the clothes he has on seem familiar to you?" asked one of the men.

"Umm... now that you mention it, yeah they do look familiar but for some reason, I just can't remember" Shinjo replied

"Yeah.. me neither! we must have been punched too hard"

" Haha! I know right! the tough sonova bitch gave us amnesia"

They continued laughing until they reached back to the van and throw Genesiz in the trunk then drove off.

A couple of hours later...

Genesiz had started to regain consciousness, his eyes still looked sleepy as if he was half-awake. As he began to open his eyes a beam of bright white light flashed in his eyes making him blink several times before he could adapt to it. Genesiz head felt very dizzy almost making him want to throw up, he tried moving his body but his movements were obstructed because he was chained tightly to a chair. The two beams of bright light were still in front of him, it looked like they were coming from a car. He was confused about what was happening and seem to have forgotten that he was captured.

"Just what the hell is happening..? Am I back in that damn cage again?!" Genesiz mumbled to himself.

At that same time, one of the men who was in the car, keeping watch of him realized that Genesiz had woke up.

" Miss Yazura!! the guy seems to have regained consciousness!" he shouted.

As soon as Genesiz heard that, the memories of what happened started coming, and began to realize that he was in some deep shit.

"Oh Fuck!" he cursed

"So my knight in shining armor is finally awake, you slept well I presume?" Yazura asked while she walked towards him

Just by looking at the shape of the figure coming out of the light, Genesiz could tell that she was the woman who had tricked him.

" Oh, so my little princess in distress who I had rescued so bravely had repaid her knight's heroic deed with drugging and capturing him?"

"Hmph! that quite a sharp tongue you have, I wonder if my knife is sharper..."

At that point Genesiz kept his mouth shut not uttering anything else. He didn't seem as panicked or afraid as you'd think he would, he wasn't worried one bit. He looked around trying to see where he was being held captive but he couldn't make out anything because of the light.

"Can't you guys turn off that fucking light?!" Genesiz asked feeling very annoyed.

"What the hell do you want from me anyway?"

"It's not us who wants something from you, but our boss and he'll be arriving shortly", responded Yazura

Beep!! Beeeep!!

"Speak of the devil, you two! hurry up let the boss in", ordered Yazura

Genesiz could see the garage door opening to let the car in. He then started thinking either he was in a very big, empty garage or an empty warehouse but that didn't matter he just wanted to find a way to get out of the situation he was in. The car drove in and parked right next to the other one, facing Genesiz.

" So many damn lights! at least turn off one of them you bastards!", Genesiz requested aloud.

Genesiz saw a figure of a man coming out of the driver's seat then Yazura and her two men went to greet him. They behaved very respectfully towards him just like how you would show respect to an Emperor. Genesiz could not make out a single word they were saying but he knew that they were talking about him. Soon after they had finished and three of them went out and then the boss man started walking towards Genesiz.

"You're still quite the troublemaker aren't ya Genni boy?" asked the boss

Genesiz thought the voice sounded familiar but he could remember who it was.

"Do I know you?" asked Genesiz

"Ok look I know that I owe your Yakuza gang money but I promise I will pay you back in a few months just please give me more time"

"Only a fool would believe that! it's been many years and yet you still haven't changed one bit Gen!", the boss responded while 6 steps away from coming out of the light.

Genesiz felt puzzled because he still can't remember where he had heard that voice from before.

"It seems that you have forgotten my voice well let me see if you have forgotten my face as well"

As he stepped out of the bright light, Genesiz was extremely surprised. He wasn't expecting to see this person because he thought he died many years ago.


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